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What did you learn today?

Littlefingers In The Air

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That I matter! That my karate instructor appreciates my assistance in the children's class. This was so nice to hear! She also went to one of the heads of the karate school to help me out with a situation. I was very touched. :love: (of course she is awesome, even without doing this...that I already knew)

Milday, how could your mattering ever be in doubt? :grouphug:

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That I don't have to get angry at my husband when he's railing at me and talking over me. I can simply, calmly say, "I can't talk to you right now." If he doesn't stop, I simply, civilly say, "Goodbye" and disconnect.

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I learnt what the really catchy song that has been playing in work is; "os mutantes - a minha menina" on a viva brazil cd we're selling, it's been stuck in my head for a couple of days but I kept forgetting to check what the song is called and NOW I KNOW

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That I'm not going insane.

Two days ago I was at the kitchen sink, reach for a bar of soap... no soap in the soap dish?

I was positive it was there in the evening before I left for work, but whatever.

This morning when I came home from work I reach for soap, and wtf, no soap again! I start investigating to see where in the hell it's gotten off to and then I spot it... on the ground, wedged between a space in the kitchen cabinets. I pull it out and there's the answer, bite and scratch marks!

I've got a rat in the house... but at least it has fresh soapy breath!

I'm going to kill me a rat this weekend.

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Sequoias are majestic, ancient witnesses to our world's unfolding history.

And banana slugs are cute and creepy all at once.



I learned that the covers on our couch are at least a little liquid-proof. The husband fell asleep holding a mug of beer and spilled it all over the couch (and me!) Good news is when I took the covers off the cushions the foam inside was dry.

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I learned that Washington never told a lie.
I learned that soldiers seldom die.
I learned that everybody's free,

I learned that policemen are my friends.
I learned that justice never ends.
I learned that murderers die for their crimes
Even if we make a mistake sometimes.

I learned our Government must be strong;
It's always right and never wrong;
Our leaders are the finest men
And we elect them again and again.

I learned that war is not so bad;
I learned about the great ones we have had;
We fought in Germany and in France
And someday I might get my chance.

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Beauty Will Save the World

Media levels everything down to the same neutral mass of stuff we call “information.” Each person is asked to navigate the seas of information according to the dictates of tastes and moods which are themselves influenced by the media machine. Thinkers such as Soren Kierkegaard and Walter Benjamin saw some of the implications of this “leveling process” long before they became as evident as they are now. But it was Gilles Deleuze, drawing on the work of William S. Burroughs, who perceived that in a true information society, the mode of domination shifts from the ideal of discipline to the ideal of control. In a society of control, the prime directive isn’t to punish those who transgress anymore, but to limit the possibilities of thought, feeling, and action in such way that real change feels absolutely impossible. And control is largely an aesthetic project.

Interestingly, it is precisely at the moment when aesthetic production became central to the organization of power that public discourse began to dismiss art as a frivolous activity, useful as a source of amusement and perhaps a mode of communication, but ultimately dispensable. This is no coincidence. We sense that art has its own ethic, and that this ethic, if recognized, would pose a grave threat to the system that governs our lives.

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That a broken toe turns many different colors.

Oh, and it also sucks ass to have one when you have to run after two small kids and a puppy all day long.

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I learned today that cinemas can have what they call 'newbie screenings'; now I'm told these are meant for very young children and mothers, but I find it quite odd that if you're a male, the staff can make you leave. Thankfully a friend and I were able to stay as there was only one other person around, but I still find it rather strange.

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