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Nitpick With Impunity S04 E02 Version

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Now that the show has actually brought up the idea of the Ironborn holding the gateway to the North, I'm guessing the Karstark forces (supposedly half the Northern army) that were said to have "marched home" last season are going to join Rodrik Cassel's army from season 2 in just vanishing without any explanation due to the showrunners' narrative changes.

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Now that the show has actually brought up the idea of the Ironborn holding the gateway to the North, I'm guessing the Karstark forces (supposedly half the Northern army) that were said to have "marched home" last season are going to join Rodrik Cassel's army from season 2 in just vanishing without any explanation due to the showrunners' narrative changes.

To be honest, Rodrik's S2 "army" was only 200 strong. Who cares what happened to them.

Karstarks are another matter. And yeah, "half the Northern army" controlled by one lord was a bit silly. One quarter would be a sufficient blow to Robb's military perspectives.

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Now that the show has actually brought up the idea of the Ironborn holding the gateway to the North, I'm guessing the Karstark forces (supposedly half the Northern army) that were said to have "marched home" last season are going to join Rodrik Cassel's army from season 2 in just vanishing without any explanation due to the showrunners' narrative changes.

:lol: They are in that miraculous place Petyr went to in S2 where time doesn't apply :p

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I'm wondering if one of the reasons that they kept Brienne away from Sansa was to prevent Sansa being offered help escaping from someone that she might trust? That, and I do think, perhaps, that Brienne is still trying to work out what would be best to do, and thinks she has some time to work it out. Still, it is very glaring to not even throw in a 'hello, I'm sorry about your mother, she was good to me, etc.?' I suppose it could be put down to Brienne not wanting to draw attention to her and Sansa having anything to talk about IF she should have the chance to get her out of KL? Besides, we do know that Brienne had no idea that all hell would be breaking lose at the wedding.

All in all, even with these reasons, it looks awkward not to have some type of acknowledgement of Sansa by Brienne. They could have done that or.........had Brienne discuss with Jaime how she didn't want to bring attention to herself in relation to Sansa, in front of others. Still, with 2 episodes under our belts, it looks weird.

Tbh there's just no way that both book!Brienne and show!Brienne wouldn't have rushed to Sansa to at least let her know Cat fought and fought, and was trying to get both she and her sister back. Brienne was concerned about letting Margaery know she didn't kill Renly, so there's no way she wouldn't have spoken to Sansa. They fucked it up by changing the timeline but wanting to keep the same exact storyline with Sansa escaping with Dontos, and now both Jaime and Brienne look like morons. If they change timelines they need to have better back up plans that make sense.

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Aside from the obviously atrocious adaptation of Stannis, I really don't like how Selyse has been done. Yes she's fanatical in the books, but she isn't an idiot either. And she truly loves and cares for Shireen. That's probably her one redeeming quality, and they got rid of it just to create some cheap drama.

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I'd paste my response to your equivalent post in another thread, Queen of Whores, but I can't paste on AFOIAF as I've complained about time and again. I will take issue with your saying that show Stannis is "obviously atrocious" however. There are many of us who do not think so . So, not really obvious then, is it? There is a certain demographic or contingent of the fandom who is VERY upset about his adaptation but like Nixon I will appeal to the "silent majority" who feel quite differently.

As for their Selyse adaptation, they've given Stannis a character to react against. Without her we would not have some of his better lines in "Kissed By Fire" and, yes, in "the Lion and the Rose". While I would have preferred bickering from within his real marriage, to Davos, I was very entertained by what we got this episode.

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Now that the show has actually brought up the idea of the Ironborn holding the gateway to the North, I'm guessing the Karstark forces (supposedly half the Northern army) that were said to have "marched home" last season are going to join Rodrik Cassel's army from season 2 in just vanishing without any explanation due to the showrunners' narrative changes.

I think that lot is actually gonna pop up again. Chekhov's Army

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Stannis looked real mad during that scene. His whole speech about why the burnings were happening was through clinched teeth. He was conflicted, angry, frustrated, and unsure if hes even doing the right thing. But hes gonna do it anyway cuz it is a means to an end. His whole demeanor was not that of a fanatic. I can see why Stannis fans are butthurt but i say to them: "Patience, my pets. Sooooon~~"

Despite how pissed I am about what they're doing with Stannis, this post gave me a much needed laugh. The character I grew to love from the books is definitely not present in this portrayal, and he can't be now, due to these alterations, but who knows. Maybe his moment at the Wall, done correctly, will make all the bullshit worth it. They've given him a few scenes, particularly in Season 2, that are really stunning, so maybe I shouldn't abandon all hope, since we haven't seen how the battle at Castle Black is gonna go down.

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Yea, wolves hunt by running their prey to ground, no specialized jaws or fangs to deliver a quick throat bite or severing the spinal cord. Which is how cats hunt and kill, ambush-style. Unless the dire wolves have a different body type than wolves, larger hind legs for quick burst of speed, than Summer should have ran that deer for miles before hamstringing it and disembowling it. . . I can't believe im being such a whiner over this

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Yea, wolves hunt by running their prey to ground, no specialized jaws or fangs to deliver a quick throat bite or severing the spinal cord. Which is how cats hunt and kill, ambush-style. Unless the dire wolves have a different body type than wolves, larger hind legs for quick burst of speed, than Summer should have ran that deer for miles before hamstringing it and disembowling it. . . I can't believe im being such a whiner over this

Are you by chance, a zoologist or someone who studies canid behavior? Cuz that could very much justify this nitpick. I...really just didnt notice so like...:leaving:

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Yeah. If you'd asked me last summer I would have been raging, but I made peace with the fact they weren't going to do anything about it not to upset and change the plot. It's incredibly silly though.

Yeah, some of us worked past the angst in advance. I'm actually glad they kept them apart, just minimize the damage of bringing Brienne and Jaime back early by having these little encounters in a bubble, like Cersei/Brienne, Bronn/Jaime, Brienne/Jaime.

It's funny, I'd have rather seen Bronn fucking whoseit's wife where he and Jaime jousted than yet another (yawn) brothel scene.

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Yea, wolves hunt by running their prey to ground, no specialized jaws or fangs to deliver a quick throat bite or severing the spinal cord. Which is how cats hunt and kill, ambush-style. Unless the dire wolves have a different body type than wolves, larger hind legs for quick burst of speed, than Summer should have ran that deer for miles before hamstringing it and disembowling it. . . I can't believe im being such a whiner over this

Dogs hunt by dropping an animal through taking out their back legs.

Wolves do not hunt like dogs.

It has actually been demonstrated that wolves specifically hunt by intentionally causing the prey animal to release as much adrenaline into their body as possible, then to kill as fast as possible when the adrenaline is at its peak. At this point the wolves kill by attacking the neck and throat. It isn't as quick and clean as cats, but it is still absolutely an attack at the neck and throat.

(The adrenaline levels in the meat are passed out through the the wolf's urine - as a marker and a deterrent to other packs "We are stronger than you".)

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Really? I never heard about the adrenaline before, but why would they attack at the adrenaline peak, when the animal is at its strongest? Seems conterproductive for a wild animal to take risk like that for scent markers when a good howl could do just the same. Of course it would work well for small prey like rabbits and such but not a deer, besides running them to ground should produce enough adrenaline along the way

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