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Getting drinks w/someone?


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This really ought to be in the dating thread, but okay :P

But it's not a date right? More of a career networking thing? Or is it a date under the guise of networking? (I've never tried to pull that one before, of course)


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Where on Long Island?

Can I DM you?

@ the people saying this is a date: 99.9% sure it's not.

@ the people insulting me: Why the hate? I asked for advice with a resume because I wanted to make sure mine was good, what's so bad about that? I don't have any people that I know IRL that can help me with these things.

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I was invited to meet someone for drinks.

I have no idea what this entails because I've never been invited to something like this and I've never been in a bar in my entire life.



I worked as a bartender for about 7 years so here are a few tips that may be helpful

1. Never leave your drink unattended

2. Tip well (around 25%)

3. Eat something is food is available

4. Stick to simple drinks (draft beer or basic mixed cocktails such as vodka/orange, vodka/cranberry, rhum/coke)

5. Don't mix types of drinks (if you start with something, stick with it)

6. Avoid shooters

7. If someone buys a drink, buy them one right back (immediately)

Above all, be nice and have fun. This should be a good experience.

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Aww, good luck. Ignore the snarks. Poeple here really are generally good folk and give pretty good advice.

ETA: I hear you on this not being a date, Maybe it is wishful thinking on my part because i don't want to be the only person obsessing over my lack of knowledge on the subject :P


And @ Xray: PM sent. Thank you so much.

I'll post an after action report whenever this whole thing is done as like a reward to everyone who helped out and followed the thread.

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@ the people insulting me: Why the hate? I asked for advice with a resume because I wanted to make sure mine was good, what's so bad about that? I don't have any people that I know IRL that can help me with these things.

MR - please accept my apologies. I wrote way too early in the morning, and upon re-read, I realize I came across much harsher than intended.

I do wish you luck and success on your job journey and on your new experiences.

With that said, I strongly agree with Sci (and others) who have encouraged you to potentially seek a little (in person?) support closer to home. It would be wonderful if you were to get the accurate feedback and more nuanced support that you deserve. This board will likely be here for a long time with educated professionals who can give basic support not knowing the full circumstances. (Like seltzer with lime - who knew?)

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If I don't drink can I just get a sprite or something?


I usually order a cranberry juice with a twist of lime. Try to order last so the other person can order a drink if they would like to do so. If you order first, they may feel uncomfortable ordering what they would like.

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Thanks for all the responses, everyone.

I'll be going out Friday night. She wants to go on the earlier side. Typically, do people in this scenario drink enough drinks to warrant opening a tab or just drink one drink and sip it? Sorry if I'm being an idiot I've just literally never ever been to a bar.

Now I'm just afraid that someone will try to fight me or something at the bar.

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Dude, neither of the places you might go are going to have that kind of clientele. I promise you. You will not get into fights, unless you are Patrick Swayze in disguise.

Best thing to do is open a tab on a credit card (both places take cards, I just checked, but check to make sure if there's a $10 minimum or whatnot). But bring a bunch of one-dollar bills along for the tip ($1 per drink is sufficient) instead of putting the bar tip on your card. If you get food, then you go for the standard 15%, and that can go on the card. (Basically, how you approach the bill depends on which of the two places you end up.)

PM me and let me know which place you're going if you want more specific advice.

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I've just literally never ever been to a bar.

When you are in unknown social circumstances, just try to follow the behaviour of somebody who knows what they are doing better than you (in this case, the one who invited you there) and try to be natural about it. The best you can do in this case, IMO.

Also, have they suggested the place? I am sure nobody will invite you out and then bring you to a place you are likely to get beaten.

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I have been to hundreds of bars in many different countries. Some of those bars were seedy and I wouldn't want my mom knowing that I went to them. But I don't think I've ever had a punch thrown at me in a bar. The only near-fights I experienced in bars were started by one of my idiot friends. Chances are very good that if you don't start any trouble, there won't be any trouble. Often true outside of the bars too, actually.

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If you are going early on a Friday night, the majority of the people there will be doing what you are doing. They are grabbing a drink or two (and you will not be the only one ordering something non-alcoholic...many times here in the US, the person getting a soda or a juice is assumed to be the designated driver and either not charged or charged a nominal fee) and a quick snack before heading out to dinner, a movie, the theatre or back home. The real drunks that cause trouble may be there, but they will just be getting started.

Fights and situations usually start much later in the night, especially on a payday. I think that is just the way it is, no matter where you live.

I don't know anything about where you are going, but Xray apparently does. Chances are you may be going somewhere that is cozy enough that such fights don't occur.

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