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Walking Dead Season 5 (No Comic Spoilers)


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Part of the satisfaction among the fanbase was probably caused by the previous disappointments at how long the Governor storyline was dragged out over two seasons.

So when the Terminus situation was resolved in a major way in the very first episode of Season 5 it no doubt generated huge feelings of relief among a vast swathe of the fanbase.

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Part of the satisfaction among the fanbase was probably caused by the previous disappointments at how long the Governor storyline was dragged out over two seasons.

So when the Terminus situation was resolved in a major way in the very first episode of Season 5 it no doubt generated huge feelings of relief among a vast swathe of the fanbase.

But if it was going to be a one and done thing, it would have made a lot more sense to do it at the end of last season. For that reason, I suspect we haven't seen the last of the nice people of Terminus.

But I do agree with the general sentiment that the governor storyline went on too long.

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think "Who wants to be a Millionaire" It was the biggest thing on TV, and It started airing 2 and 3 times a week, and burned itself out.

This is a no Comic Spoiler thread, so if that is from there, that should not be here or at least, should be in a spoiler tag.

It wasn't a spoiler at all, just my prediction.

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I just watched last night. Great episode. Just a few thoughts and observations:

1) I might take Eugene's answer for how he has the "cure" more seriously if he didn't look like he just walked off the set of Trailer Park Boys. Still, though, did he say he had a cure, or was he saying that he could formulate a cure? Because, you know, science!

2) I got the feeling that we're going to be treated to a redemption arc storyline with Garreth. I'm not sure how I feel about that, if it's what ends up happening. Maybe he joins the group at the end, or maybe he dies trying to save them. Either way, I think we're going to see a lot more of his this season, since Mary, the only other recognizable Terminus figure was offed by Carambo.

3) I can't believe we went the whole episode without seeing one of the most popular characters on the show - Michonne's sword. It wasn't in the bag of weapons they retrieved, right? Did it get left back in Terminus? Is it gone for good?

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2) I got the feeling that we're going to be treated to a redemption arc storyline with Garreth. I'm not sure how I feel about that, if it's what ends up happening. Maybe he joins the group at the end, or maybe he dies trying to save them. Either way, I think we're going to see a lot more of his this season, since Mary, the only other recognizable Terminus figure was offed by Carambo.

I don't think it'll go anywhere near that. It's just a "this is why I became what I am" sort of thing to parallel Rick's transformation. The guy kills and eats innocent people. There is no 'redemption'.

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I also think it's strange that so many people would agree to resort to cannibalism just because the leader says so.

I don't know, I think one of the main themes of the show is how different folks react to constant fear and trauma. In the case of the Terminus people it seems like they were trying to survive as decent people until some other group came by, took over, and tormented them. It was the last straw for those people, after surviving the zombies and seeking refuge they were fucked over by fellow humans. Nobody can be trusted at that point and, well, they do need to eat. I don't think it is that much of a push in this scenario.

On the other hand, Rick's crew has had to be ruthless at times but they do stick to a moral code. In real-life, I think that is how it would be if the system completely collapsed and there was noone around to enforce law. You'd have some bands of people who are still hanging in there morally, trying to do the right thing. And you'd have others who were either bad from the start and finally given an opportunity to embrace that aspect of themselves, or who were pushed into accepting horrible acts as a result of the circumstances. I wouldn't underestimate the ability of the right personality type to convince people to go along with just about anything. We even see that in the real-world sometimes with all of our rules and standards in place.

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1) I might take Eugene's answer for how he has the "cure" more seriously if he didn't look like he just walked off the set of Trailer Park boys. Still, though, did he say he had a cure, or was he saying that he could formulate a cure? Because, you know, science!

I didn't really hear a cure anywhere in that. All I got was something about reconfiguring something or other to kill the zombies. Kind of got the sense that it was some sort of military satellite weaponry. Either way, it wouldn't really solve the problem if everyone is infected. Zombies would start springing up again once more people died. In much fewer numbers, to be sure. That or it would just kill everyone, actively a zombie or not.

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I loved this season premiere !!!!

Carol for president !!!

The pace was just fast enough,drama was just the right amount, walkers were on fire...for real :lol: Great. Rick is quite tough now and he seems to have learned something from Governor experience...don't give them chance to come back to get you.

Carol fighting Burger King Mom was good scene too. It was as if they were showing how they were basically two same women and how they ended up in very similar situation now - tough enough to do some hard stuff..sometimes even to overdo it.

What's with leaving everyone to turn? yeah I get the revenge aspect is there and all but I'm wiht Morgan here...people you need to clear more. At the end of the day it's just one more walker to deal with. It was nice to see him, goot to see they mean to introduce his character to the story again.

I just want to say that scientist guy still looks like he's lying his ass off there. His half vague answers are not convincing me at all. so you have this great idea to turn the virus from attacking living to attacking living dead..cool...so that still doesn't explain how and why it's only YOU who could do it...there's no more smart people left anywhere? Don't get it. I expected him to say he's immune or something so his blood is the answer...I watch too many vampire shows...

Where's is Michone's sword??? Noooooo

Daryl and Carol meeting was so cute,I actually though it made stronger impression that Rick and Judith.

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I loved this season premiere !!!!

Carol for president !!!

The pace was just fast enough,drama was just the right amount, walkers were on fire...for real :lol: Great. Rick is quite tough now and he seems to have learned something from Governor experience...don't give them chance to come back to get you.

Carol fighting Burger King Mom was good scene too. It was as if they were showing how they were basically two same women and how they ended up in very similar situation now - tough enough to do some hard stuff..sometimes even to overdo it.

What's with leaving everyone to turn? yeah I get the revenge aspect is there and all but I'm wiht Morgan here...people you need to clear more. At the end of the day it's just one more walker to deal with. It was nice to see him, goot to see they mean to introduce his character to the story again.

I just want to say that scientist guy still looks like he's lying his ass off there. His half vague answers are not convincing me at all. so you have this great idea to turn the virus from attacking living to attacking living dead..cool...so that still doesn't explain how and why it's only YOU who could do it...there's no more smart people left anywhere? Don't get it. I expected him to say he's immune or something so his blood is the answer...I watch too many vampire shows...

Where's is Michone's sword??? Noooooo

Daryl and Carol meeting was so cute,I actually though it made stronger impression that Rick and Judith.

OK what's up with the Morgan scene? I'm pretty sure I watched the episode til the end, I had DVRed, and I didn't see Morgan.

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OK what's up with the Morgan scene? I'm pretty sure I watched the episode til the end, I had DVRed, and I didn't see Morgan.

I've sorta been wondering the same thing. Although, I had a few glasses of wine before and during watching and just figured I missed it.

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OK what's up with the Morgan scene? I'm pretty sure I watched the episode til the end, I had DVRed, and I didn't see Morgan.

Same here, i had to youtube it.

It's just Morgan arriving at the sign that Rick changed for Terminus, then seeing a marking on a tree and walking in that direction after.

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Re Morgan:

There was a scene at the very end that showed Morgan walking along the tracks where the rest of the group had been. It seems like he might be following them now. It was pretty much after the main episode had aired, my DVR did not pick up that part either. I saw it because I watched the episode live on Sunday. When I re-watched my DVR'ed version last night I noticed that the recording cut off before that part.. so those of you who only have watched it on DVR probably wouldn't have seen it at all.

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There is one thing about Terminus that bothers me. Originally they were nice people and it was a sanctuary. Then the bad guys came in and started raping so they decided that they would be the butchers instead of the cattle. I get that. However what flipped the switch for them to start eating people? I could see bringing people in and making them slaves, or killing them and taking their stuff, but eating them? I feel like there has been plenty of people who have been viciously raped in this world and although they suffer mental trauma I've never heard of it turning them into a cannable.

I think the bad guys either took all their food or it was destroyed in the fight to take back Terminus. They were still too broken or scared to go foraging to rebuild their supplies, so they were using the supplies they took from the people they were luring in, but it wasn't enough and they were starting to starve, then Mary or someone else realized there was one more way they could use these people they were robbing.

Alternatively,the bad guys may have been the ones that introduced cannibalism to Terminus and were eating the original Termites, and Garreth literally meant becoming the butchers rather than the cattle.

It looked like a big step to me too.

Imagine the first time someone bought that up...so...look at that guy...he's chubby...and soft...and juicy...I'm just saying...just trowing it out there...we're all thinking it come on!!!

I think it was maybe either that they were introduced to the concept by the group that held them prisoners or it was at first isolated incident,one person got mad enough with hunger to do it and when they found out they started thinking about it...

2) Now that Daryl has given the group a bit more information about Beth's fate beyond. "she's just gone," is that going to be their new objective, or can they just write her off? Or can they afford to split up the group with the goal of meeting up in Washington? A description of the car isn't much to go on, and they can't expect to just start combing the countryside for her, but she's part of the group/Maggie's sister/etc etc…

Well they don't know where to start so they might as well just go about their DC business or whatever they decide to do and just look for clues /information etc along the way.

I myself am pretty sure they will meet up with Beth in DC. Don't know why.

I could see them possibly killing off Rick, but I hope they don't. If there is a main character, it's Rick, and I'd personally hate to see him not be in the story. Agreed on Darryl, he's a fan favorite and I think they'll keep him around.

I hope so too. I still love rick as a character and he's one of my favorites.

That's the last time I'm chewing beef jerky through an ep of TWD.

I was eating red curry...bad choice

2) I got the feeling that we're going to be treated to a redemption arc storyline with Garreth. I'm not sure how I feel about that, if it's what ends up happening. Maybe he joins the group at the end, or maybe he dies trying to save them. Either way, I think we're going to see a lot more of his this season, since Mary, the only other recognizable Terminus figure was offed by Carambo.

Oh God please no. I"m quite tired of redemption arc for bad guys twists. I see them left and right in every show I'm watching. I know it's popular now but come on...

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