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Body Hair: Gross or Great?

Weeping Sore

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Is body hair gross on women but great on men? Great/gross for both? If you had to choose between two extremes, would you be for radical acceptance or universal condemnation of body hair in all its forms?*

*we'll arbitrarily exclude consideration of the head/face here, as beards have their own thread

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I think it's great for both. I prefer body hair and find it more aesthetically pleasing. I am for radical acceptance of body hair, though I admit that I completely lack the ability to comfortably present my body in a way that pleases me. It's so uncomfortable for me to run a razor across my pits and legs and feels really unnatural, but where I live now, I've found it too difficult to navigate through life with hairy arm pits or legs and it's impractical to remain covered up for at least half the year.

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I am not a fan of body hair on either gender. Truthfully all hair kind of grosses me out in a way, like I get super grossed out by random hairs on things and I don't like to touch people's hair. But as with most things that gross me out, mine and my SO's are generally an exception. So I keep my body hair minimal and appreciate when my partner does the same, but it's not like I don't ever go for a couple weeks without shaving because I'm lazy/it's cold. Maybe someday when I'm rich I can just laser it all off and never worry about it again!

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My legs are hairy as fuck. My chest is pretty hairy too. Which makes what I'm gonna say next a little hypocritical but...

At the risk of catching hell, I prefer that women of romantic interest to me not have hair on their legs or under their arms.. Or have a mustache. Not that long ago a female acquaintance of mine confessed a crush on me. She is of the anti- any body hair grooming whatsoever persuasion and, frankly, I can't deal.

I'm not going to tell anyone what to do, but if you want to surf through the flames of life with this otter, there is a certain smoothness thresh-hold.

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I've asked my wife several times if she would prefer me to manscape. I'm pretty fuzzy on legs, forearms, chest and a small lumbar patch. She always refuses. She likes me hairy and says it would be gross if I was hairless.

On the other hand, I would be grossed out if she had a lot of body hair.

Perhaps we fall into the stereotypical gender preferences.

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On myself I find it more annoying than unaesthetical, especially in the summer when I'm a big hairy fly tape whenever I'm out running or biking. Hence trimming.

On others, if it's on genitalia that I'm expected to interact with; trimmed or shaved. Otherwise I don't care.

EDIT: So in the choice between the two extremes I suppose I'd choose universal condemnation.

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@Iskaral Pust- ditto

The choice is not as extreme as you suggest. My wife has very little body hair anyway. It's not as if she's going through some huge hair removal process that I don't share. And the real point was that even if there is a disparity, it's the one we want. And it's a disparity that biology/hormones largely delivers for us.

But if I had to choose one extreme or another, then I'd choose hairless for all and happily submit.

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I'm practically a werewolf I'm so hairy. Every last part of me. Used to hate it but I've grown to accept that I will always be a bit of a bear because I am unwilling to suffer through waxing or shave my whole body every few days. I do, however, do some grooming to keep things neat of course.

As for body hair on women, it is neither a turn on nor a turn off for me personally. Though I'll second the desire for groomed naughty bits. Nobody wants a mouthful of hair.

If I had to choose between the two extremes I'd go with universal acceptance.

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@S John-

You're dodging the question. If you choose radical condemnation, you have to remove your own body hair, too, or government functionaries come to your door to administer forced waxing.

From the neck down only?

My vote would go towards universal condemnation. I would rather shave all of my hairy body parts and have a smooth lady counterpart than to not have to groom myself at all and have a super furry lady-friend.

edit - and really this is about underarms and legs, here. I am perfectly fine with body hair in the pubic area. Preferably trimmed, though.

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I just don't care; get real annoyed when men make a fuss about a woman's body hair though; fine if it's your personal preference in someone you want to date because i prefer men who aren't completely hairless and i like body hair on men, but whenever any person as an ideal view of how the opposite sex must act or look i find myself less than amused. when it comes to women i really don't care about body hair at all, anyone should be able to do whatever they want with their own bodies

understand when it comes to grooming oneself in certain areas to make it easier/more pleasurable for your partner, but when it comes to leg hair and pit hair i just don't see why it's such a negative on woman even though i buy into it myself and if it wasn't winter right now, or i had a boyfriend or girlfriend to try to please/impress i probably would shave my legs and pits. but it IS winter & no one is seeing me naked anytime soon so *shrug* whatever.

so....universal acceptance

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I have hairy arms, legs and the lumbar patch mentioned above. Hadly any hair on my chest. I'm the only hairy person in my family, by the way. But I'm fine with it. I'm a man and men are supposed to have some hair on their bodies.

As far as women are concerned, the only hair that I couldn't deal with is facial hair. (I feel bad for women with razor bumps.) Hairy legs, armpits, and lady parts is no big deal. Trimming would be cool, but I would never demand it. A grown woman should have some hair on her lady parts.

So I'm for acceptance.

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It hurts me to admit that I am a little hypocritical about this. For myself, it's got to be a hair-free zone except on top of my head. And I have horrible problems controlling my hair. It's like a freaking brillo pad. I am constantly battling it. And I live in the deep south - so I basically have an afro if I don't beat it into submission. Maybe that's why I'm such a freak about being hairless everywhere else; I'm exhausted from the constant battle with my hair. I think, though, that if a woman wants to be hairy, go for it - it's just not for me.

If I ever get a date, I am hoping it will be with someone who is not a hobbit or the wolfman. I don't mind some manly hair, but I really don't want to date the wolfman. I dated a guy in college who had more chest hair than I have ever seen and wore a gold beer tab on a thick, gold rope chain. I endured this because he had a stellar speed boat, and it was summertime, and I was a waterbaby. We broke up in the fall; I just couldn't get past all that hair. It was intimidating.

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Universal acceptance, if we are talking in extremes. Because I am not losing my time and effort on shaving myself all the time (when I started doing it, this was the thing that made me more ashamed of my body than any insult about my body that was ever thrown at me :ack: and though I got rid of that feeling during the years, I still do not like doing it), because I think that even when I am not freshly shaved, I do not look any worse than I do freshly shaved, because it is pre-pubescent children who are hairless and I do not want to look like one, and because I find completely hairless men's bodies a bit strange (especially shaved armpits, they just make my thoughts leap to a possibilty of a skin disease for some reason).

I also think that there are too many people with judgmental opinions based on other people's hairiness in the world.

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