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[BOOK SPOILERS] Rant and Rave Without Repercussion

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Where do i start?

The House of Black and White? Where did they get those doors? Home Depot? I guess they spent all of their budget on Hardhome. Usually their sets are great, this was pretty uninspiring.

That necklace. And OMG Sophie's make up looks terrible. She looked like she was about to pass out the entire segment. But, it's nice that she stayed awake to make a the terrible choice on her own to blow off Brienne so she can go w/LF to Winterfell. Yeah, this plot is going to be great.

Brienne. Yes, she's still a thug and still stupid. Still failing spectacularly.

Carol Lannister. Poor gal. That dimwit brother of hers Larry.

Is it me, am I in a negative haze, or did almost everything feel super rushed? Like Kevan's speech was good, but it kind of came out of nowhere. Last time we saw him they're at the funeral and now all of a sudden he flips out, gives her a public lecture and splits for CR. No set up at all.

The show doesn't do set up anymore I guess.

I did like the Bronn Lolys scene. And thought Meereen was pretty good and so was the Wall, except for the same super abrupt election out of nowhere that took like 20 seconds.

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The Meereen stuff is alright, but it’s not a single step above alright. I feel like the best parts of the season thus part have been, like, yeah, okay. Nothing is moving me on any kind of level... except the nerd rage of course, but I really am honestly trying to see it as an independent thing, but as that, it’s just all falling flat. It’s all so unsubtle and the Wall stuff was so obviously rushed. I don’t think you need to be a book reader to see that.

My initial, hopefully humourous, thoughts.

Also taking this opportunity to plug Game of Polls. Link to the episode two edition in my sig. It was a tough call between Brienne the Brute and Porne, but watching Faullaria scream at Doran was actually physically painful, so I went with that.

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GAME OF RAGE! :tantrum:

Sansa's scenes were bullshit. Absolute bullshit. Why the hell did Brienne just walk up and start shit? What the...bullshit.

The fact that Arianne was cut hurts. The fact they put Arianne in Ellaria to compensate really hurts. Dorne's introduction was dogshit.

Cersei, shut up. The lack of Aurane Waters hurts so bad.

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I don't necessarily mind the fact that we're getting some completely new storylines, and I was intrigued by how Jaime would actually decide to go to Dorne, but this scene with Cersei... I guess he considers Myrcella Tommen and Joffrey to be his children after all...

And am I the only one who had an issue with Jaime's leather coat in his scene with Bronn ? He looked like he was on his way to a hard rock concert ^^

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Larry was an idiot and his plot is flat-out embarrassing. Poor Carol. She's so patient and understanding too, e.g. "No, don't punish them. Mistakes will be made". And smart: "Plus, this might discourage future hunters". Also, since when did Mace have such a deep voice? I jumped a bit because I thought that the scene had transitioned to Roose talking before the camera focused on Mace.

Brienne's scene was fucking awful. Not only is she an idiot, she totally murdered that guy. The first Valemen she killed. No weapon drawn, no hostile action taken, no reason to believe Brienne wasn't just a criminal and thug anyway (which she is). She still killed him with no remorse. After assaulting a guy and stealing a horse. She's definitely still Thug Brienne. Then she goes after Sansa anyway, because... who the hell knows.

Dorne scene was just bad. Doran was fine. Ellaria... well, the character assassination is obvious. I'm more focused on how awful her acting was. Especially in regards to the accent and tone.

The scenes with Stannis, Jon, and Dany were surprisingly decent, aside from the latter's blatant whitewash (yep, fair trials, no ordering girls tortured and possibly raped to get confessions, definitely not). I liked the guy who played the guy who got executed. What was his name... Mossador or something.

Fuck Marxys and Saint Tyrion and their "WITTY" dialogue full of pro-Tyrion drivel. Seriously, fuck 'em.

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Ellaria was so awful that I am looking at online dictionaries for a new word.

Sansa's cover up is certainly the worst in history of Westeros. What is the point of dying the hair if everyone knows who you are?

Hissing was hilarious... In not so good way.

Doran was amazing... I love Siddig...

Aemon and Sam the Sass were also cool.

Arya making pigeon pie was so funny.

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Am I the only one that thinks Doran is completely and utterly miscast? Don't get me wrong I love Alexander Siddig, but he comes off as too young especially when you compare him to the older(?) actors of Sean, Mark, and Michelle.

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The fact that Alexander Siddig was so good as Doran (he fucking NAILED it) just makes the whole thing worse, you know. That performance deserves a better script.

Am I the only one who thinks that Jon’s refusal was too easy?

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What was up with Indira Varma's accent? I don't recall her trying a fake Spanish last season. Now it was either the Indira from Rome, or a female Pedro Pascal.

I wish they'd stop calling Areo's weapon an axe. If you wanted to call it an axe, give him a weapon that most people would immediately identify it as an axe. After all, you're pandering to the masses about everything else in the show, why do this?

Jon's election felt rushed. Not that it was rushed, 'cause of course it was, but if felt rushed. Still I thought Kit delivered a good performance in his quiet, somber way, in those scenes.

The only thing D&D are currently trying to match and overtake GRRM on is the number of chance encounters in a random inn. Right now Littlefinger and Sansa look like they're just touring the country-side, not going somewhere with a purpose.

The hissing was stupid.

The most disappointing thing about Braavos was those three guys who accosted Arya. British accents all throughout, not even a hint to tell you these are people are living on another continent. I know that Braavos is kinda of a mongrel city, but still is common Westerosi the official language? No lessons in Valyrian for Maisie Williams? And that's the closest I'll come to comparing this episode to the books.

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