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This whole "Run in zig-zag" thing

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Rickon's only chance was to make a mad dash toward one of the bonfires, and then maybe he could have gained enough cover for Jon to get to him. In all likelihood, Rams would have launched a flight of arrows or set some horsemen on him, but at least that would have set Jon's army in motion a little earlier and the tactical advantage that Rams gained from the whole stunt would have been blunted.


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It was silly as hell, but to be fair, after Arya's stupidity on The Stabbing Bridge, Bran's stupidity stumbling into the Night King while greenseeing and Jon's stupidity falling into Ramsay's trap even after being explicitly warned, at least Rickon being dumb was in line with a family trait. 

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3 hours ago, Essan said:

Whilst Rickon may have had more chance had he zig-zagged, would a child of that age have known that?  No. He wasnt a trained soldier.  He was a little boy.   So it was more realistic that he ran straight.


He isn't so little in the show and doesn't everyone know to zig-zag when someone is trying to catch you, throw something at you, or shoot you? I don't think it takes military training. I'm pretty sure I've been zig-zagging since I was a little kid with older brothers.


Maybe Rickon doesn't start off that way, but, come on, after the first few arrows you'd think he'd have tried something to be a harder target. Jon got that memo, he was blocking them with his shield at 20 ft!


But yea, plot.


As far a book!Rickon goes, I'm more certain than ever that he won't leave Skagos and we'll be left to wonder what happened to him.

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7 hours ago, Holymoly said:

Dude...props for working all this out and all, but...

It's just a story you know?

Right.  Why do 10 seconds of simple math for an argument?  You can never argue logical issues in story telling.  I think you are at the wrong place if you don't want to read arguments about a story that require a little bit of thought or logic.



I get he is a scared boy and would likely just run straight away.  However, if he had time to think, he could totally watch and dodge each arrow when he is say, 200 yards away.  Probably even at 100.  I don't know how much you guys have shot bows, but the best longbows in the world will have a ton of arc with the type of arrows Ramsey would have been shooting at those distances.


Also, I don't care how skilled someone is with a bow, it is ridiculous to think you can just shoot around him to scare him, then plunk him right through the heart at 300 yards (even if he keeps running straight away from you).  If he had a hunting bow, as it looked, he would have even less range than with a war bow.  It is a fricken wooden bow, not a sniper rifle.  The scene just served to show how wily and awesome Ramsey is yet again.


Even tiny differences in the wind make huge differences at that distance.  He wasn't even watching his first arrows just looking around and laughing like a jack ass.

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8 hours ago, Zoo_Dane said:

The last arrow that killed Rickon traveled how far? Let's get scientific...

Based on the high arc that Ramsay shot the final arrow that killed Rickon, and guesstimating how far it looked, I'd venture to say it traveled at 500-600 feet.

The Google told me that arrows travel between 200-300fps. So that's 2-3 seconds of flight time. 

Google also told me that the fastest man can average 31fps, so let's put that down conservatively to 15-20fps for Rickon.

Ramsay would have (going off the 15fps super conservative estimate) 30-45 square foot area to guess where Rickon is - that's a 900 to 2000 foot area to work with - before the arrow lands. 

Thats all assuming Rickon doesn't simply turn his head and track the arrow that will take 2-3 seconds to reach him and simply step out of the way each shot. 

Given that Ramsay was obviously not trying to hit Rickon on the first 3 shots we can completely ignore them. So, give me the same situation as Rickon and the best archer in the world, I'd risk my life for a large sum of money to prove that Rickon could quite easily get out of there alive. 



You know what else google told me? Dragons don't exist.

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8 minutes ago, wolverine said:

Again, you might be in the wrong place if to you:


Dragons in the story = nothing needs to make sense

Agreed, part of the draw is most things seemed grounded in reality and many storyline didn't have magic. To me, having dragons does not equal anything goes, if a bunch of aliens suddenly land on Westeros  and begin enslaving everyone I'm not going to be OK with it because there are dragons already.

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Zig zagging? Pish posh. Happily Generation Kill already settled this issue for us:

Hitting a moving target is really hard, even for trained archers, and bows only have a limited range. I suppose arrows move slow enough that, once he was a certain distance away, Rickon could've jogged backwards and dodged them. But really, the best chance for survival is to just get out of the range of the bow.

Of course, what Rickon didn't realise was this was a Hollywood bow, with unlimited range. Also a Hollywood arrow, unmoved by wind resistance or gravity, punching through a target from hundreds of yards away at a horizontal angle.

(By the way, does anybody know what that angle is in degrees? Is it 180° or 0°?)

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Well, the dragons are magic. What's the arrow's excuse?

Anyway, we're nerds on the internet talking about a TV show, and we all signed up to a forum specifically so we could talk about it even more - if we aren't gonna nitpick over tiny details, then what the hell are we doing here?

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14 hours ago, ilikethesebooks said:

OP has clearly never seen Apocalypto 

I actually rewatched that movie yesterday because I kept seeing it brought up in response to Rickon's death.  That guy did get hit while zigzaging.  The 2nd fella who was zigzaging with him also got hit, lol  :P  

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It is all about internet really.


Most people who write about zig-zag have watched only a few episodes, have no idea who Rickon is and yet they keep repeating the same thing:  he should have run a zig-zag.

It is trendy right now so they will talk about it.


In a few hours they will forgot it or care more about something more important, Taylor Swift perhaps.


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Ramsay could just have burned Rickon alive, it's much more logical that way and still get the same effect. Because...


Stupid stupid. 

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Eddark Stark could have been wiser and not trusted Littlefinger.

Robb could have married the girl he had promised to marry.

Brann could have... well not sure, but he likely did stupid things to.

Point is, Starks are not known for their brains, most of the series we've seen them pick the first choice and never consider consequences.

For Rickon to have zig-zagged, would have meant him not being a true Stark.

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