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Doctor Who: Season 32 thread


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It wasn't better than Blink or Human Nature/Family of Blood by any means. You need a physically menacing bad guy for a truly great episode of Doctor Who.

I'd agree with that, it was a good episode and possibly the best Matt Smith episode but there have been a few episodes over the past few years that were better.

As for a rundown:

Mid season 5 right before he stops existing

5:13 Doctor and Amy assume Robo Rory must have been destroyed in the fire he saved the Pandorica from in the museum's history video

6:2 Canton shoots him, but not really

6:3 Falls into the water and Doc sics the Siren on him

6:3 CPR apparently fails, just kidding

6:4 House gives Amy illusion of Rory going mad and dying alone hating her.

Rory has died six times with varying levels of actuality and permanence.

Rory 'dies' in Amy's Choice as well, which would make seven (or eight since he arguably dies twice, once in the English village dream and once in the TARDIS dream).

ETA: Also, I really liked the Doctor's description of The Corsair and I really hope they find a way to work him/her into an episode at some point as a real character.

It would be nice to have more Timelords back in the show, especially if they had a more complicated role than just being villains.

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This fake Rory death was one of the most horrifying gut wrenching things they've ever done, or would have been if they didn't kill him every episode. Instead of empathizing with Amy I was left rolling my eyes annoyed that they'd done it again.

Otherwise, great episode.

As for a rundown:

Mid season 5 right before he stops existing

5:13 Doctor and Amy assume Robo Rory must have been destroyed in the fire he saved the Pandorica from in the museum's history video

6:2 Canton shoots him, but not really

6:3 Falls into the water and Doc sics the Siren on him

6:3 CPR apparently fails, just kidding

6:4 House gives Amy illusion of Rory going mad and dying alone hating her.

Rory has died six times with varying levels of actuality and permanence.

Honorable mentions

6:1 Doctor is killed by Impossible Astronaut, but yeah right

6:2 Amy/River also "killed" by Canton

Totalling six to seven fake deaths this season, depending on if you count the Doctor's as fake before its inevitable aversion.

In addition to the one williamjm mentioned, you also missed what was probably the most severe of Rory's deaths - the first one, in "Cold Blood".

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In addition to the one williamjm mentioned, you also missed what was probably the most severe of Rory's deaths - the first one, in "Cold Blood".

Nope, first on the list, but I didn't feel like digging up the episode number or title.
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I was actually kind of disappointed with this episode. I had heard that this episode would be very scary and expected that because it was written by Neil Gaiman and I know he can do scary and creepy. I didn't like the Rory "dying" scenes; too repetitive after awhile. If a character dies, he/she should stay dead. (and that means you too Lady Stoneheart...) I did think the title was good because it sort of tricked the viewer, initially, but it had depth to it and an actual meaning behind it because in essense, the Tardis is the Doctor's wife.

"The only water in the forest is the river."

I wonder what that means. I hope it's not just pointless foreshadowing of another River return, but it doesn't seem to link into anything else that has gone on in this series or the last.

I'm curious about this too. I agree that it better not just be a way to inform the viewer that River will appear again because we already know she will, eventually.

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I'm curious about this too. I agree that it better not just be a way to inform the viewer that River will appear again because we already know she will, eventually.

Sounds like someone having to choose between River Song and Amy Pond

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Oh, btw: when the Tardis comes back into the universe and then again near the end, just after Idris vanishes and there's a shot of the Tardis floating through space- that is The Crack in the background, isn't it? And it's not the one they've just come through, coz the camera pans away from that one onto the last-season one.

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Oh, btw: when the Tardis comes back into the universe and then again near the end, just after Idris vanishes and there's a shot of the Tardis floating through space- that is The Crack in the background, isn't it? And it's not the one they've just come through, coz the camera pans away from that one onto the last-season one.

Good spot. At 42 minutes 2 seconds. It's the same shape, certainly, but less ominous this time, a galaxy rather than a white hole...?

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Good spot. At 42 minutes 2 seconds. It's the same shape, certainly, but less ominous this time, a galaxy rather than a white hole...?

One at 37:48 too, though it's probably the same one. It's more nebulous than normal - though there's definitely a white glow within it- but iirc at one point in the Venice episode it showed itself in the shape of clouds, so it's not a first time.

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Sounds like someone having to choose between River Song and Amy Pond

I had not thought of this, but I don't see how the quote could refer to Amy. Or maybe I'm interpreting this too literaly and not figuratively enough...

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I had not thought of this, but I don't see how the quote could refer to Amy. Or maybe I'm interpreting this too literaly and not figuratively enough...

The only water in the forest is the river. Which means there is no pond in the forest. I think this is a plausible interpretation, but not a likely one.

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I want Warren Ellis to write one next. :unsure:

It would entirely depend on his mood and whether he'd ever actually finish. Don't get him to do a 2-parter!

After hearing Alan Moore's ramblings at "uncaged monkeys" (and based on everything he's done) he could write a very interesting Dr Who but at this stage in his career there's no way in hell he'd put up with all the editorial interference. I guess I should track down his Who comics someday.

As for the episode it was very Gaiman and it became quite clear that Gaiman's style is very "dr who". Even my girlfriend immediately noticed the "family" were very "neverwhereish". The big plus to the story was the fleshing out of the TARDIS and the insinuation that it's been the guide to the Doctor's life. It chose him and it wasn't faulty - it sent him where he was needed over all those years. For that the episode was worth it.

Otherwise, I'm not super bowled over by it in terms of "best episode ever". The rory dying thing must be a "kenny" edict from Moffat now and the TARDIS character felt like it was meant for Helena Bonham Carter. The family and the Ood felt extraneous/shelved too early and i suspect there's a lot of stuff that was cut out of the original script.

I'm not sure I like the whole outside the universe/bubble universe thing either. It may be a convenient way to bring time-lords back though but worry it's opening up a whole can of worms for future stories.

But again, the episode was more than worth it for the revelation the TARDIS is the one with the plan :)

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Yeah, this does give them an 'out' with the 'death of the Doctor'. If the Flesh can replicate internal organs down to the minutest detail, presumably it can replicate the regeneration process as well. Even if the FakeDoctor dies in the next episode, the technology itself could be the answer.

On another note, this better not be building up to the fecking origin story of the Sontarans. Because we already have the origin story from Old Who that firmly establishes them as militiristic aliens who were losing a nuclear war with the Rutans so started cloning themselves. Retconning them as humans would be retarded. But the way the Gangers strutted down the corridor with their staff-like weapons and the hugely bulbous helmets was very Sontaran-like, and the Doctor seems to know what the Flesh will become, so it might be the way they're heading. Especially as the Sontarans have also been in Nu Hu, who new fans will know what they're talking about.

That aside, a decent episode, and pretty scary. My gf's son got freaked out by the head-on-a-long-neck thing (yet another Thing reference, perhaps) and had to go to bed!

After hearing Alan Moore's ramblings at "uncaged monkeys" (and based on everything he's done) he could write a very interesting Dr Who

I was going to say he already has, but then I noticed you said you knew he'd written for the comics.

To be honest, they weren't great. It was Moore near the beginning of his career and they were pretty generic (I remember something with K9 blowing Daleks away with laser cannon blasts, not exactly in keeping with the spirit of the TV series).

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I'm enjoying this story. It has a very old school 1980s/Peter Davidson feel to it, but definately a much more lavish and atmospheric production. It probably won't become a classic story like 'The Doctor's Daughter' or 'The Empty Child', but it'll definately be one of the higher rated ones.

Even better, it actually gave Rory something to do.

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the way the Gangers strutted down the corridor with their staff-like weapons and the hugely bulbous helmets was very Sontaran-like,

When they first showed it in the previews last week, I thought they were Sontarans.

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Yay for newfound Rory assertiveness. I hope it doesn't lead to another contrived awkwardness between him and Amy.

I also hope they're not Sontarans. But perhaps it's more along the lines of being stolen Sontaran tech. I wonder what the significance of the acid is- any ideas, or is it just a plot contrivance to make it more difficult for them?

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