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Rant & Rave without repercussion S 5/S 6 speculation continued [book and show spoilers]


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Can we talk about all those pointless scenes in Danaerys' plot? Like, remember the episode where she executes the slave and all the slaves hiss at her? Indicating that her support among them was eroding? NO PAYOFF. That went nowhere. 

Answer me this: who's side were the Sons of the Harpy even on? They kill slaves, so they're on the side of the nobles. Dany executes a slave and loses slave support, so maybe the SotH are on the slaves' side. Then they ambush some Unsullied--maybe they're on the noble's side? Then they kill Hizdahr--maybe they're on the slave's side? 

We need a Mereen retrospective, because after all this time, the show failed to show us what the MAIN ANTAGONISTS of a WHOLE STORYLINE were motivated by!

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Can we talk about all those pointless scenes in Danaerys' plot? Like, remember the episode where she executes the slave and all the slaves hiss at her? Indicating that her support among them was eroding? NO PAYOFF.

Oh, I've actually forgot about it! The imagery itself was terrible, it made them animalistic, which...ehm...wasn't a best choice. And also they managed to spoil not-Stalwart Shield's death. It was so heartbreaking in the books! and they made former slaves to participate for no reasons.


PS: My lands and titles are returned? Sorcery!

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I taught an introductory Creative Writing class to middle-school students this summer. One of the things I emphasized was motivation: writers need to know why their characters do the things they do. Why does your villain not like your hero? Maybe your hero said something mean to them once? Maybe your hero is part of a group they don't like? Maybe your villain is jealous of something your hero has done?


And yet the show still can't consistently portray the motivations of the SotH...

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This is what happens when they simplify plots and storylines. Dany's plot is not "girl conquer slaves cities": it's, among many things, a tale and critic about damaging capitalism and how much people is able to make others sacrifice in order to maintain their lives as they know it. 

You can see that here everyday. Mining contaminates and destroy. Few years ago, there were many protests because a mining company was practically draining a lake that is sacred for a small population. When people protested, they were labelled as subversive and terrorists that were against progress. I don't think these people defending mining was "bad": their motivations came from who they were afraid to lose what they worked hard to maintain (stable economy) and didn't want to change the way they now live their lives. While some of the slavers in SB are more extreme, Hizdhar is more like this case: I doubt he's a "bad person" and I believe he honestly believes that the slaves deserve better but he doesn't want to live in a place in which he is in danger of being the slave, so he is going to defend his world even if this means some slaves need to die.


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Okay, brand new reliable spoilers from WOTW. Apparently, there's a scene being filmed this week. Speculation says It's set during 6X10, most likely. Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Littlefinger and Ramsay talk inside Winterfell, most likely after the battle, and Ramsay lost. During the tension filled discussion (And I'm now firmly on the team that the two bodies were Walda and Roose, because otherwise, where are they?), which I'm guessing it's Ramsay's execution, a Giant walks in. 

Those spoilers earlier about a council formed between Sansa, Jon and LF are seeming more and more likely, though I'd like to know how Rickon figures into this, if he is alive at all. If any of this happens on George's books, Sansa probably re-enters Winterfell with the Vale army, If If I had to guess. 


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Okay, brand new reliable spoilers from WOTW. Apparently, there's a scene being filmed this week. Speculation says It's set during 6X10, most likely. Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Littlefinger and Ramsay talk inside Winterfell, most likely after the battle, and Ramsay lost. During the tension filled discussion (And I'm now firmly on the team that the two bodies were Walda and Roose, because otherwise, where are they?), which I'm guessing it's Ramsay's execution, a Giant walks in. 

Those spoilers earlier about a council formed between Sansa, Jon and LF are seeming more and more likely, though I'd like to know how Rickon figures into this, if he is alive at all. If any of this happens on George's books, Sansa probably re-enters Winterfell with the Vale army, If If I had to guess. 


Sooo, I hope this is where Sansa uses her new found political knowledge and rats LF the fuck out to Jon and LF is killed. I mean at this point in the TV, Sansa HAS to know not to trust  LF. I hope she tells Jon all that went on and feeds Ramsay to Ghost. And I kinda liked Fat Walda. I didn't want to see her die. Or Roose... At least not Roose dead if Ramsay still lives to flay another day. 

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There's no way this happens in the books, it's much too stoopid. 

I'm craughing, but mostly laughing. This is the funniest thing I've read in years. But it's so bad, it's sad.

 Yeah, It's so bad, I'm not sure how much worse can it get. I knew Sansa would be part of the "Take down Ramsay" mission the moment she was raped. You can only top misogyny with faux-empowerment. It's rape-revenge fantasy all over again. Wait for loads of moments where Sansa asks for Ramsay's head, sees through the whole act, Ramsay acts all funny about it, then begs for mercy the moment he realizes his end is coming and Sansa goes through with it as the cold, calculating STRONG WOMAN she is. She'll probably say something to the effect "But we are not men."


They call it the Raven-Murder Council, a fitting name. Just wait until Fansa starts sewing again.

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Sooo, I hope this is where Sansa uses her new found political knowledge and rats LF the fuck out to Jon and LF is killed. I mean at this point in the TV, Sansa HAS to know not to trust  LF. I hope she tells Jon all that went on and feeds Ramsay to Ghost. And I kinda liked Fat Walda. I didn't want to see her die. Or Roose... At least not Roose dead if Ramsay still lives to flay another day. 

I honestly have no idea what to expect at this point. It seemed like Sansa was hip to LF's game at the end of season 4. But all throughout season 5 it's like she forgot everything! I don't understand!

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 They call it the Raven-Murder Council, a fitting name. Just wait until Fansa starts sewing again.

Perfect! :lol:

It was kind of sad at first, what the story has come to. Could it be any more offensive, I don't think so.

But the smh lasted about 10 minutes, and now it's just too, too, funny. It's remarkable how bad this is.

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No, LF betrayed Sean Bean. And since, he was destined to die anyways (because he always dies), all LF did was speed up the process a little bit. So what's the harm?

But, more seriously, like yeah WTF?

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Perfect! :lol:

It was kind of sad at first, what the story has come to. Could it be any more offensive, I don't think so.

But the smh lasted about 10 minutes, and now it's just too, too, funny. It's remarkable how bad this is.

Killing Sean Bean off seems to have become a thing of the past these days, so let's have him come back to GOT as Ted, Ned's secret brother and have him go 'all medieval' on LF's ass.  Why not?  Makes as much sense as all of season 5.

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No, LF betrayed Sean Bean. And since, he was destined to die anyways (because he always dies), all LF did was speed up the process a little bit. So what's the harm?

But, more seriously, like yeah WTF?

I'm sure there's a paper bag they know how to write their way out of, but they haven't spotted it yet.

Seriously, the rules of good writing out the window. There are so many things wrong with this.

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