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[BOOK SPOILERS] Episode 6 Preview


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Aren't sexworkers SUPPOSED to be just objects, though?

Within Westerosi society, yes. But the narrative of GoT also treats them like objects (consciously or not), which is what I have a problem with. Last season several sexworkers were abused without any impact on the plot. Even the abuse that was taken from the books (Cersei abusing the wrong sexworker) didn't impact the plot as much as it did in the book, where it led to Tyrion threatening to rape Tommen.

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Those things could be achieved without this scene though. That's my point.

So, even if there is a way that this scene is relevant, it's still unnecessary. But I have no doubt it will end up just like the scene last season where Joffrey abused the sexworkers, which was casually referenced a couple of times without having any impact on the plot.

I'll just reference last week at this exact time when you went off like a crazy person when seeing the Selyse stills and assumed the writers were ripping apart the very fabric of the adaptation and that they were personally violating your sensibilities. On and on... for pages and pages... just hateful, ignorant bile...

And then the episode airs, we all saw how the scene fit within the context of the show and the general consensus was that it fit in just fine and was an interesting minor deviation that Cogman wrote in to give more context to Selyse.

I would have thought a week wouldn't have you forget that little tantrum so quickly. But evidently, we're going to have to all sit and witness the exercise all over again....

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Stop watching the show? Hahahaha, no way. I'll keep watching and complaining vocally every week.

It sounds like you (and a few others) just need to stop reading my posts.

This kind of attitude makes it extremely hard to respect your views.

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It seems like people who are at least temporarily outside of the main action, but important to the end of things (Bran, Arya, soon to be Sansa, Sam) will begin to get the "Bran Season Three" treatment. Small scenes and not even every episode.

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There is a huge variety of female characters, you're right, but they're not as well-written as their book counterparts and are sometimes sidelined to expand on male characters (Cersei and Catelyn specifically, although the same is true of Sansa).

But the show shows absolutely no respect for women. Female nudity is shown through the male gaze, sexworkers are treated like objects to be used and disposed, etc.

The only reason why characters aren't written as well as their book counterparts (which is something I actually agree with) it's because they have limited time. This is not something particular to female characters though, I mean just look at book Jon vs. show Jon.

As for sexworkers being treated as sex object, that's realistic and has very little to do with respect from the show writers, but mainly with the sort of respect they'd get from a society that works that way. Female nudity and male gaze... I can see the point, although I'm not that bothered by it, but in this case I don't see it. They're ending Ros' story, giving her a cruel exit because in the words of the people in charge, Ros represented hopes and dreams that are ultimately squashed.

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So, anybody got any spoilers to share yet about tonight's episode? :P There were some tweets over at WiC about someone from Russia taking blurry vid right off a tv screen and posting them online, but I don't know where. I remember though, that the stills we saw last week at this time (Selyse's babies in jars, etc) were from a Russian site. How in hell do the Russians get this stuff in advance?!

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The only reason why characters aren't written as well as their book counterparts (which is something I actually agree with) it's because they have limited time. This is not something particular to female characters though, I mean just look at book Jon vs. show Jon.

As for sexworkers being treated as sex object, that's realistic and has very little to do with respect from the show writers, but mainly with the sort of respect they'd get from a society that works that way. Female nudity and male gaze... I can see the point, although I'm not that bothered by it, but in this case I don't see it. They're ending Ros' story, giving her a cruel exit because in the words of the people in charge, Ros represented hopes and dreams that are ultimately squashed.

I haven't seen the episode yet but I would imagine that since we're getting a LF/Varys in the throneroom scene, the point of Ros being fed to Joffrey by LF will be to illustrate one of the ongoing ASOIAF themes that in the Game of Thrones, it's the smallfolk and the innocent who end up suffering the most. Ros got caught up as a pawn between the "games" of LF and Varys and paid the price through no fault of her own, outside of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

At the same time, after sidelining Joff for most of the season so far, they are going to remind us all of his psychotic and misogynistic tendencies by giving him another innocent plaything for him to cruelly torture.

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No. I declare myself ignorant and clueless on the matter. Now, can someone tell me what the hell is going on?

WTF??! that is... rather.... wow. How exactly?.. I don't even know what to say. Can someone show me the pics?

More here: http://imgur.com/a/EbTjD

Sansa's sad face makes me :( The rest of her makes me :) though.

Those who have managed to remain unspoiled so far, I will say, to taunt you, that the time in season 1 LF and Varys discussing when they last saw each other is probably related to this

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I haven't seen the episode yet but I would imagine that since we're getting a LF/Varys in the throneroom scene, the point of Ros being fed to Joffrey by LF will be to illustrate one of the ongoing ASOIAF themes that in the Game of Thrones, it's the smallfolk and the innocent who end up suffering the most. Ros got caught up as a pawn between the "games" of LF and Varys and paid the price through no fault of her own, outside of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

At the same time, after sidelining Joff for most of the season so far, they are going to remind us all of his psychotic and misogynistic tendencies by giving him another innocent plaything for him to cruelly torture.

I agree with this.

I'm sure someone else has said this but

I think that Ros's murder will be interspersed with the LF-Varys scene, where LF gives the Climb speech from

. The scene will probably end with Varys's dawning realization of what has happened to his spy. I think it will make for a powerful and horrific scene.

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I haven't seen the episode yet but I would imagine that since we're getting a LF/Varys in the throneroom scene, the point of Ros being fed to Joffrey by LF will be to illustrate one of the ongoing ASOIAF themes that in the Game of Thrones, it's the smallfolk and the innocent who end up suffering the most. Ros got caught up as a pawn between the "games" of LF and Varys and paid the price through no fault of her own, outside of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

At the same time, after sidelining Joff for most of the season so far, they are going to remind us all of his psychotic and misogynistic tendencies by giving him another innocent plaything for him to cruelly torture.

Yes, this too. I do think that an ongoing theme of the episode will be "If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention" and will be so for a number of characters (Sansa, Ros, Theon and possibly Brienne). It's just a guess though

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Looking at the spoiler again, I noticed that you have

the X that Theon is strapped to displayed very prominently in that torture scene, in such a way that its shape is emphasized. Then in the scene of Jaime and Brienne you have the flayed man clearly visible in the background. Starting to make it a bit clearer to the non-readers who it is that's holding Theon.

^That is not the spoiler that everyone is all aflutter about, but I put it in spoiler tags just to be safe.

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It would probably be easier to just all out avoid sites like this and IMDB, especially IMDB since one of the threads there straight up said what the spoiler was for todays show.

I'm more worried that some ass will post spoiler pics for the RW everywhere, just to troll people. I want to see the twitter tumblr meltdown in all it's unadulterated glory!

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It would probably be easier to just all out avoid sites like this and IMDB, especially IMDB since one of the threads there straight up said what the spoiler was for todays show.

Terrible, terrible. Heading over there right now! :P

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It'll be good to see Littlefinger looking powerful and evil as well. The show's generally portrayed him as someone who claims much larger a role than he actually has, which is the opposite of what he is in the book: this will give him more menace.

And more on whatever happens with the crossbow: I'm very curious how or if Margaery is involved. After all, she did ask Joff if he wanted to watch her kill something - could this be Joffrey's idea of a second date? It definitely has the potential to be what makes the Tyrells give up on any idea of keeping the king in check, and in that case could play a bigger role in the plot than the abuse scene last season - which I agree should have served as more of a plot point.

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It'll be good to see Littlefinger looking powerful and evil as well. The show's generally portrayed him as someone who claims much larger a role than he actually has, which is the opposite of what he is in the book: this will give him more menace.

And more on whatever happens with the crossbow: I'm very curious how or if Margaery is involved. After all, she did ask Joff if he wanted to watch her kill something - could this be Joffrey's idea of a second date? It definitely has the potential to be what makes the Tyrells give up on any idea of keeping the king in check, and in that case could play a bigger role in the plot than the abuse scene last season - which I agree should have served as more of a plot point.

LF is also behind the murder plot of the pw right? so maybe he knows of Marge's manipulation of Joffrey and thinks that maybe the plan won't go through( I think in the books the plan was okayed as soon as Sansa said that joffrey was a monster) so after finding out about ros being a spy instead of just having her killed, he sends her up to joffrey's room and has him deal with her, sealing his own fate.

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