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Why did Benjen join the Night's Watch?

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First of all, I know this is a question that's been asked a lot in this forum. I've just skimmed some of the threads - many of which have the exact same title - and I have no desire to repeat everything all over again. (But nor do I have any desire to comb carefully through hundreds of posts :P)

I'm more interested in whether there's any evidence, crackpot or not, of an alternative to the usual explanation given, that usual explanation being that Benjen was a third son with few prospects who was impressed by a Night's Watch recruiter at the Tourney of Harrenhal.

The problem with this, as those other threads attest, is that Benjen didn't join the Night's Watch until after Robert's Rebellion. He held Winterfell during the war, and may have still hoped to join the Night's Watch when it was over. But by the time Ned returned, they were the only two Starks left - well, three if you count Robb (and four if you count Jon).

This removes one of Benjen's presumed reasons for joining the Night's Watch - he's no longer a stray third brother but the second-in-line to Winterfell, and in fact the de facto first in line while Robb is still a baby.

But more importantly, this is an extremely precarious situation for House Stark to be in. The war's only just over, and who knows how stable the realm really is? It seems like Benjen's duty to his family would dictate that he marry and father some children, to provide a few extra heirs and to support Ned - to stabilise the North. It's not like he can't go to the Wall later in life, like Jeor Mormont did. It'll still be there, waiting for him. (Or will it? BA-ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO)

So what gives? The logical explanation is that Benjen's desire to join the Watch was so strong that it overrode his duty to his family, and to the North. Some have even speculated that he feels guilty, that by helping Lyanna dress up as the Knight of the Laughing Tree, he brought her to Rhaegar's attention and started the war.

Myself, I don't think Benjen would have blamed himself, nor run to the Wall to cry. I suppose the "logical explanation" is most likely. But my question to y'alls is: is there anything else it could be? And: would you mind speculating wildly on the subject?

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:rofl: Thank you, for that.

One form wild speculation could take is: homosexuality. Maybe having a wife and having to lie with her was such a turn-off for him....but I don't really think that's AT ALL likely.

I think a simple answer is that as a younger son, he felt he could get more out of life by leaving the nest.

My apologies for a brief response to your fairly detailed post. I have said before that I think sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. I think it could be the case, here.

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My theory is Ned and Benjen saw the need to repopulate the gift. If Benjen became Lord-Commander of the NW (an honorable role in the North) that would make it possible to easily organise.

Because really if there's was no WW or Mance and the Old Bear had a stroke or something, Benjen would have been a pretty popular candidate for Commander.

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Craziest idea I can think of is that he had a series of prophetic dreams telling him that he was destined to serve the three eyed crow beyond the wall, only to find out years and years later that his service would be posthumous.

I have been wondering about that as well actually. Maybe he was really interested in magic, prophecy and so on, like so many other important background characters. (If so, I wonder if he had a good or bad relationship with Aemon).

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Benjen was too young to join the Watch without his father's permission at the time of Harrenhal.

Then Rickard and Brandon were both killed, which put Ned in charge. But...then a war started, Ned had to go off and fight, and Benjen had to be the Stark in Winterfell. After Ned returned and the succession of House Stark was secure (as well as Benjen being of age) then he joined the Night's Watch. Not necessarily a big mystery.

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Point of order: I don't think he was second in line after Robb was born. He would be in line behind Robb. You're correct that he would be acting Lord if anything happened to Ned while Robb was still a baby, I'm not sure hat would be very long considering they let Bran be acting lord when Robb went off to war (and he was still quite young).

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Point of order: I don't think he was second in line after Robb was born. He would be in line behind Robb. You're correct that he would be acting Lord if anything happened to Ned while Robb was still a baby, I'm not sure hat would be very long considering they let Bran be acting lord when Robb went off to war (and he was still quite young).

Wasn't Bran like 9 or 10 when he was acting lord for Robb? That would make him acting lord for a number of years if that is the case. I assume it would be like a regency thing for King Joffrey and what not. He was supposed to have a regent until he was 16 IIRC. Anyways, I think Benjen had a desire to join the nights watch before RR began just because he was last in line and might have had a similar feeling to what Jon felt in AGOT, that he would be able to make something more of himself away from his family. After RR he still had the desire to join and went.

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:rofl: Thank you, for that.

One form wild speculation could take is: homosexuality. Maybe having a wife and having to lie with her was such a turn-off for him....but I don't really think that's AT ALL likely.

I think a simple answer is that as a younger son, he felt he could get more out of life by leaving the nest.

My apologies for a brief response to your fairly detailed post. I have said before that I think sometimes the simplest answer is the right one. I think it could be the case, here.

Yeah the way he talked to Jon about joining before he had "known a woman" always made me think that wasn't really an option

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I thought this was something that would be explained in the future...

He was really close with Lyanna. I suppose we will learn more once we find out what happened at the Tourney at Harrenhall, Knight of the Laughing Tree, etc.

My thoughts exactly as well.

As GRRM once said...."Some characters simply know too much to be around right now in the novels". He was referring to Howland Reed, but I think Benjen fits this as well.

Nobody knows why he joined the NW, but it had to have been a significant reason. I'm holding out hope that Benjen knows the true parentage of Jon and/or the nature of Lyanna/Rhaegar's relationship, and he joined the NW out of guilt of knowing this.

As close as he was to Lyanna and Ned, if *anyone* would know anything about the truth (outside of Howland), it would be Benjen.

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Maybe its a similar thing to you can't expect other people to send their sons to join the NW if you don't do it yourself?

Or, if we are going for out there speculation, Jon being a bastard only really had the option of going to the wall which would be even more imperative to 'protect' him should his real identity be known. Benjen went ahead so later on he could persuade Jon to do the same, and to also be close at hand.

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Why did Waymar Royce join?

Particularly among descendants of the first men, there is a certain honor in taking the black. I think it's common for second and third sons who aren't in a good position to inherit to take this path.

It used to be. The Starks in particular I believe used to send third sons to the Wall when they had them. But Jon thinks that Rickon will be ruling a holdfast in Robb's name someday, so I imagine that practice has largely fallen by the wayside by now.

Ser Waymar is not a Northman, which makes it particularly interesting. The Royces undoubtedly were part of the last War for the Dawn, and that bronze armor may be very important.

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Benjen was too young to join the Watch without his father's permission at the time of Harrenhal.

Then Rickard and Brandon were both killed, which put Ned in charge. But...then a war started, Ned had to go off and fight, and Benjen had to be the Stark in Winterfell. After Ned returned and the succession of House Stark was secure (as well as Benjen being of age) then he joined the Night's Watch. Not necessarily a big mystery.


Ned very rarely says 'no' to his children. Bran is never really in trouble for climbing. Arya gets a fencing teacher. If Benjen really wanted to go, Ned would not say 'no' unless he had a really good reason.

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I'm surprised you never heard the grief theory. We saw in Brans weirwood vision Benjen and Lyanna sword fighting, and heard in the story of the tourney of Harrenhall that Lyanna cried when Rhaegar played his harp and Benjen saw and made fun of her. I believe he knew she was not kidknapped and did not tell anyone and that he blamed himself for Rickard and Brandons deaths.

Edit: Assuming that Lyanna was TKOTLT she would have needed someone to help her put the armor on, and that someone would have been Benjen.

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Well, his brother had won the war and already had an heir to Winterfell, and House Stark has helped manning the Wall since times immemorial, it is considered an honor and a duty.

So nothing weird at all with him joining. In the North is rare for one to become a knight, the Starks don't turn into septons and they don't look like prone to join the citadel either... So the NW is pretty much the career to chose for younger sons.

The NW is unique in the setting of westeros, it has branches for all kinds of dudes (warriors, intelectuals, and builders), has chances of promotion among the ranks, comes with basic combat training for all, sleek clothes for free, three meals a day and housing.

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I'm surprised you never heard the grief theory. We saw in Brans weirwood vision Benjen and Lyanna sword fighting, and heard in the story of the tourney of Harrenhall that Lyanna cried when Rhaegar played his hard and Benjen saw and made fun of her. I believe he knew she was not kidknapped and did not tell anyone and that he blamed himself for Rickard and Brandons deaths.

Edit: Assuming that Lyanna was TKOTLT she would have needed someone to help her put the armor on, and that someone would have been Benjen.

^i like this, makes sense that he would be the other person to know/suspect about R+L, and maybe he helped her & so felt responsible for all that followed.

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