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"You can swear your allegiance to me or die"


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I was thinking that line made no sense for Jaime, but now that someone mentioned Ellaria, that has to be it.

I wonder if we'll get the Fire and Blood speech. Sadly, it won't have the same affect as in the books. :(

And if Jaime ignores Cersei's requests for aid, that makes him look even worse in the show because they've done absolutely nothing to drive a wedge between the two in the show.

Unless Jamie hears that Cersei is behind bars for fornication, incest etc etc and/or he finds out and believes Cersei had sex with their cousin.

Who knows, looking forward to it though :cool4:

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In many ways, Jamie going to Dorne and being captured by Doran, is a replacement for his going to the Riverlands and being captured by Lady Stoneheart. There's a number of these deviations from book to show that have had to happen because the show left her out, but HBO still have to get his character in the same place plot-wise at the end of this season, i.e. captured and unavailbe to Cersie. So when you have "You can swear your allegiance to me or die" just think of Lady Stoneheart saying that to him. It's pretty much what she says to Brienne in Feast of Crow's Chapter 42, and I suspect whatever deal Doran offers Jamie next week will be the replacement for the deal Lady Stoneheard will give him in the next book.

If it is Jamie on the other end of that conversation, I think you're right. However, I don't understand what Doran could actually be asking him to do. LS I think is gonna ask Jamie to get them inside Riverrun for a little RW vengeance, but other than killing Cersei or one of the kids, what service could Doran possibly want that Jamie could provide?
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Doran threatening to kill Jaime is completely against what his character has been described so far. Doran wants the Lannisters to think that he wants peace, he will tell Jaime so when he allows him to leave with Myrcella. As I said, saying it to Jaime makes the least sense of all, even Bronn is more likely, but more likely he'll be killed off for smacking the young prince.

After Jaime/Myrcella go, Trystane/Sand Snakes/Ellaria get mad at him and he reveals his other less risky plans for revenge, fire and blood.

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My money's on Ellaria. She's supposed to be on Doran's side and yet was working directly against him for her selfish motive of revenge, which could have ruined his long play strategy. She's not his kin, either, and he cannot allow anyone to so willfully disrespect his rule. So it's not a stretch for him to tell her to get with the program or be executed for what is basically treason.

Jaime would make no sense - the eldest son of a rival house, being expected to swear allegiance to Doran? Starting a war with the Lannisters is not what Doran wants to do... yet. The preview scene is just cut edit trickery.

Bronn is an interesting theory as someone mentioned above - but I think he's more likely to be seduced by the Sand Snakes, if at all.

I think Ellaria will bend the knee.

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Queenmaker is the only plot left unless the show invents some completely new thing

also what does T=A mean?


I don't buy it. Then he would have zero heirs and that's much more of a BFD.

Also Queenmaker isn't really the only possible plot left. I forgot that there may be some reworking of Quentyn's mission for Trystane. Or maybe even one of the Sand Snakes or Ellaria.

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Exactly. They have done this before. Sometimes, they have put scenes in the trailer that were not even in the season for instance last season there was the image of the dragon flying over King's Landing which did not happen in the season. I am curious where Jaime will end up this season because he is in a very different place in the books.

The dragon flying of Kingslanding was in the episode In which Bran had the vision at the Weirwood tree.

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I know it doesn't mean shit to the writers of this show but in the books, Doran never threatened the sand snakes with their lives. He threatened them with jail, but he said over and over how much he loves them even as they continue to throw insult after insult after insult at him. Could it be Bronn he is talking to if not Jamie?

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I am anticipating that Doran will reveal the Queenmaker plot and convince Ellaria, the Sand Snakes, and Jaime to take part. The showrunners seem to have not had room for the Griffs and so they may have transplanted Arianne's scheme into Doran's arc, which would explain Ellaria's initial (and incomprehensible) goal of senselessly killing Myrcella.

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It is weird for Doran to say such thing. I can not see what would be the point regardless to whom it is adressed. I hope it will make sense, but....

Jaime - Why would he want allegiance from him? Does he want Jaime to go against the rest of his family? It would make no sense, but there is no chance it is adressed to him. It is a misdirection like Ramsay´s lines directed at Myranda looked in the trailer that they are directed at Sansa

Bronn - uh no reason why it should be directed at him, he will be busy with SS anyway. He is very lucky D+D dont know medieval customs as good as GRRM, otherwise he would be already executed for attacking Trystane

Sand Snakes - very out of character to threaten his nieces, but than again look what happened to Ellaria character....i guess it could work if it is a bluff and SS know it (only reason why i even list this option is because Siddig said in the interview that SS wants to poison him, which i guess could seriously anger him)

Ellaria - she is most likely the recipient of that line. It would be still silly to threat the mother of his 5-6 nieces that way. He have to know that If he executed her he would be never able to eat or drink without a constant fear of being poisoned by Tyene for the rest of his life. I dont buy he would ever choose such drastic step just to get ahead with his plan, whatever his plan is in the show.

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I'm still hoping the necklace is revealed to still be in Myrcella's possession since we know there are more than the 2 Cersei names (her's and M's). That could drive a wedge - Cersei guilt-tripping Jaime into some crazy mission rather than just be honest with him about her fears.

I thought that was an inconsistency in the show, but this makes sense too. I wouldn't put it past Cersei.

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