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Chicon 7 Aug. 30-sept. 4 2012

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Gah - GRRM is so popular now that all the seats were already taken up for the interview session - some bros got seats, most were standing. I gave up - too many people, and waiting outside all I could hear was laughter and applause (go George!). Still, I think there were plenty of people who squeezed in who might be able to piece together a report on it. (I'm not doing too much today because tired - hard to get to sleep - asked to be in the quiet tower but ended up on a party floor *grumbles*. At least the parties were fairly quiet).

Will have another go trying to see a panel with George in later today. *crosses fingers*

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I was lucky enough to be in the second row for the panel - I'd attended the prior panel in the room and just moved up to the front between panels. Yes, it was packed!

Ran, no one asked any of the questions you had suggested. The audience questions were (in my opinion) pretty lame - along the lines of, "How did you come up with X character?!" and "What HBO show actor plays the character the closest to how you imagined?" But the rest of it was really interesting, although perhaps not entirely new.

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So it goes!

Maybe at the Q&A, if there is one after the reading. :)

I did read one report that notes that GRRM discussed changes from the books. He cited several things that are budgetary -- the chain, the bridge of boats, the trebuchets all had to be cut from "Blackwater" -- but then there's this bit from the reporter: "Apparently Martin also has not so much influence on the show which is another big reason for the changes."

Anyone able to expand on that? This could be linking things together that GRRM himself didn't link together, but I'm curious.

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GRRM's answer to one audience question re changes was along the lines of "Well, you'd have to ask Dan and Dave that." Maybe that's what the reviewer in question was referring to. There is a lot of stuff that George doesn't have control over and that's his way of saying 'don't ask me why they made those decisions' even if he does know what their answers would be.

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So it goes!

Maybe at the Q&A, if there is one after the reading. :)

I did read one report that notes that GRRM discussed changes from the books. He cited several things that are budgetary -- the chain, the bridge of boats, the trebuchets all had to be cut from "Blackwater" -- but then there's this bit from the reporter: "Apparently Martin also has not so much influence on the show which is another big reason for the changes."

Anyone able to expand on that? This could be linking things together that GRRM himself didn't link together, but I'm curious.

I think that's a reasonable interpretation, but it's certainly not something George said.

He did talk about the Blackwater episode and budget concerns, e.g., being told, "We can't have the chain." "That's understandable. But at least we'll have the bridge of boats!" "Uh, no, no bridge." "Hmm. But we'll have the Antler Men being flung from the trebuchets!" "Yeah, no." However, I interpreted this more as pragmatic/practical (no different than his past anecdotes from television writing - "You can have horses, or you can have Stonehenge, but you can't have horses AND Stonehenge."), and not as George saying he has no or limited say.

My own personal read on things was that people were looking for George to say something negative about choices made in the show, and that George was being very careful not to cross any lines on that. But, again, just my read.

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from the meet & greet thread...

Don't make any plans for Sunday night. Just saying....

The "I'm Not Special Enough, I Didn't Even Win A Raffle Prize (or I Think My Prize Was Shit, I Couldn't Even Give It Away), George Blocked My Cock" Post Hugo Last Ditch Drinks will be held at the hotel bar.

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