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[Spoilers] Breaking Bad - The whole thing felt kinda shady, y'know, morality-wise?


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I think there are a few problems with that thery, like how does Walt know Jesse is a slave, more importantly why would he have a fantasy about Jesse fantasizing about woodworking when we don't have any reason to believe he knows about the box, and how does he know Todd and the gang intimidated Skyler?

I also think they would have thrown in something at the end, if not going as far as showing Walt's frozen corpse in the car, at least they could have had it start to snow in the crane shot when Walt is dying.

Personally, I get the complaints about the ending, but an Owl Creek Bridge ending would just kill this whole thing for me and turn it into one of the bed shittingest finales ever.

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I think there are a few problems with that thery, like how does Walt know Jesse is a slave, more importantly why would he have a fantasy about Jesse fantasizing about woodworking when we don't have any reason to believe he knows about the box, and how does he know Todd and the gang intimidated Skyler?

I also think they would have thrown in something at the end, if not going as far as showing Walt's frozen corpse in the car, at least they could have had it start to snow in the crane shot when Walt is dying.

Personally, I get the complaints about the ending, but an Owl Creek Bridge ending would just kill this whole thing for me and turn it into one of the bed shittingest finales ever.

I definitely prefer it being a real ending where Walt was relatively lucky in things falling into place than him dying in his car. Your examples of holes in the theory are accurate too.

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Has it been discussed here (I went back 2 pages, I'm not trawling through 18) about the theory going around that Walt died in the car and everything else is actually him dreaming an end for himself? I don't buy it as VG says it isn't the case but it does actually work reasonably well and does address the issues so many have with how neatly Walt wraps things up.

Someday, a show will end and no one will theorize that everything after a certain point was a dream. Someday.

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I'm starting a bit of a rewatch, now beginning with "Gray Matter". It's very strange watching Walt and Skylar acting like a "normal" couple. And even more bizarre seeing Walt and Elliot as friends (or at least friendly).

I did note Skylar mention that she was due to deliver in only 10 weeks, which implies that the end of season 2 is only two or three months away from Elliot's birthday party. I don't know if that timeline really makes sense.

I don't think it does. I remember reading a pretty elaborate post about it (if I can find it I'll link it), and it used a few reference points (Walt turning 50 at the start, 52 at the end, a reference to the death of Bin Laden, the year of Jesse's birth compared to his current age, etc) to determine that the timeline doesn't actually fit.

But, you know, who cares. :drunk:

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the only thing i would have like to seen was Walt leaving a letter for jr when he went to see Skyler...he got to resolve things with Skyler but not with the one person who believed in him the most.

Why should he get to resolve it? Maybe Junior will believe that he didn't kill the Nazis EDIT: I mean Hank, maybe not.

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the only thing i would have like to seen was Walt leaving a letter for jr when he went to see Skyler...he got to resolve things with Skyler but not with the one person who believed in him the most.

I think that was the point though. The lies he made to his son and the deception were something you simply cannot do. He ruined his son's life. What is money when your reputation is forever stained by Heisenberg? Miley Cyrus was recently destroyed by the public and media for basically nothing but embarrassing herself. Jr's dad was the biggest meth cook and criminal that the Southwest had seen. Everyone that meets him will ask "Wasn't your dad that huge drug lord?"

I think for the stain Walt left on his son's life, he doesn't deserve Jr's forgiveness.

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I would have liked to seen a post-credits scene with Jesse paddling a canoe across a beautiful Alaskan lake or something. I just think we needed ONE more thing with Jesse.

A beautiful Alaskan lake,the bastard should be happy to be alive! Christ, people today just can't be satisfied. Free him from slavery they said, then that happened. Get him away from the cops they said. Now they want him to retire like some legitimate citizen. What next, a view of him sailing the high seas? :P

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So I'm just wondering, how does everyone feel about Skyler after the end?

I found her kinda annoying in the first season, but through the middle chunk of the show I really loved her and sympathized with her and her difficult position. I especially loved when she confronted Walt and called her on her shit.

But at the end, I couldn't help but feel like she's kind of a hypocrite. It was really season 5b that made me dislike her again. Particularly two things - telling Walt to stay quiet because the DEA will go after the money, and trying to convince Walt to kill Jesse. Especially the second part, she seemed so nonchalant about it. (I mean, she was shaken up about the gasoline thing, but she didn't seem to care at all that she was essentially ordering the death of a person.) This was basically the only time Walt and Skyler had an argument and I agreed with Walter.

I couldn't help but feel like she's kind of a hypocrite after that. I mean, she has been spending the whole show trying to detach herself from Walter because he's the kind of guy who "kills people and shrugs it off as 'shit happens'" (to paraphrase), and that's basically what she did in the hotel.

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