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Will The Martells Get Revenge on the Lannisters for Elia, The Kids and Oberyn?

Jose Stark

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That may be Lady Nym's idea of vengeance, but it is certainly not Doran's. At least, not at this point in time.

I think you are mistaken. That is indeed his idea of vengeance. And the time has almost come.

So many people get the impression that Doran is a nice guy. He's not.

As his revenge Doran Martell wants to destroy Tywin Lannister's legacy i.e. reduce House Lannister to a bunch of poor powerless widely-mocked irrelevant commoners.

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In the end, Ellaria had the right of it--all the folks responsible for Elia and the children's deaths are already killed. Oberyn killing Gregor and giving him an excruciating end is the closest the Martells ever got to revenge, imo. And to be honest, it was revenge, just not near anywhere close to what Doran (and presumably Oberyn) wanted. Tyrion robbed them of their real target.

That says it all really. Theoretically getting Arianne married to Aegon and becoming queen could be seen as restoring what they lost, but everyone who actually wronged them is dead now.

:bowdown: :agree: :cool4:

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I heard a crazy theory somewhere that Oberyn had already poisoned tywin.it was a poison that kills slowly, and that's why he had the shits when tyrion killed him and why he stank so bad at his funeral.

Now that tywins dead, Doran won't be able to destroy him, but he can still ruin his legacy. Tywins legacy was everything to him. Dorans goal now will be to take casterly rock and iron throne away from his family and make sure the histories remember his insest children and deceitful nature, rather then his accomplishments.

Thats really the only course they can take now. Granted Cersei and company are seaming to be doing a good job on their own at that. Other then getting the throne by supporting a targaryan, what else can they do?

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Nymeria and Tyene would surely love to kill Cersei, Tommen, Myrcella, and (presumably) Jaime.

Doran is weakening fast, and may not be able to restrain them. I don't have the impression that Arianne wants to kill the children, but she may be unable to save them. I could imagine Nym and Tyene gleefully killing them in front of Cersei, if they held her prisoner.

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Well, according to the Dornish master plan, Doran already made some moves. He's connected to the Brave Companions, that took Jaime's hand, and Qyburn, that is Cersei's closest "ally".

Yeah you guys should look up the dornish master plan on you tube. A lot of it is far fetched, but some of it makes a lot of sense and really makes you think. But there 4 different videos each 10 minutes long, and the farther you go the more ridiculous it sounds

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Elia+Aegon is my ship (Arianne can keep her birthright and maybe marry a Yronwood to ensure Dornish unity).

But to the OP, and this point, their vengeance has been robbed from them. So now it's all about removing the Lannisters from power. Doran sent Oberyn to Kl to learn the strengths and weaknesses of Joffrey's rule. Now Nym is sent in his place to do the same with Tommen, while Tyene tries to figure out how the HS and the Faith Militant will influence the politics to come. As of now, Doran wants to place Dany on the throne with Quent beside her. When that particular news makes it back to Dorne, their path forward will be less clear, though more interesting for us.

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They have celebrated the demise of Tywin in their own way though his death was not by their hand ........The only thing left to get revenge on is the legacy of tywin which are Tyrion,jaime and cersei,tommen and myrcella which they can accomplish by killing them all through their scheming of revenge....but it will be costly (oberyn,Quentyn as examples,) more likely candidates to die in the revenge efforts could be arianne,lady Nym or tyene sand as some will be out of the safety the borders that Dorne accord's them while another is hunting the renowned dangerous man in dorne with the am of covering up the scheming against house lannister.

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They could attack Casterly Rock :dunno:

I like! Doran has something long term in mind for the Lannisters, and Tywin's death didn't put an end to it. Spears in that dream struck me, too, as did the darkness of people surrounding Jaime, darkness of locale. Very much indicative of a dark, long-term, hidden plan, Doran's plan. Serve it cold.

EDIT: I think they'll murder Tommen and Myrcella as return for deaths of Elia's children. imo Doran is more than capable.

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The question is simple..... will the Martells have the laugh and get revenge on the lions from Casterly Rock? Will they even eliminate the family itself? or will this debt remain unpaid?

Doran seems like the kind of guy who waits until the perfect opportunity to strike. He will make his move with Aegon but still not sure.


The Dornish (with the exception of Ellaria, the only Dornish character I actually like) are a bunch of amoral warmongering psychos. Doran realises that innocents will suffer if he does go to war, but he will almost certainly do it anyway (at some point, for someone) and has no good reason to do so: his lack of foresight is the only thing to blame for Oberyn's and Quentyn's deaths, Elia's killers are all dead.

I'd like to recommend my all time favourite analysis on the subject: http://meereeneseblot.wordpress.com/2014/03/23/water-gardens-and-blood-oranges-part-iv-it-ends-in-blood/

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