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Lost S5, Part IV, Episode 13, Scene 108


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SPOILER: Lost Finale
If they really want to maximize that tragedy, they could even have it where Sawyer leaves Juliet alone one night to go see Kate. He decides that no, he doesn't want Kate and tells her so. But while he was gone, unable to protect Juliet, she gets killed by something. Poor Sawyer!

But seriously, I almost think I'd sacrifice Hurley in order to keep Juliet around to prevent the Jack/Kate/Sawyer triangle from progressing any further.
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Well I couldn't resist and for once this season (Yes! I made it through the whole season without looking at the spoilers, at least until now), and if true, the spoilers aren't nearly as devastating as last year's. Last year's spoilers were so blatant and definitive that it broke my heart reading them. This year's spoilers (at least up until now) aren't definitive, and aren't that all surprising, to tell the truth.

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red snow,

The guy playing Jin was also arrested but he's still alive and kicking so not sure that holds true anymore.

But he was killed at the end of the season still ;)

In all fairness, the actor has not been convicted of anything and the case sounds dubious, so I hope Desmond is safe.

If I were to be cruel I would have had a storyline where Juliet was pregnant and became the first to die during pregnancy on the island. The irony would be quite sad and it would probably screw with Sawyer. Sadly, Juliet has not been showing the subtle signs of tv pregnancy by throwing up every morning scene and eating strange things.

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Podcast here.


We will see more ankhs and the statue (in relation to one another).

The die-hard fans will 'one day know' the terms of the truce between DHARMA and the Hostiles.

We will hear the name Alvar Hanso again.

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I was baffled by New Locke's motives and going to Jacob and then his intention as told to Ben. Then I remembered the 1st episode when Locke showed Walt backgammon. Two opposing sides.

Are there more than just two (or 3) opposing peoples on the island but in fact 2 opposing forces? As in mystical or pseudo-scientific? Jacob's Cabin vs. The Monster's Temple? Because John is acting like the animated smoke people, completely changed.

Of course, this does not explain why Christian Shepherd would tell Sun that John is the other Losties way home.

Oh and I find it utterly satisfying when the Losties know what's going on and the Others don't. :D

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It didn't seem like much was accomplished besides setup for the finale, but they did manage to make almost the entire episode very tense.

And so much for it supposedly being a Richard Alpert-flashback episode.

well in essense it was. He was in both timelines. Or all 3 if you count his aiding Locke at the plane.

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Well...Locke seems to be becoming more like Ben and Jack more like Locke...

I don't know if Locke truly wants to kill Jacob at this point, though I suspect the reveal of WHO Jacob really is will stay his hand...

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I thought Sawyer might turn out to be the leader of the future Dharma Initiative "3rd faction" when he got on the submarine, but I thought that previews for next week:

SPOILER: preview for next week
Kate still on the island.
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I was baffled by New Locke's motives and going to Jacob and then his intention as told to Ben. Then I remembered the 1st episode when Locke showed Walt backgammon. Two opposing sides.

I keep thinking of the ring of salt around Jacob's cabin, and how salt circles were traditionally used to protect the people outside the circle from the thing in the circle . . .

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Locke always comes up with a plan out of left field for the finales. Open the hatch, don't push the button, kill the girl who wants to rescue you, move the island and now this? He is one crazy mofo. I don't like him as much as I used to or want to. He's much more interesting when he's not so sure of himself. He's been pretty right the whole way (well, not the button thing) and I have been a Locke fan so far, but this last thing makes me wary. I don't like that John told Richard what to say to his past self. It was so much cooler when you thought it was coming from the island. Kind of like Richard testing young Locke. It seems like pivotal points in John's island life are being orchestrated by John himself. That can't be good, can it?

Something that bothered me from the previews for next week

SPOILER: in case someone doesn't watch these

The way they set up the submarine leaving was very dramatic and final sounding (although you knew it probably wouldn't be) and then they show them all back on the island for the next episode. So all the suspense they could have used is gone. It seems like there was too much time spent on those scenes with Juliet and Sawyer just to have it be a set up for Juliet's jealousy. Oh well.

Did anyone else notice that when Charles was talking to Eloise he put his hand on her stomach? I'd bet Eloise is pregnant with Dan right now. I mean, that was a good bet anyway with Dan's age and all, but that seemed to cement it for me. We'll see if this is true.

I loved Jack saying he would be fine with wiping out his and Kate's history. HA! serves her right. Yay for Sayid - have been missing him lately. And I really could have wished for some more emotion in the Chang/Miles reunion (meeting?). There is still time for that as Miles now understands what happened between his mother and father. Am I the only one who thought that burying the bomb would involve more than moving it and covering it with a tarp? I'm sure that's not what Dan had in mind ...

Korean war? There is no such thing.

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well in essense it was. He was in both timelines. Or all 3 if you count his aiding Locke at the plane.

I guess that's technically true, but I was so hoping to see some old old school Island stuff. There's always next week/season.

I thought Sawyer might turn out to be the leader of the future Dharma Initiative "3rd faction" when he got on the submarine, but I thought that previews for next week:
SPOILER: preview for next week
Kate still on the island.

I definitely thought we'd be seeing the Dharma headquarters through their eyes next season, but instead

SPOILER: next week's preview
it looks like there may finally be a major showdown between Jack and Sawyer.

And I wonder who it was that Jack shot in Dharmaville, or shot at.

One thing is for sure, the finales almost never fail to be great... except for the inevitable cliffhanger we'll have to wait until next January/February for. :thumbsdown:

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Another excellent episode. My one minor quibble was the submarine. It was clearly CGI and looked phony, a clash with how special effects normally look on LOST. It just felt out of place.

I can't fucking wait for the season finale next week. I wish I had a fucking wheel to turn, so I could get there quicker. \

Korean war? There is no such thing.

Up there as one of the funniest moments on Lost. I fell of the couch laughing when Chang ripped Hurley's cover story apart in a minute. "So you're 46...whose the President." "Yeah, we're from the future, sorry guys."

God I love this show. What will be left to watch when it ends next year. A Lost DVD re-watch will last me maybe two weeks. Sigh.

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