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Season 6: What will be the opening scene?

Colonel Green

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Good topic and comprehensive OP.

There were several cliffhangers ending season 5, so it is a tough call. Your idea on starting dramatically with weirBran is interesting, but I think it wouldn't work because it would feel too out of the blue and superfluous for people who tune in and can't concentrate on anything at all except the fate of Jon Snow and the Wall.

So I think the aftermath of the mutiny at the Wall will come first. I do not, however, think Jon Snow will be resurrected immediately. Instead I think, just like the purple wedding continuation with Joffrey's corpse, we will see Jon's corpse, something to do with Ghost, something to do with Mel, and something creepy to do with Ramsay, all of these elements being key for setting up the season. I think it will be something invented for the purpose, like Tywin melting the swords was.

What might be interesting is if we saw Mel looking at the flames, and actually seeing what she sees related to Jon. Her visions seem to be sufficiently dramatic, creepy, mysterious and ambiguous.
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Other than S2 (where D&D lacked the confidence that returning viewers would remember the last season) the show "prologues" seem to go for visual impact over plot development. If they go that route, I would expect a Bran scene, perhaps with visions/flashbacks.

I think S3 is the most relevant example, because S2 was the only finale prior to S5's that ends on a dangerous cliffhanger.  The main complicating factor is that S5's finale had multiple such cliffhangers, whereas S2 had only one.

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I'm going to go with the unconventional one; LF killing Kevan & Pycelle (insert Chaos is a Ladder V2.0 here).


I like this. A lot. Even though [spoiler]Varys couldn't possibly do it now that D&D have him politicking in Meereen[/spoiler]


I am strongly leaning toward Bran opening the season having a greenseer vision, but of what the possibilities are many.


Would love to see an introduction to a new character, most likely an Ironborn or Dothraki khal.


Dark horse candidate: Samwell Tarly arriving at Horn Hill.


ETA- Ghost's POV in the moments leading up to Jon's assassination. IIRC they did that with Bran and/or Arya in earlier seasons?

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Seasons 1, 3, 4, and 5 started with cold opens, mimicking the book prologues. Season 2 was going to do the same thing (with the Burning of the Seven) but they moved it, and didn't do a cold open. 


S1 was the creepy intro to the whole story, but didn't have a lot to so with that season. S2 was going to be a striking visual introduction to a new story line; instead, D&D went with a reintroduction scene. S3 resolved the S2 "epilogue" scene. S4 showed Tywin symbolically finishing off the Starks - a false ending, as the season showed. S5 went back to creepy, but was a good intro for Cersei's story in that season. The exposition-heavy prologues from ACoK, AFfC, and ADwD were never used.


Other than S2 (where D&D lacked the confidence that returning viewers would remember the last season) the show "prologues" seem to go for visual impact over plot development. If they go that route, I would expect a Bran scene, perhaps with visions/flashbacks.



I was initially leaning toward that, but now I suspect that might be the last scene in 601.


Good point on s2. I think one of the producers talked D & D out of having the book 2 epilogue as the cold open because he didn't think viewers could handle being introduced to new characters in the first scene of the season. Personally, I think a cold open is the perfect time to introduce new characters / settings and I've seen it often done in other shows many many times (last one I can remember is Boardwalk Empire s3 with the introduction of Gyp Rosetti though I can't remember if it was a cold open or not - definitely was the first scene). 

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Maybe its just wish fulfilment. But I think they will start with not just one flashback but an extended sequence of them (perhaps via Bran) that shows why Jon is important.


A young Ned and Lyanna, Lyanna running away with Rhaeger, The Tower of Joy and then cutting away from Ned holding the new born baby in his arms to Jon lying dead on the snow.

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I think the ToJ could come later on but it would be cool if it started straight to Bran in a vision with BR.  Maybe to Winterfell at the heart tree with a young Ned, Brandon, Benjen, and Lyanna.  Also, it could be cool if everything we see at the wall is through his warging a Raven perspective.


My 1st EP sequence:


Winterfell Flashback

Bran at BRs throne

Kingsmoot/Euron/The Silence

Tyrion/Varys in Mereen

Ramsay/Roose scene in light of Sansa's escape

Sansa/Theon outside WF, decide to head to the Wall

Davos leaving the Wall for the Last Hearth for some reason

Sam/Gilly/(In Oldtown yet??)

Dany in Vaes Dothrak

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I think it'd be cool if it was the tower of joy, and it confirms the infamous theory and then it turns out it was a flashback of Bran's who looks shocked at the revelation.

It'd be a good way to drop a bombshell first scene and reintroduce the audience to Bran


Think they'd need to build up to that a little bit, otherwise a lot viewers would be lost. There are already complaints of too many characters as it is and Rhaegar and Lyanna have only been namedropped a handful of times across 5 years. We haven't even seen them.

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I'm hoping something to do with Bran, since his is the story-line that could potentially have the most impact this season, in part due to his absence in season 5.


Bran seeing Jon's death through the weir-net is one option

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Season six will open with an enormous trolling of the fans! Previously on Game of thrones and loads of montage from Jon Snow through out the seasons and then the entire episode will go everywhere but the wall and they'll make us wait for the following week to see what happens to Jonny boy!

I think every one who expects to see a tower of joy scene is going to be so disappointed. Structurally it would make no sense. The way they didn't do a flashback of Jamie Killing the king, he simply recounted it (it worked better as a recollection) there will never be a direct tower of joy scene. I.e Melisandre visions the best I can recall only she sees the visions in the flames not the audience.

Bran will speak of a vision. Like his previous visions it will just be a rush of imagery with motion blurs and jump cuts. A close up of Ned's eyes  a young woman  saying promise me - just a close up of her mouth - a babies cry - cut with other imagery that has no direct bearing on that vision. (i.e. Sansa and Theon on the run, the fall of Stannis, Jon Snow.)

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Season six will open with an enormous trolling of the fans! Previously on Game of thrones and loads of montage from Jon Snow through out the seasons and then the entire episode will go everywhere but the wall and they'll make us wait for the following week to see what happens to Jonny boy!
I think every one who expects to see a tower of joy scene is going to be so disappointed. Structurally it would make no sense. The way they didn't do a flashback of Jamie Killing the king, he simply recounted it (it worked better as a recollection) there will never be a direct tower of joy scene. I.e Melisandre visions the best I can recall only she sees the visions in the flames not the audience.
Bran will speak of a vision. Like his previous visions it will just be a rush of imagery with motion blurs and jump cuts. A close up of Ned's eyes  a young woman  saying promise me - just a close up of her mouth - a babies cry - cut with other imagery that has no direct bearing on that vision. (i.e. Sansa and Theon on the run, the fall of Stannis, Jon Snow.)

Except that we know for a fact they are casting a character that matches Arthur Dayne.
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