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True Blood final season - fangs for the memories


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Sorry, did Jason just shoot a shotgun at the vampire next to his sister?

Wood rounds are presumably slugs rather than buckshot, no spread. Or a really tight choke on the gun to prevent a wide scatter. But you know, logic and True Blood.

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That Hindu Guru in episode 3 was hilarious. In that last scene, I thought he was going to go all supernatural on their asses and summon Kali, or pull someone's heart out of their chest, but...

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The Vamps took her out, they were using her as bait.

Of course - why do they need to use anyone as bait? Vampires are super-fast and can move vast distances in the blink of an eye (except, of course, when humans are aiming guns at them, at which causes them to freeze in place so that even old ladies firing handguns can hit them square in the heart). If they come upon you out in the woods, why would they need you distracted by another human? They should be able to disable you before you even know they're there.

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Of course - why do they need to use anyone as bait? Vampires are super-fast and can move vast distances in the blink of an eye (except, of course, when humans are aiming guns at them, at which causes them to freeze in place so that even old ladies firing handguns can hit them square in the heart). If they come upon you out in the woods, why would they need you distracted by another human? They should be able to disable you before you even know they're there.

They were using her a stand by lunch in case they didn't find anyone. The Hep V makes them have to eat all of the time.

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Last ep was good (for True Blood standards anyway).

The flashback of the beginning of Fangtasia was sweet, how they came up with the idea, the throne, the name. Go Ginger!

Glad to see the deaths of several annoying people.

Also, Keith... my my my. I'd suck your blood anytime :p (sorry for the gushing, I had the hugest crush the moment he appeared on screen)

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Eric Northman,sex on a throne :cool4:

Good episode,I kinda teared up when Jason was talking to Hoytt...

Can't they find a cure for the virus?I don't want Eric to die :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:

I think they will find a cure... and most likely it will have to do with Sookie. (I hate that everything revolves around her).

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Best lines...

"Did we fuck and then I blacked it out?" - From Pam to the Authority

"Guys speak better with a ball in their hand. I don't know why, but it's true" - Sookie to Arlene's daughter.

Slow clap for this episode, and this season in general. I was expecting a really cheesy finale to this really cheesy show, but the writers have found ways to bring relevance to it again. This show is like the anti-Dexter in that it just keeps getting stronger as it heads into oblivion,

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Eric Northman,sex on a throne :cool4:

Good episode,I kinda teared up when Jason was talking to Hoytt...

Can't they find a cure for the virus?I don't want Eric to die :bawl: :bawl: :bawl:

How did this stupid show make me cry but it did. Eric had better not die, that's all I can say.

But I agree, that was a pretty good episode for a change. I liked the flashbacks. And classic Pam moments.

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For those complaining about a virus on the show, let me get this straight. The idea that a human body can function into immortality with a heart that does not beat because it consumes blood is perfectly believable, but don't cross the line into introducing something that would interfere with that because then it would be silly.

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