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How would you like Dany to meet Jon?

Shadow Cat 75

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Dany: 'Sup.

Jon: Nothing much- just saving mankind from an army of undead zombies and shit. You?

Dany: Hey, I'm supposed to be doing that! People came and told me how I was like this promised prince and shit.

Jon: Sounds kinda stupid. Anyway, you're too late. I defeated them all and brought back summer.

Dany: But...but I have dragons!

Jon: Yeah, I see that. Would have been helpful, you know, against an army of fucking ice zombies. Good thing I found this magic burning sword.

Dany: Wait, there's really a sword? I thought that was metaphorical shit for my dragons.

Jon: Yeah, I was surprised, too- sounded really cheesy, but hey- beggars can't be choosers.

Dany: But if you have a burning sword and defeated the Others, that means your the promised prince! But that can't be right- I'm the only Targaryen left! ...wait a minute! You can't be...?!

Jon: Yup, I am. I have to admit, I thought that was pretty cliched, too, being a hidden prince and heir to the throne. And with a magic sword, too- lucky thing I worked so hard on my sword skills these past five books. What a crazy few weeks this has been! Well, guess I need to go rebuild Westeros now.

Dany: But why did you do everything without me?!

Jon: Well, we did wait for about 6 books, but you kept fucking around over in Essos, so I was like, "well, looks like she's not coming- guess I'll go kick some ass before we run out of pages." So I did.

Dany: Damn you, Mereenese knot!!

So fitting...it was as if I was there to bear witness.

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I really look forward to them meeting. I guess the most likely way is Dany coming North after taking the south.

Interesting factors for that meeting are:

Is Stannis still alive? Is Jon loyal to him or does he follow his own agenda (KitN and stuff)?

Is R+L=J known, and if yes, by whom?

What is up with the Others?

What is Dany's attitude? Crowns and lands or fire and blood?

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After dealing with a false son of Rhaegar, I don't think Dany will want to suffer another son of Rhaegar, especially if he gathers a lot of support in the North from all over the Realm. I also think that Dany will win the Second Dance but she will lose the PR war. The foes Dany defeats during the Dance might go to the Wall and rally behind Jon. Things are moving in a way that these two will meet under very unfortunate circumstances. In the end, Dany will bend knee to Jon as foresahdowed in her last chapter of ADwD.

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How 'bout we leave the fire in the South (KL, Oldtown, etc.), and the ice in the North, and let'em meet up in the afterlife.

I really don't want her cluttering up Jon's storyline after spending all those pages bogged down in Essos.

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eye. :P

Still...I love it!!!

Fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out. And now for part 2 of As the Cave Turns...

Dany: I'm not marrying him!

Jon: I'm not marrying her!

Dany: Oh, really? And just what is wrong with me?

Jon: What's wrong with me?

Dany: How long do you have?

Bloodraven: Enough! You will wed. I have seen it in the future.

Jon: Exactly how old is this guy?

Bran: Old. But I've seen it too. I'm afraid you have no choice.

Dany: I have dragons. I always have a choice.

Bran: The dragons will not save you.

Jon: I have the Watch to lead.

Bran: The Watch already tried to kill you.

Dany: I won't.

Jon: Neither will I.

Bloodraven: The Gods demand it.

Jon: Which gods?

Dany: Yes, which gods? I've heard of many and they all have different demands.

Bran: THE Gods. The only ones that matter.

Arya: There is only one God, but he has many faces.

Jon and Bran: Arya?

Dany: Missandei, what happened to your voice?

Arya, removing face: Missandei was killed months ago, by an assassin sworn to kill you, Daenerys Targaryen. I killed the assassin and took her place as the fake Missandei.

Dany: Why?

Arya: I needed a ride back to Westeros. Plus I was bored. But back to the marriage plans.

Both We're not getting married!

Bran: Yes you are.

Jon and Dany start arguing, whining, and asking why.

Bloodraven: BECAUSE I SAID SO!

Arya, whipping out Needle: Might as well get it over with, you two.

Jon: I gave you that sword!

Arya: You did. Don't make me use the pointy end on you.

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I would like extremely polarizing war. I know this prob won't happen but I think it would be awesome to have something like that divide the fan base.

The Others would love that. But it's very likely that the Dany/Aegon/maybe a third claimant Dance will take place first. I'm not sure Dany will be inclined to start yet another battle with a relative.

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Dany: 'Sup.

Jon: Nothing much- just saving mankind from an army of undead zombies and shit. You?

Dany: Hey, I'm supposed to be doing that! People came and told me how I was like this promised prince and shit.

Jon: Sounds kinda stupid. Anyway, you're too late. I defeated them all and brought back summer.

Dany: But...but I have dragons!

Jon: Yeah, I see that. Would have been helpful, you know, against an army of fucking ice zombies. Good thing I found this magic burning sword.

Dany: Wait, there's really a sword? I thought that was metaphorical shit for my dragons.

Jon: Yeah, I was surprised, too- sounded really cheesy, but hey- beggars can't be choosers.

Dany: But if you have a burning sword and defeated the Others, that means your the promised prince! But that can't be right- I'm the only Targaryen left! ...wait a minute! You can't be...?!

Jon: Yup, I am. I have to admit, I thought that was pretty cliched, too, being a hidden prince and heir to the throne. And with a magic sword, too- lucky thing I worked so hard on my sword skills these past five books. What a crazy few weeks this has been! Well, guess I need to go rebuild Westeros now.

Dany: But why did you do everything without me?!

Jon: Well, we did wait for about 6 books, but you kept fucking around over in Essos, so I was like, "well, looks like she's not coming- guess I'll go kick some ass before we run out of pages." So I did.

Dany: Damn you, Mereenese knot!!


I have no idea what their first meeting is going to be like, but i'm pretty sure it's one of those things GRRM has been planning since the beggining, so I don't think it will disappoint. I'm really really looking foward to their interactions.

With a major war against the Others, winter, and all the problems that come with them (like starvation) they would have to be mad to fight against each other, and whatever you think about them, they aren't mad. I know some people believe Dany will be the next mad queen and all, but despite her flaws, she strikes me as someone who would at least see the big picture. So an alliance of sorts is in order.

By the time they meet, I think Jon will have a lot of knowlegde about the Others, but not the means to fight them, and Dany will have the means (dragons, army) but no idea how to do it. Also, she will have to learn about winter and the North, and Jon might be the one to teach her.

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Dany: "I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of my Name, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons."

Jon: ".....I don't have time for this this."

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Dany: "I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of my Name, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, the Unburnt, Mother of Dragons."

Jon: ".....I don't have time for this this."

:lol: That and sj4yi's

"Dany: But why did you do everything without me?!

Jon: Well, we did wait for about 6 books, but you kept fucking around over in Essos, so I was like, "well, looks like she's not coming- guess I'll go kick some ass before we run out of pages." So I did." :rofl:

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I don't really like the idea of Jon submitting the North to Dany's rule, without first imposing some conditions. If Jon has to engage in a Westeros version of mutual assured destruction, in order to get Dany to blink first,then so be it.

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Love Lady Blizzardborn's As the Cave Turns! Great humorous fanfiction!

The other way I would like it is after meeting each other formally in Winterfell’s great hall they retire to a back room where a roaring fire is burning. The two of them sit down with Ghost lying in between and talk. Jon points out that his advisors want him to take up the dragon standards of the Targaryen house and offer Dany a marriage alliance. When Dany asks why hasn’t he? Jon simply says he is a Stark not a Targaryen that he has only loved one women and it doesn’t matter who sits on the Iron Throne when the Others come. They then go on to talk to each other, Jon about life in Winterfell and the Wall. Dany about her time with her brother and living in fear. Also about how each about the love of their lives Drogo for Dany and Ygritte for Jon both of whom are dead.

This is actually what I think will happen. I keep saying Dany and Jon will be neither enemies nor lovers, but platonic friends who understand absolutely everything about each other. They'd been on parallel journeys in mirrored worlds their entire lives.

If she knows by then he's Rhaegar's son, she'll probably be quite happy and entranced. I'd like them to meet at the Wall planning how to fight, but their ideas clashing. The enemies thing is more cheesy to me than the friends or lovers.

After his ID is proven, Dany will be overjoyed to know she has living relatives after being all alone in the world. Agree that it's cheesy and Star Wars-like to have them fight, and I only see that scenario suggested by Dany haters.

I have no idea what their first meeting is going to be like, but i'm pretty sure it's one of those things GRRM has been planning since the beggining, so I don't think it will disappoint. I'm really really looking foward to their interactions.

With a major war against the Others, winter, and all the problems that come with them (like starvation) they would have to be mad to fight against each other, and whatever you think about them, they aren't mad. I know some people believe Dany will be the next mad queen and all, but despite her flaws, she strikes me as someone who would at least see the big picture. So an alliance of sorts is in order.

By the time they meet, I think Jon will have a lot of knowlegde about the Others, but not the means to fight them, and Dany will have the means (dragons, army) but no idea how to do it. Also, she will have to learn about winter and the North, and Jon might be the one to teach her.

:agree: This is my logic too, as of the end of ADwD. And yes, GRRM has likely known exactly what their first encounter will be like for 20 years. It'll be a scene for the ages. I cannot wait!

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When Dany comes north, expecting submission and Jon telling her to get fuck'd?

This has my vote.

There's so much inflated expectation of them joining forces or (gag me with a spoon) falling in lurve that it'd be hilarious and ballsy of GRRM to write them as opponents. Note that that doesn't necessarily imply that one of them is "good" and one of them is "bad," just that their interests/goals diverge.

But if you want an idea of how Jon might view Dany, look at how he regards Selyse.

ETA: I am also quite amused to see that on the one hand, Jon's Targaryen claim is weak because it will be hard to prove he is who he is, but at the same time Dany will be so happy to have another relative once his identity is "proved." So excuse me, but which is it? If his identity as Rhaegar's son is so hard to prove, why is Dany going to ally with him or join him based on him being her kin? And if his claim as Rhaegar's son is proved such that Dany would believe it, what does he need her for? This isn't necessarily prevalent as much in this thread, but there is definitely some cognitive dissonance out there among those who write off Jon's claim because his parentage can't be proved, but who at the same time expect him and Dany to join out of familial loyalty. In other words, talking out of both sides of their mouths.

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