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will you be annoyed if the most obvious ending happens?

gash is back

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Well, with current dgeree of theories, most obvious ending seems to be Daario riding Rhaegar and swinging dawn attacking the wall on the side of others, while Podric and Hot Pie reforge Ligtbringer by puting it trough the heart of Hodor.

Thus, I consider your theory unortodox

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I don't think any particular ending is "obvious", to be honest.

Other than that I'm with LordStoneheart, while GRRM may want to surprise his readers, he's not going to write cheap gotcha!s, so if those are the opposite of an "obvious" ending, I certainly won't be annoyed with an obvious one.

That said, I wouldn't say the OP's representation of an "obvious" ending is all that obvious. It might be stereotypical, perhaps, but that's not the same thing at all.

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What IS the most obvious ending? It varies from person to person, it seems. So, I don't think there IS a 'most obvious ending', since it doesn't seem to be obvious to everyone.

But if the ending that I personally think could happen does happen...I don't care. If the story was only built around things I don't see coming, then it would be a pretty poor story indeed. Part of the appeal of any story is that it makes sense in the end...some people are always going to see what's coming in the end because they can put the clues together now.

So no...I only care that the story was entertaining and well written.

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Not really because I don't think there is a glaringly obvious ending. I trust GRRM to offer a satisfying conclusion that will tie up the threads of the story and make sense as the reader looks back on the whole. He wants to deliver the best story he can dig out of himself and I think he can and will do just that.

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Well, I would be a bit annoyed if the ending came and I was like "meh", but I believe that GRRM can make ASOIAF have the ending you described and I would be all "woooooooww!". So no, the ending itself (in its content) matters nothing to me.

Or I would be a bit annoyed if he had left clues all over and just dropped them because it would become to obvious (like LordStoneHeart said, or as we called him in highscool; The Bully :crying: )

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What IS the most obvious ending? It varies from person to person, it seems. So, I don't think there IS a 'most obvious ending', since it doesn't seem to be obvious to everyone.

But if the ending that I personally think could happen does happen...I don't care. If the story was only built around things I don't see coming, then it would be a pretty poor story indeed. Part of the appeal of any story is that it makes sense in the end...some people are always going to see what's coming in the end because they can put the clues together now.

So no...I only care that the story was entertaining and well written.

I agree. The ending doesn't matter as long as it makes sense and the story has clearly been building up to it right from the start. Which I believe will be the case because our writer knows what he's doing. Anyone can write a story with unexpected turns on every page but it's a lot harder to write a story full of foreshadowing and red herrings.

So will I be mad if the story will end in some stereotypes that would put even the wildest fanfiction to shame (namingly Dany+Jon living happily ever after and ruling all of Westeros, or similar)? Yes, I will. Will I be mad if the ending features something long anticipated by readers in multiple detailed theories that have been constructed over the years (i.e., R+L=J)? No, I certainly won't.

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I think by "obvious" people now mean "fairytale" ending, and that's a moot point. Not only is that not close to GRRM's writing style (and this is going by his other writings, not just I&F), he's already said he has a bittersweet ending.

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