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What do you like and why?

Tellus Explorer

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I like:




Red meat

Reading: seriously, I'll read anything. an-y-th-in-g.

ASOIAF, LOTR, fantasy

OSTs: I don't mean the songs from a movie/show, I mean the composed music. I've a shit-ton of that on my Iphone.

History (see reading)

That's me done, for now anyway.

ETA: can't believe I almost missed my chief current obsession: Manu fuckin' Bennett. He fierce.

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I like Olympics.

Let me rephrase that - I LOVE Olympics.

Me too.. For some reason, I adore watching gymnastics. I like eating bunch of food while seeing all those thin people doing amazing stuff.

I also enjoy watching TV... Like American TV dramas... As bad as they are sometimes, they are still better than Indian/Turkish/Latinoamerican things on Serbian TV.

I adore book fairs... The smell of books is intoxicating...

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I have so many hobbies it's ridiculous. But I don't really do all of them at the same time. I go from one to the next to the next so I don't get bored with it.

They have included:

1. Crochet/knit

2. Computer programming/web design/graphic design

3. Translating Japanese manga/light novels into English

4. Reading

5. Writing

6. Listening to music

7. Playing piano

8. Cooking

9. Gardening

10. Art

11. Travel

12. Photography

13. Aquariums

etc, etc, etc.

So, yeah. Throw all that in between raising my kids, and there you go.

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Me too.. For some reason, I adore watching gymnastics. I like eating bunch of food while seeing all those thin people doing amazing stuff.

I also enjoy watching TV... Like American TV dramas... As bad as they are sometimes, they are still better than Indian/Turkish/Latinoamerican things on Serbian TV.

I adore book fairs... The smell of books is intoxicating...

Gymnastics is wonderful. But whenever I watch it makes me want to get back into it, which isnt really feasible anymore :thumbsdown: Have to say though, I do get very "into it" when I am watching...I jump up and cheer if my favourites pull off an impresive vault/tumble whatever. And I let out a loud "Oooooooohhh!" whenever someone falls off the beam, or steps out of the floor.
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I really like animals. I'm so curious about what's going on in those little minds. I have a female bearded dragon (though she isn't living with me at the moment :crying:) and she is the most precious thing ever.

Then I just like the usual stuff like writing and reading.

I think I'm pretty boring to be honest, can't think of anything actually interesting to tell about that I like. :dunno:

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I like inappropriate jokes and gallows humour, the more shocking and horrific, the better.

I like reality TV shows, especially ones where the cast are all shit bags, so I can shout at the telly.

I like fry ups and strong tea, which tastes better after the big salty breakfast.

I like betta splendens, they are pretty fish.

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I have a love affair for anything that aids getting sleepy. I'm a chronic insomniac since middle school, when I was thrust (willingly) into the position of caregiver to my Dad with ALS.

So, cough syrup, 1st gen antihistamines, wine, whiskey, cannabis, etc.

I also have a slight obsession with a certain group of freshwater "living fossil" fish. The family is called Polypteridae (commonly known as bichirs), one of only two species of freshwater fish in the world to literally have lungs. They're scales have been studied to improve bulletproof vests. They can survive with just moisture, they're snakelike and can move on land.

So that means when one jumps out while changing the water it runs away from me. I have 12 bichirs that that can literally run away if they get out haha. They're separated into 2 subgroups, Upper jaw, and Lower jaw (simple explanation, one group the jaw extends over the bottom and vice versa for the other).

I currently have nearly every species of upper jaw, with the exception of p. Palmas Palmas p. Mokelembembe and p. Retropinnis.

My faves are my Teugelsi pair which I'm trying to breed, the "Gold Dust" bichirs called Palmas Buettokoferri, and my Ornate (I've had him the longest)

Including equipment and fish, I have about a $1000 swimming around.

Not that I paid 1000, as fish grow they gain more value, and I've raised most of my bichirs from a very small size, about 3-4 inch, currently my 5 larger are around 12 inches and depending on specie thick as my wrist. (I'm 6'2" and not a stick).

I try to spread bichirs knowledge as much as I can, my Teugelsi pair is from a wild pair caught in Cameroon and the river they were caught from is basically dead. So that specie potentially now only exists in Aquaria, hence why I'm set on breeding my pair. Sometimes Aquaria saves species, it's an awesome concept. Though they belong in the wild, if said wild is being wiped out by some dumb greedy bastards , we must intervene.

The most recent specie saved I know of is a certain Madagascar cichlid. The level of pollution was killing off everything so aquarists saved them.

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