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Is Atheism a Relief?

Weeping Sore

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Plagued by deities? Do your sins and transgressions keep you up at night? Why not try Atheism? Studies have shown Atheism may provide significant relief from guilt-related symptoms*.

*side affects of Atheism may include a pervasive superiority complex, smugness, and related symptoms. Whether damnation may result is outside of Atheism's purview, but it also might turn out that the "Lake of Fire" is a soothing mineral hotspring, and why deny yourself an eternal schvitz?

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No, atheism is not so much a state of positive relief, but rather, an absence of nuisance. A lack of nuisance can feel like a "relief" when punctuating a period of extreme nuisance, and is often described as such in "common parlance," but truly, it's the nuisance defining the feeling rather than the atheism itself. "Relief" is entirely circumscribed by the nuisance, rather than a positive state proffered by the atheism.

However, the salve I apply to my wounds when my pet sphinx beats me with his outerspace teapot can be accurately described as a "relief" in that it's propagating a positive state of relieving pain, rather than an absence of teapot beatings.

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As an atheist it somehow works in the other way for me... I'm not that good of a person (although not a dick) so I kinda get away with the not having to give a f*ck about helping or supporting something that goes in accordance to some doctrine. and that's good... But otherwise as someone obsessed with mortality and my legacy in the world, not believing in something often brings some trouble.

At some point I'm thinking about mortality and instead of having some peace about heaven, reincarnation or whatever, I'm pressured by the knowledge that time is against me and that I'm not only afraid of dying, but utterly terrified by it.

So although it has its perks once in a while, it also has its drags for your mental health

TL;DR If you are troubled by death and gloom all day reading dark things, watching existentialist media, then being an atheist may not be a good idea if you want to sleep calmly at night.

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My pet unicorn is named Atheism and he is a relief to me at the end of the day. His sparkly pink presence fills me with joy and washes away the daily stresses. I'm a true believer of the sweet relief of Atheism.

And that whole virgin thing is a lie, so if that's what's been holding you back from getting one, you should totally get one now.

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No, atheism is not so much a state of positive relief, but rather, an absence of nuisance. A lack of nuisance can feel like a "relief" when punctuating a period of extreme nuisance, and is often described as such in "common parlance," but truly, it's the nuisance defining the feeling rather than the atheism itself. "Relief" is entirely circumscribed by the nuisance, rather than a positive state proffered by the atheism.

that's damned interesting, atheism as kenotic experience, as emptying oneself of nuisance, similar to christ's kenosis in phil 2: 6-7:

though he was in the form of God,

did not regard equality with God

as something to be exploited,

but emptied himself,

taking the form of a slave,

being born in human likeness.

are you saying therefore that christ was an atheist and christians should emulate his praxis? because that'd be a novel rhetoric.
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