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Battlestar Galactica: Season 4 Thread


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Darkest episode ever. Seriously.

There was some really unusual, crazy direction going on in this ep as well. It worked really well, but I seriously recommend against watching this ep if you are feeling depressed. Shit.

* goes to find some happy stuff *
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Hang on, weapons locker 1701D?

Groan. It would have been funnier if [b]Heroes[/b] hadn't done it first.


And at about 28 minutes, when the other basestars jump in, you can clearly see the constellation of Orion in the background. The CGI team having a laugh, or a hint that they are in Earth's neighbourhood?
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[quote name='Werthead']And at about 28 minutes, when the other basestars jump in, you can clearly see the constellation of Orion in the background. The CGI team having a laugh, or a hint that they are in Earth's neighbourhood?[/quote]

Or maybe they are just using real shots of stars as background? IIRC they did that on B5.
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[quote name='Werthead' post='1320371' date='Apr 19 2008, 04.39']Hang on, weapons locker 1701D?[/quote]

I know I am going to lose some Geek Cred asking this, but what is significant of "weapons locker 1701D"?
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[quote name='Guy Kilmore' post='1320478' date='Apr 19 2008, 09.52']I know I am going to lose some Geek Cred asking this, but what is significant of "weapons locker 1701D"?[/quote]

The number for the Enterprise on Star Trek: The Next Generation (where RDM got his start) is NCC-1701-D.
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What an unrelentingly dark episode of a dark show! I was gradually spoiled about almost everything that would happen (the promo videos alone gave away practically everything), and I'm glad as it was still shocking to see it, even if you knew what was coming. If you weren't spoiled at all, it must have been one shock after another.

When the 2-6-8 baseships were being fired upon, one in particular seemed to take crippling damage in those first salvos. I think that one is a goner, the other 2 may survive.
One of the early promo videos from before S4 showed Natalie talking to a colonial ("the final five are in your fleet") so Natalie's baseship either survives and jumps or they have another resurrection ship nearby anyway.

The way the writers are going with Boomer eludes me. They could easily have her in the position Natalie's ally "council-8" was in (who actually has more lines of dialogue so far than Boomer in S4), but instead they need to have her as Cavil's lover :bang: ? This screams plot device (I guess they don't want her to come back into contact with humans just yet), it isn't character-driven writing. Boomer would be back "big time" this season, I hope they don't mean the kiss with that, one hopes there's something more to it than just being Cavil's sidekick. I loved Cavil in this episode though; his remarks on the Centurions was a direct hit on Natalie and co ("the magic word" -heh). And he's deliciously evil; I wonder what he knows about the Cylons and their origins, he may know more than even 3 does. At least here, Boomer was consistent with her behaviour on New Caprica; she disagrees ans is shocked with all the killing but she seems to be fully passive about it (allthough I suppose she can't do much about it in this situation anyway).

Starbuck is even more unsympathetic than usual, a shame after she was supposedly a new person after Maelstrom. Lee - curious that Zarek was so anti-Baltar that he didn't even want a trial for Baltar, and now he is praising Lee for defending him. Could be manipulation, I suppose. Stil dislike it that he quit his (very important) job in the military, and got a party for it, while others are drafted to work on the refinery ship and similar vessels. I guess he's being prepared for becoming the president at some point.

Cally - poor, poor Cally. On this part, the writers did a good job at letting everyone take actions that seem fairly true to the characters and the frakked-up circumstances. Cally hitting Tyrol was so sad, and then Tory says all the right words to talk her around, and then...
It's probably the rational thing to do if Tory wants to protect her secret, at all costs, and that is understandable to a degree, but she was so cold. We are not evil, we are still the same person...
For Boomer (way back in S1) and Tyrol and Anders, this is probably true, and I think all three would be very shocked (and Tyrol probably murderous) if they had seen what happened. Tory was being quite the robotic killer, a true Cylon in the best tradition of the 7. She also seems to have superstrength, further confirming that the 5 are machines quite similar to the 7.
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Hated the episode, hated the butchering of Cally's character. She's not the strongest personality out there, and she loved Tyrol with all her heart, but I refuse to accept that her reaction to seeing what she saw would be 'wrenches Galen upside the melon, gets emo and takes herself and her perpetually wailing half-cylon rodent to an airlock'. She'd at the very least have picked up the phone and called Adama BEFORE getting emo and the heading out to an airlock part.

The crying toddler might be very realistic, but not in the least bit entertaining. If intended to set the mood, then the only mood it set for me was 'I don't want to waste my day listening to some brat shrieking on my TV - if I wanted squealing offspring, I'd have made some'. Worst yet, when we didn't have a screaming toasterling, we got whining in the Quorum and petty squabbles among the Cylons. At least Starbuck reacts to HER emo [b]'I must [s]sculpt Devil's Mountain[/s] paint the way to Earth'[/b] with violent angry frakking

Season 4's motto to date: [i]Boring AND annoying. It has all happened before; it will all happen again.[/i]
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Seeing that moon-faced idiot Cally go out the airlock was the best BSG moment in quite awhile. If only Roslin had been in there too. Tory is now officially awesome. I've even started to actually like Apollo's character if for no other reason then he opposes the holier then thou assholes that tend to dominate the show.
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[quote name='The Fat Man' post='1320625' date='Apr 19 2008, 10.00']BS:

The last interaction Adama had with Cally was when he threatened to have her executed at the end of 'Dirty Hands'. Why should she trust him now?[/quote]

She wouldn't care about trusting him. My scenario still had her going out an airlock.
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[quote name='Bronn Stone' post='1320636' date='Apr 19 2008, 14.09']She wouldn't care about trusting him. My scenario still had her going out an airlock.[/quote]

Oh, I see. So you were such a fan of "Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down" that you want the writers to go there again? Dramatically, that's a dead end: Adama's never to going to believe Cally Tyrol, the emotionally unstable infanticide, over his closest friend. And there's no particular reason for Cally to think that he would.
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I thought it was a good episode. Spacing Cally was pretty hardcore. I don't see why it is hard to believe she would attack the Chief. Remember what she did to Boomer? Also, she is totally right. Anyone who propose to a guy after he breaks your jaw might not be thinking too clearly. It kind of makes sense that things have deteriorated, especially once she went on the drugs and started getting paranoid. I can't see why she would go to Adama. I don't think he would believe her.

Seeing Tom Zarek again was cool. I have always liked his character. Lee's storyline could be interesting, it seems he is going to be pitted against Roslin. I'm happy that they are finally addressing issues of government again. Lately, they have kind of forgotten that they have a Fleet to manage, supply, and care for.
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Great episode. Lots and lots of Cylon goodness and a kickass ending. Of course, I like my shows to be dark and disturbing...

The Apollo storyline might be interesting, but not so far. It was cool to see Zarek again, and I wonder if he is not manipulating both Roslin and Apollo against each other. If they crash and burn, he can pick up the pieces and become president.

So far, season 4 is great :thumbsup:
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Guest Raidne
[quote name='Anatole Kuragin' post='1320520' date='Apr 19 2008, 10.08']Did anyone else get a huge laugh out of the lines:

"I just.. want to frak. I really want to frak..."[/quote]

Yes. That just didn't sound quite right, you know?
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That was sad. I thought Cally was gonna make it at the end there. It was like "OMG, she's gonna kill herself". And then "Phew, it'll be ok" and then "Oh shit". /sigh
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Great, dark episode. I don't think Cally was out-of-character at all. She's a notorious Cylon-hater, moreso than many on the show. She killed Boomer in cold blood. Why is it hard to believe that she would beat Chief with a wrench and try to kill her Cylon baby? She was also apparently on heavy anti-depression drugs. No reason to think she would be thinking straight.

As for not going directly to Adama....why on earth would be believe her? As noted, the Doc has her on drugs, which she has reported problems with. Does anyone think Adama would really believe that the XO, chief of the deck, and personal assistant to the president are all Cylons? Particularly when Chief and Tigh were two of the primary forces behind the New Caprica resistance? Tigh killed his own wife for collaborating with the Cylons - would Adama really believe a drugged up knuckle-dragger over Tigh? Not going to happen. I think she knew that.

I also liked Lee's story arc as well. Probably because Zarek (#5, imo) was involved.

Lastly, it was interesting to see how the four deal with their newfound Cylon-ness. Tigh still won't accept it and hates it, Anders tries to pretend it didn't happen, Chief is trying to figure out what it all means, and Tory is simply loving it. For the first time, I felt like Tory had some depth to her character. Hope that continues.
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