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Skahaz mo Kandaq

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About Skahaz mo Kandaq

  • Birthday 06/24/1969

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  1. Lady Catelyn is punished for murdering a mentally disabled person who was innocent of any crime. Bran too will receive severe punishment for doing this to Hodor.
  2. The Order of the Greenhand. I think it was they who first discussed the significance of the red door. They said it was a place of safety for Daenerys. The comet, door, desert, Astapor are turning points for Dany. The red comet is the sword that slays the seasons and it signals the change of seasons. It is significant because Dany changed from Khaleesi to Azor Ahai. The walk through the Red Waste turned her from little girl to capable leader. The door changed her plans from Crone of the Dothraki to Daenerys of House Targaryen, rightful owner of Westeros. The red bricks of Astapor took her from ambitious princess to fierce conqueror. The Weirwoods are people. The weirwoods are people! Carving the faces gives them sight. Arya removes the faces of the dead. The First Men puts faces on the dead.
  3. Orys was a sufficient enough match for the daughter but Argillac was too arrogant. You also must consider what the Targaryens were planning to accomplish. They needed to avoid the dilution of their DNA. The prophecies given to Daenerys were the same ones given to the three siblings. It is imperative to keep the line as pure as possible. The blood of the gods must be kept clean to fight the demons of darkness.
  4. Look back on Sansa's past. Very well. Sansa is not smart BUT she's not evil. She's not mean-spirited. The teasing she did to Arya and calling her HORSEFACE doesn't count as mean-spirited to me. I give Sansa credit for compassion. She had compassion for Dontos. But I'm afraid she might murder Sweetrobin if Littlefinger and Harry tells her to. She could do it because love screws with Sansa's mind and Harry could demand this of her.
  5. Access to the sea and the Free Cities have benefits. The location of King's Landing gave them those advantages.
  6. Who poisoned the locusts and who was the target? It is one of the most interesting mysteries in aSoIaF. My suspicion is on Hizdahr. A man from the culture who declined to enjoy the local delicacy is strange. The intended target was Daenerys. Belwas and his appetite saved the Queen.
  7. The Starks are selfish traitors. Somewhere in Walder's heart he wanted to believe this Robb Stark was a better person than the boy turned out. However, the reason people like Frey trusted him was because he had little in the way of options. The Starks had an army camped outside his castle. What was the old man to do? He had to deal. He made the choice he thought would bring the best security and gain for his family.
  8. Daenerys is not fully sure of their loyalties but she is giving them the benefit of the doubt. That's one of the traits I love about Daenerys. She has maturity and intelligence beyond her age. She needs the men and therefore gives them the benefit. Skahaz is one of my favorite people too. His story and what little we know of his backstory can be a story in themselves. I would happily read a backstory of Skahaz and find it more interesting than another Dunk and Egg. Reznak mo Reznak is more than likely also loyal to Dany. Reznak's culture comes out from time to time but it doesn't mean he is not supportive of Dany's administration. A wise ruler like Dany will listen to opposing viewpoints and consider their merits. Which she does credibly.
  9. @Lord of Raventree Hall Viserys was not a psychopath. To the best of our knowledge, he has never committed murder despite the stress and challenges he was facing. The Prince was a bully and had a short temper. But that does not make him one. Arya is a psychopath. The author said so during one of his interviews. It was the author's intentions to create Arya as a psychopath and it doesn't matter whether that fits your listed criteria.
  10. Lysa's own son is suspiciously under-developed. Indulgence and over-protection alone cannot explain Robert's odd manners.
  11. The Baratheon boys had their chance but failed miserably. The Lannisters also failed the people. Jon failed at the wall. Westeros will need a strong leader like Dany to bring order and peace.
  12. The biggest sore loser is Catelyn Stark. She murders an innocent young man out of hate and spite.
  13. It's hereditary. The Tully girls inherited it from their ancestors and passed it on to their children.
  14. Putting Jon and Arya together and at least one city in Westeros is guaranteed to burn.
  15. It is a little sad but Martin has been setting up the Freys for a huge suffering. Some of the men deserve the punishment for breaking guest rights and their direct role in the red wedding. Most of the Freys are innocent. The Freys deserve to keep the Twins and the bridge. They deserve to keep their assets. Punish the wedding planners but leave the others unharmed.
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