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Things you hate, that every one else seems to enjoy


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I hate fireworks. They are dangerous, loud, smell bad, and wake up the dog and the baby. So many people feel like its the patriotic thing to do to light them in thier backyards. I almost had my car set on fire once by an idiot neighbor. Every Fourth of July makes me want to stay at home and hide.

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Add another to the "mayonnaise" list, the "carbonated drinks" list and the "beer in general" list. (All the more for everyone else.) ETA: And, yes, showers. I prefer baths. I suspect that "getting out of hot bath into cold wintry bathroom" is a thing nobody likes, but I have a particular distaste for drying myself quickly, whether I've bathed or showered: while I'm accustomed to quick changes at sports venues, while at home I bathe in evenings so I can dry slowly.

I don't like watching drama on TV, in any genre. The pacing almost never floats my boat. I'll watch it rarely but with minimal pleasure.

I never got the whole Harry Potter thing.

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I hate fireworks. They are dangerous, loud, smell bad, and wake up the dog and the baby. So many people feel like its the patriotic thing to do to light them in thier backyards. I had almost set my car on fire once. Every Fourth of July makes me want to stay at home and hide.

Never, ever, ever come to England on the week of the 5th of November.

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Okay, here's mine. I don't like being "drunk". A buzz can be somewhat pleasant but "drunk" I don't care for. It usually leads to a hangover and the evening before is a blur. Part of what I enjoy about having a fun evening is remembering what happened later. When I'm drunk I lose parts. I don't like that. I'm not against drinking generally I simply dislike being "drunk".

Agreed. I like having a few drinks to lower social inhibitions a little bit and, as you said, get that mildly pleasant buzz. But I like to remain in full possession of my faculties and avoid the hangover the next day. I don't even enjoy the actual sensation of being fully drunk, it's too much like being sick even before the actual nausea kicks in. It gets annoying, working in an environment where it's just assumed that everyone always wants to be as drunk as possible, as quickly as possible, as often as possible, and that anyone who doesn't want this is defective in some way.

Football (the soccer kind). Again, everyone around me just assumes everyone loves football. Turn the TV on? Automatically find some football to watch. Talking constantly about who's been transferred to which team and why Carlos van Luis von Belladonaldo is having a bad year and just assuming I know what the fuck they're on about. In fact, this doesn't just apply to football but all ball-chasing sports to be honest. Football, rugby, cricket, tennis, whatever. I just completely do not care. Also racing in pretty much all varieties. Horse, car, bike etc. Again, couldn't give less of a shit.

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I hate soooooo many things, it would almost be easier to name the things that I don't hate.

But anyway, rather than name specific items, I'll give an example - I've lost count of the number of times that a favourite item of mine has been discontinued in the supermarket. Seriously, pretty much every product I've ever liked has been killed.

Just be grateful oxygen isn't a product that I could buy, because if it were, those fuckers would have discontinued it and we'd all be goosed.

Is that a thing that most people enjoy? But seriously, I know how you feel, I once bought some butter which was flavoured like honey, and it was awesome. Never saw it again after that though. :(
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Is that a thing that most people enjoy? But seriously, I know how you feel, I once bought some butter which was flavoured like honey, and it was awesome. Never saw it again after that though. :(

I feel like that about television shows. Lots of show that I like, usually in the scifi/fantasy genre got cancelled after one or two seasons. Firefly, Pushing Daisies, Drive, Flash Forward, etc.

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I hate Love Actually with the fiery burning passion of a thousand suns. Even by shitty rom-com standards it's fucking terrible, and I just do.not.understand why everyone has to go on and on and on about it every fucking Christmas.

This this this. I bloody hate that film. And Kiera Knightley.

Never liked a book written by Jane Austen. Terrible writer.

Gherkins. Especially on my fucking burger! Fuck you McDonalds.

Re shopping: I see Ser Scot's point. My SO's mum and sister would always drag him round the shops, so when we got together and he discovered I'm more of a "run in, grab what I need and get the hell outta there" kinda person, he was pleasantly surprised. Not so much about stereotyping women, but basing it on the women he had previously been around the most. Now I have to drag him out of Game.

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Re shopping: I see Ser Scot's point. My SO's mum and sister would always drag him round the shops, so when we got together and he discovered I'm more of a "run in, grab what I need and get the hell outta there" kinda person, he was pleasantly surprised. Not so much about stereotyping women, but basing it on the women he had previously been around the most. Now I have to drag him out of Game.

Yep, that's me. Everyone in the shops seems to enjoy it, my girls clearly do enjoy it.

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I can't tell whether or not I like shopping. Sometimes I think I love it, othertimes I hate it. It's more a horrible compulsion I get every now and again where I get in a really good mood and don't care how much I'm spending and just just buy loads of crap I don't need and regret it horribly the next day.

today I actually bought only what I needed though, it felt great. Pretty underwear, gloves, food, facial wipes, cruelty free hair product; all the things I set out to buy and no excessive amount of clothes I shall only wear once! *pat on back*

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