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Elder Scrolls V anounced!


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Let's face it, for all it's impressiveness, Morrowind was a pain in the arse to play. It takes you forever to get started, so you're screwed from the beginning. I had a go at it yesterday for the first time in a year or so, and spent what must've been 4 hours running around, collecting plants and mushrooms and other shit for coinage to improve my character's prestige and make him a bit of dosh. The only thing that gets improved upon is your acrobatics and athleticism, which, unless you're playing as some sort of thief or whatever, isn't really helpful. I was going for a pseudo-Crusader type of character, so it was very slow going in terms of progression.

Oblivion, on the other hand, was good to play from the offset. You didn't scurry around, worrying about being attacked by flying things and cursing your poor, low health rate. You weren't blanked in guilds and told to fuck off by practically everyone and called an outsider. The game is genius, really, but a pain.

And I'm off to play more.

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Seems like both games had a lot of doing irrelevant mundane shit as a pretense to greater immersiveness in the world. It's pretty much what got me turned off and walk away from Oblivion.

I prefer the mundane stuff in a game like Heavy Rain: taking a piss and flushing the toilet, or taking a shower so you can get a flash of some wet CGI bewbs.

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I played the shit out of Oblivion, but in the end I had the same issue with it that I did with FO3 - once you've done it all... well, what's the point in keeping on? Replays were essentially all the same because it was so easy to become an all-powerful force. I think I literally played every single quest in both of those games, had a great time, but I'll probably never play Oblivion again (maybe FO3 because I've been playing New Vegas and it made me nostalgic).

Morrowind, on the other hand, seemed endless in scope to me. I can't even begin to claim that I did everything or went everywhere because there was SO MUCH STUFF in that game. Fuck I hated those cliff racers (especially when you're trying to make your character into an archer but the bow only does 3 dam and you have like a .004% chance of hitting anything) but the ruins and the random things you found in the wastes were just so awesome.

Even the expansion packs were good.

Here's one gripe, though, which applies to all of these games, really, though less to the Fallout games: The cities were way too small. Vivec had a population of like 40, and whatever the capital city in Oblivion was called was supposedly this huge metropolis, and there were like 100 people there. FO handles it better by having NPCs that you can't talk to who are just random citizens... ES should do something like that and approach realism.

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I restarted Morrowind recently. For the longest time I would have said Oblivion kicks the living shit out of Morrowind in terms of enjoyability. What puts Oblivion of the top is the overwhelming superiority of the combat (with Morrowind you kind of just swing your weapon rapidly and hope what results is a lame hit sound over a lame miss sound, while the animation will be lame either way; with Oblivion you actually feel the impact of that shit and the enemies' reaction, and it looks really cool and is massively entertaining). Also, the wikipedia dialog and lifelessness of all the characters in Morrowind killed it for me. Oblivion had recycled voices, and many other problems with the voice acting, but it was several marks better than Morrowind's system.

There was a time I would have said that.

Now that I've started Morrowind again, however, I'm beginning to think better of it. I installed all of the expansion packs, and modded the shit out of the game and the improvement is vast. It's enough that I'm really immersed now and seeing the beauty of what the game has to offer. I have to say, I'm impressed. This game is fucking huge. Oblivion was huge, but this game is even bigger. And the wikipedia dialog doesn't bother me as much this time around for some reason.

At this point I would say I don't care which game is better. I'm just happy that I love both of them, because there's a fuckload to love between them. And I'm really looking forward to the next Elder Scrolls.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now that I've started Morrowind again, however, I'm beginning to think better of it. I installed all of the expansion packs, and modded the shit out of the game and the improvement is vast. It's enough that I'm really immersed now and seeing the beauty of what the game has to offer. I have to say, I'm impressed. This game is fucking huge. Oblivion was huge, but this game is even bigger. And the wikipedia dialog doesn't bother me as much this time around for some reason.

Was thinking of playing Morrowind again myself. Any advice on which mods are good?

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New info.

Less skills, level scaling that works like Fallout 3 and, going by the scans, if this is a new engine it's one that looks a fricking lot like the Gamebryo one. Seriously, the visual improvements over FO3/ES4 seem to be pretty non-existent.

Can I focus your attention to this screenshot? If that's what the skills menu is going to be, it'll be even more irritating than oblivion's inventory/menu slide'n clickfest... Hopefully this is just for the consoles, but I doubt bethesda pays much attention to ports. And I still need to see some evidence of AI that doesn't run straight at you

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Dual weilding is also in. Furthermore, you can now dual cast spells (cast a different spell with either hand, or cast the same spell with both hands to increase its power).

Dual weilding sounds cool. I hope you can dual weild a staff and a sword. The dual casting sounds stupid and uncessary tbh.

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I loved Oblivion. I can only think of 1 or 2 games that I've enjoyed more. I spent so much time playing it, with loads of different races and challenges. Once you've completed all the quests, explored most of the land, then just pump it full of mods and it's a whole new game again. Some of the mods for Oblivion were just fantastic, and definitely contributed to me spending so long playing it.

I liked Morrowind too, and Fallout 3 (haven't played New Vegas yet but I intend to) but I'm really looking forward to this. I think it is going to be absolutely class.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New article on the game and the first-ever screenshot, albeit a really boring one.

Salient points: better AI, better animations, a dynamic quest system (you might be asked to assassinate someone but the target will change depending on which NPCs you've met) and dragons.

Oh yeah, and the game will feature wooly mammoths. You might encounter a mammoth being attacked by wolves.

Is this not what gamers have wanted for since the beginning of time?

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