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EHK for Darwin

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My guess is that they're going to wrap one or two storylines earlier than they had originally intended.

I'm thinking that any minor changes they made to the finale would be to scrub away any setting up that they were doing for Vol. 3, which was to be the second half of this season so they can start completely fresh next year. For example, Molly saying "No wait, there's someone even more super scarier than the nightmare man..."

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Oh, you mean young Kaito and old Kaito? That was probably necessary - Mr. Nakamura could not have looked quite so lined and wrinkled and pinched in the 70s.

Yeah, the 'younger' version was like two feet shorter though :lol: And seriously, that's what make-up is for.

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I'm thinking that any minor changes they made to the finale would be to scrub away any setting up that they were doing for Vol. 3, which was to be the second half of this season so they can start completely fresh next year. For example, Molly saying "No wait, there's someone even more super scarier than the nightmare man..."

Exactly. From what I have read of spoliers, the final 3 episodes Synopses were leaked from TV Guide before Kring was asked to do reshoots. And everything that has been spoiled for the episode is what is going to happen tonight. There is one thing that is going to happen to set up next season still. But other than that, I know a couple of things happen tonight that were supposed to happen last week and some things happened last week that should have happened the week before. Other than that, it is still the same finale that was planned, except:

SPOILER: something that may be a change
There was some spoilers that says Noah remains captured through the end of the episode but it looks like from the preview that he is walking around, so that could be a change
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Oh, you mean young Kaito and old Kaito? That was probably necessary - Mr. Nakamura could not have looked quite so lined and wrinkled and pinched in the 70s.

They should have edited in shots from Star Trek the Moive (or which ever one was on in the 70's). :lol:

"Kaito, why are you wearing that red uniform?"

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Are you serious? Asians don't look old until they are about 200.

Not going to argue with that. Okay, I was exaggerating about the lined and wrinkled face, but he certainly looks like a grown man's father. I like that they got a younger actor to play younger Kaito.

"Kaito, why are you wearing that red uniform?"

"Because I'm supposed to die."

Hey, that actually might have been a cool nerd reference to Star Trek redshirts. Dammit.

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I pretty much agree with everything EHK and others have said about this show. I'm sooo not looking forward to tonight's episode. But I will watch it. I'm at the point where I've put this much time in that I feel like I have to. And no doubt, I will complain about it.

I guess I didn't really have to comment at all in here, but I so need to stay out of the Dexter thread. The latest epi doesn't come on Demand here til tomorrow, and I need to know what happens, but I don't want to ruin it!! Aaahhggahghaa. Must. Stay. Out. Of. Entertainment.

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Assuming Heroes continues to follow the trail blazed by Lost, I think we can expect an arresting of the decline of the show in the latter half of Season 2 (whenever that may air) leading to a moderately interesting cliffhanger. Then the first few episodes of Season 3 will be utter shite than the show will execute an unexpected and rather rapid climb to its Season 1 heights once more.

This would be quite funny if it actually happens.

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Are we talking about Lost here? :o

Okay, it nearly climbed back to its Season 1 heights at the end of the third season. Those last four or five episodes were excellent.

I just remembered that it was Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof who came up with the 'saving New York from the bomb' storyline for Heroes when his mate Tim Kring was struggling with the concept of the series. Since Kring then spent the rest of the year telling everyone who'd listen that they wouldn't make all the mistakes Lost made, I'm guessing Lindelof was not inspired to help him out again with ideas for Season 2.

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Okay, it nearly climbed back to its Season 1 heights at the end of the third season. Those last four or five episodes were excellent.

I just remembered that it was Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof who came up with the 'saving New York from the bomb' storyline for Heroes when his mate Tim Kring was struggling with the concept of the series. Since Kring then spent the rest of the year telling everyone who'd listen that they wouldn't make all the mistakes Lost made, I'm guessing Lindelof was not inspired to help him out again with ideas for Season 2.

I was biting my tongue all week to the Lost comparisons. Maya and Alejandro were Heroes' version of Paolo and Nikki. (well sort of).

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Okay, no spoiler tags, so read at your own peril.


I liked the first scene where Mohinder walks into his Brooklyn apartment and Maya Moron and Sylar are waiting for him. Interesting exchange - I was particularly amused when Maya said to Sylar, "Is that why you have no powers?" And on hearing that Mohinder leaps up with his knife and Sylar leaps up with his gun. That was just a great way to show the tension between them - and useful because Mohinder and Sylar have a lot of history between them but haven't had a scene together in the whole second season.

Elle's characterization is still shaky, which is a shame, because she is one of the characters who really has potential to be well developed and intriguing. In the finale they seem to have chosen to portray her as this woman with a one-track, infantile mind. In a way it is endearing, but it still feels shaky, underdeveloped and inconsistent. And why did Elle never confront her father? Also, I'm beginning to suspect that Noah Bennet was lying to manipulate her.

Speaking of the Bennets, good on Claire for dumping West. Finally.

When Sylar shot Maya, it was satisfying, but very briefly. Then it was frustrating because she had done nothing the whole season. Then I was both relieved and further frustrated when The Superblood Deus Ex Machina revived her. The blood that was meant for Nikki.

And Nikki...booo. I liked her and the way she died was just so completely random - it did nothing to complete her arc. On the other hand, we didn't even see her dead body, so I'm hoping that she escaped. Woot! Nikki is one of my favorites.

The major climactic scene under Primatech - hmm, mixed feelings on it. On the one hand, I enjoyed the tension and drama as Matt Parkman, Nathan and Peter, Hiro and Adam all came together in conflict. On the other hand, plotholes galore. Why didn't Peter just walk through the vault door? There was no need for him to grapple with his mind or whatever weird telekinetic energies he has. All he has to do is walk through the door. Why didn't they make him do that? Not dramatic enough?

And Adam's reason for killing off humanity... :lol: Did anyone else giggle at the way he talked about his God complex?

And Nathan! :cry: Noooo!!!! I was so surprised when he got shot - call me blind or whatever, but I didn't see that coming. My roommates and all of our friends started when I jumped and yelled, "NO!" Apparently all of them saw it coming. Yeesh.

But then I calmed down and even got a bit annoyed when I realized that Peter's blood could save Nathan and my shock and dismay had been for nothing. Also, I think the Haitian killed him.

Angela Petrelli is...well, Ran, that theory wasn't too off mark. ;)

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Well, I'll start with the obvious gaffes from tonights episode:

- Good idea Peter - stand there trying to force the door open, when you can just walk right through it.

- Hey Suresh, when you're in the lab, and Sylar puts the gun down on the table...that might be a good time to tackle him or something.

- Hiro - when you're alone in the vault with Kensai...that would be a good time to stop time, yank the sword out of his hand and lop his head off.

- To the various workers of Primatech Paper - did you not notice the little Asian guy appearing out of thin air, and then suddenly knocked out on your warehouse floor?

- Nathan - can the big speech. Just take off and do a couple of loops above the police station.

- Nikki - when you take the gun from the thug...shoot him in the head instead of leaving him outside with your son in the car.

Eh...I could go on, but why...

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I really don't like the continued use of the regenerative blood thing. I could almost forgive them use of the magic blood once, because Bennet is too cool to stay dead. But Maya? Come on now.

Hopefully Sylar got all of it so at least it can't be used like that any more.

So, Niki checks out. I had a feeling that was going to be one of our deaths. At least they found a kind of noble way for her to go out.

Kind of pissed about the whole Nathan thing. That scene would have had so much more power if every preview hadn't been all "TWO HEROES WILL FALL!" Because people can count to two and would know we had only one so far. Set up the charismatic politician having a news conference in Texas... hmm, WHO IS GOING TO GET SHOT THERE?!

Although I guess that was more RFK than JFK since it was up close, but still. I knew that was the only way for that scene to end going in, not because I read your spoilers here but just because it made the most sense since I knew someone was about to die there.

It could have been a complete shocker moment, like Adama getting shot at the end of BSG season 1. Instead it was more like Shannon randomly getting shot in the middle of Lost season 2 - telegraphed by previews heralding someone's death, and at the end of the episode, it could only be her.

The show certainly has its faults, but like EHK said a little while ago - it's people with superpowers on prime-time TV. It could be the worst show in the world and I'd still watch it.

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Well the spoiler I read did not say Nathan was getting shot. I can't imagine that was what they reshot for the ending tough. The spoiler said that the virus got out in Odessa. Nathan gives a speech to "rally America" and then at the end you see Nathan is sick. I actually like that they shot him better. I wonder if that is what was changed though. The guy that gave the spoilers was right about everything else.

They also said that you would see cockaroaches around Adam when he was buried alive (anyone notice that). And I am pretty sure it said it would be left ambiguous whether Sylar survived Elle (since he will be off playing Spock when they would have filmed part 3).

And with the blood it was totally possible that the 2 deaths would have been Nikki and Maya.

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