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First Extended Trailer for Season 2


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I guess the Cat-Petyr-scene is more important for Petyr's characterization than to reveal anything important. I'm quite convinced Littlefinger will successfully convince that he had nothing to do with Ned's fall and eventually death (else, I guess, Cat would have outright killed Littlefinger).

And it's also quite likely that he will point out Renly abandoning Ned to Cersei, strengthening her doubts about 'King Renly'.

Cat won't be happy about his story how Ned ended up getting himself killed by one clumsy move after the other, but Petyr will make his move for his true love and 'her impeccable bloodline', and I'm quite sure he will not like the answer. But it will be interesting to see if Cat will be at least tempted for a few moments when he offers her Cersei's and Joffrey's heads in exchange for her hand. He might go even as far as offering to sit Robb on the Iron Throne.

Then story does not have to change that much. All they need do is having Tyrion and Cersei send out Littlefinger a little bit early in a desperate move to win Renly to their side. I guess the Margaery-Joffrey-match will then turn out to be Littlefinger's idea after Renly's death...

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no, if i recall correctly whay david benioff said at the comic con was that if the show reached the RW scene, then he would be content to end it at that, but he was refering to season 3. i even read somewhere that since book 3 might be split into 2, then the first part would end with the RW and the second one with Tywin in the privy... so at least there is a big posibility of having a third season, i guess..!

My recollection was Benioff was speaking in general in connection with episode 9 of season 1.

He did not say where and when it would come in the series chronology.

One hopes the show will be such a hit this year that HBO will come up with the bucks to go to at least 12 episode seasons.

Has there not been rumors of production starting earlier this year than the last two?

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No, what he said was (and I believe this was from Comic Con 2011), was that, more than anything, he was looking forward to portraying the Red Wedding on screen. He then went on to say that they were determined to see the first three books adapted faithfully, but after that, they were considering altering the story, or going off in their own direction. I actually wouldn't mind them cutting some of the fat out of books 4 and 5, and fleshing out some of the more interesting characters. This is of course, assuming that the series even lasts more than 4 seasons. I for one will be content, as long as they complete book 3, which has a sense of finality to it anyway.

Regarding the Catelyn/Littlefinger scene, one possibility is that Catelyn went with the Tyrell's to Bitterbridge, which is where Littlefinger met with them, to organise a marriage alliance with the Lannister's.

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Jack Gleeson is amazing. It really sucks all the hate he gets, even though it means he such a great actor that he made fans really hate Joffery, which is very rare for a 14 year old

I've seen the character get lots of hate, but not the actor, which makes perfect sense to me and just shows just how great Gleeson is.

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Regarding the Catelyn/Littlefinger scene, one possibility is that Catelyn went with the Tyrell's to Bitterbridge, which is where Littlefinger met with them, to organise a marriage alliance with the Lannister's.

Possible. In the books Brienne and Cat are fleeing as Brienne is a suspect in Renly's murder. However this is easily written around in the show - they can either have just Brienne flee, or not have either of them as suspects, or even capture Brienne and hold her prisoner until Cat frees her or some crap.

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No, what he said was (and I believe this was from Comic Con 2011), was that, more than anything, he was looking forward to portraying the Red Wedding on screen. He then went on to say that they were determined to see the first three books adapted faithfully, but after that, they were considering altering the story, or going off in their own direction. I actually wouldn't mind them cutting some of the fat out of books 4 and 5, and fleshing out some of the more interesting characters. This is of course, assuming that the series even lasts more than 4 seasons. I for one will be content, as long as they complete book 3, which has a sense of finality to it anyway.

George may, let's hope! be finished with book 5 before the production of season 4, though depending of the fate of ratings, there may be more 3 seasons to cover books 1-3, only rumor now.

If 6 is in hand , and maybe even 7! , I don't know what they are going to do.

Fixed the oopps!

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Regarding the Catelyn/Littlefinger scene, one possibility is that Catelyn went with the Tyrell's to Bitterbridge, which is where Littlefinger met with them, to organise a marriage alliance with the Lannister's.

This is a very interesting idea. Without Riverrun, Cat's story is completely reduced in season 2, so they might have decided to have her around with Renly and the Tyrells for much longer. Maybe she's even present for the wedding of Renly and Margaery?

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I dont even know why everyone is making such a fuss about the Catelyn Littlefinger scene. Is clearly 2 diferent and probably unrelated shots. Surely you people must have seen a few of the 100000 trailers out there that use the same trick. Thats probably Cat holding a knife as Renly is ...... by the shadow (gues dont want to throw spoilers) or something.

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I dont even know why everyone is making such a fuss about the Catelyn Littlefinger scene. Is clearly 2 diferent and probably unrelated shots. Surely you people must have seen a few of the 100000 trailers out there that use the same trick. Thats probably Cat holding a knife as Renly is ...... by the shadow (gues dont want to throw spoilers) or something.

The two scenes match up way too closely for it to be a trick. And they're clearly in the same tent, anyway.

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I dont even know why everyone is making such a fuss about the Catelyn Littlefinger scene. Is clearly 2 diferent and probably unrelated shots. Surely you people must have seen a few of the 100000 trailers out there that use the same trick. Thats probably Cat holding a knife as Renly is ...... by the shadow (gues dont want to throw spoilers) or something.

That's exactly what I first thought, until observing the two shots closely.

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I dont even know why everyone is making such a fuss about the Catelyn Littlefinger scene. Is clearly 2 diferent and probably unrelated shots. Surely you people must have seen a few of the 100000 trailers out there that use the same trick. Thats probably Cat holding a knife as Renly is ...... by the shadow (gues dont want to throw spoilers) or something.

You're right that trailers use that trick all the time, and it's funny how often people fall for it even when it is so obvious that the two actors are not in the same location (one of the trailers for the original 'X-Men' comes to mind), but that doesn't seem to be the case here at all. You can even see the knife being pointed at him in the shot of Baelish.

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This trailer was just... wow.

Varys' riddle, Tyrion's last line, Dany's line, the scenes beyond the wall, Cersei and Tyrion, Melisandre and Stannis, Renly and Margaery, Jeyne? speaking to Robb, Cat and Littlefinger, Arya, the burning of the seven. ALL of it was good.

I loved how Stannis was the King, Melisandre was the Priest, and Tywin was the rich man! And then there was that shot of Mel... I wonder if they were showing the birth of the shadowbaby, or the conception? :P

It seems to me like they've made Dany's storyline more dramatic, and hurried up a lot of her character development. She's only realised that she needs to take Westeros with fire and blood at the end of ADWD; in ACOK she's still very naive. I think this is a very good choice.

I see that a lot of people are unsure about the Cat/Littlefinger scene, but I think it's a brilliant move. Littlefinger is a main character in the show and he has very little to do this season, and without Cat's thoughts it will be a bit jarring to viewers if she seems to stop caring about who tried to kill Bran.

Definitely WOW!!!!

I'm not sure they hurried her development up too much, its within COK that she starts to first get a handle on what she wants to do and how she wants to do it. Amazing how getting lost in the desert can help you find your way. The problem with Dany is not that she doesn't start this character transition till later

(which when you look at how weak she is at the very beginning - much more so in the books - shows how far she has to come), it is that she sort of forgets about it while practicing ruling in Meereen. Dany in COK actually has foward momentum and the story generally for all the characters is still one of my favorites out of all the books.

I also like the idea of seeing more of Robb.

His absense in the books for the second novel pretty much convinced me he was a dead man but also made his reappearance and subsequent death easier because we were never as attached to him (not saying the RW was easy but not as bad as if we had been in both Robb and Catelyn's heads).

I like the fact that the tv show is showing rather than telling after the fact. It is a device that works well in books (recapping) that doesn't work as well when in a live action format. It is much more powerful if we see Robb's successes and routes of the enemy than if we just hear about it via others. Same is true for the shot of Robert's whore and bastard dying. Sure as readers we know about it, but seeing the gold cloaks actually go after the mother and the baby will be more powerful.

Then there is Sansa. I always had sympathy for her despite wanting to shake her senseless at times because she was never educated in the game and allowed to think the world was really this farrytale that it wasn't. I do blame Ned and Cat for that but this is the season where poor Sansa wakes up and it is a hard journey for her from here on out for a while. Watching it instead of reading it will be that much harder but I have faith she will deliver.

As to Cat/Littlefinger - while I know it didn't happen in the book but I like the idea that they might meet up at Renly's camp and have it out a bit. Not only will it add an extra layer of creepy to the AFFC stuff with Sansa but it is an alteration that I think the story can take. So intregued to say the least.

So very much looking foward to this season!!!!!

ETA: Forgot spoiler tags...fixed now.

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He then went on to say that...they were considering altering the story, or going off in their own direction.

Never happened at Comiccon. I would be shocked to find that it happened anywhere but it definitely did not happen at Comiccon with GRRM standing right beside them. They have never promised that they would remain as faithful with later books as they did with aGoT (and seemingly with aCoK) but they have never said they would go off on their own direction either. They have shown remarkable respect for GRRM's series.

Regarding the Catelyn/Littlefinger scene, one possibility is that Catelyn went with the Tyrell's to Bitterbridge, which is where Littlefinger met with them, to organise a marriage alliance with the Lannister's.

I'm skeptical about this too. The smaller change is to assume that LF is sent to Renly earlier than in the books. Tyrion sends people to treat with Robb too, so it is very consistent with that. If Catelyn ends up with the Tyrells, then we have changed Brienne's story (this dishonour hanging over her is a very neat aspect of her story). And Loras's story. And it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Once Stannis dies, she shouldn't be hanging around. It would be way too volatile. Somebody should be tempted to arrest her just to have a hostage and she should be interested in informing Robb of this murder asap.

I like the idea of Catelyn meeting LF anyhow. It should be very interesting and I don't think it changes anything fundamental.

Has there not been rumors of production starting earlier this year than the last two?

There has but given that they are very unlikely to greenlight S3 earlier, it doesn't strike me as very likely. (Except if its by the odd week or two).

I'm not sure they hurried her development up too much.

IMO GRRM wanted to highlight how (relatively) easy it was to conquer but how difficult it was to rule. That's a real-life issue too. Jon and Cersei had similar issues. Its a misconception IMO to say that Dany forgets how to rule. She never knew in the first place. She didn't do it in aGoT or aCoK. That's the point of her statement at the end of aSoS when she begins to run into the first negative consequences of her conquest. She realises that she needs to learn. Before aDwD I think people assumed she would find it relatively easy (and I would count myself amongst those) even though things are rarely easy in GRRM's world.

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Then there is Sansa. I always had sympathy for her despite wanting to shake her senseless at times because she was never educated in the game and allowed to think the world was really this farrytale that it wasn't. I do blame Ned and Cat for that but this is the season where poor Sansa wakes up and it is a hard journey for her from here on out for a while. Watching it instead of reading it will be that much harder but I have faith she will deliver.

For me Sansa is the character that, in Clash, had the biggest development, alongside Dany, Tyrion, and of course Arya.

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