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favorite characters


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This just sprung into my mind and i would like to know whose your favorite asoiaf characters- mine are Jon snow, Tyrion lannister, daenerys targargen. i know that they are pretty much everybody favorite characters but their just so rich and good. if i had to choose 1 i choose Jon Snow because i just really relate to him in the fact of feeling like and being an outsider, i suppose that goes for all 3 characters listed  and that why i love this series and it's my favorite  fantasy series and got me back into fantasy. tell me about your favorite characters and why  

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Jamie Lannister is the most complex, compelling character on the show , he had all the talent, the nobility, and still hasn't seemed to live up to his potential , despite having it all , he's a very flawed individual , arrogant yet has honor and nobility in certain scenarios, little disappointed in his character arc in season 5-6 but he's still my favorite.


Jon Snow, has all the traits of a hero , last two seasons he IS Game of Thrones and its most important character 


I'm interested to see what they do with Euron 



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My fave POV character is Tyrion Lannister, he is what had me hooked since his first appareance in the books and he's the main reason why I'm still reading. I could list the reasons why he is my fave for ages. I know that on Tumblr is kinda cool to say you don't love him and he's a "Mary Sue" and overanalyze whatever he does or thinks in a very partial way because he's a fan fave so you feel like you're a cool, hyper-intelligent fan if you snob him but I don't care.

Other POV characters I like are Arya Stark, even if I don't really like her arch so far…I hope GRRM has something in store for her; from time to time Jamie Lannister: despite what he did to Bran and even if he's not too clever and he's too much under his sister's thumb, he has some good traits and I like reading abotu him; I kinda like also Samwell Tarly, because he's as bookish as I am; Sansa Stark is getting better but she's still far from being a fave.

My fave not-POV character is Twyin Lannister (not how he behaved, of course, but to me he was a very interesting character, often saying clever things when he was not blinded by his hatred or his Lannister pride…and I guess Charles Dance's performance made him even more interesting).

Other not-POV characters I find interesting are Lord Varys and Littlefinger: I never feel like skipping their parts in the books, I wanna know what they are up to and I find intriguing to guess. They both cheat and you don't know their motives but it seems that Varys cheats for what he thinks is the 'greater good' (whether he's right or wrong), Littlefinger to gain more power and fulfill his personal goals. It's always interesting to read about them. I have a soft spot in my heart for Podrick Payne but I'm not claiming he's this compelling character, I can admit it's probably just me.


I'm afraid I don't share the OP love for Daenerys, I never connected with her at all as a character, maybe it has something to do with the fact I'm not a fantasy novels reader and she embodies this part of the books, so every time I came to her chapter in book1 I was like "yeah ok horses, dothraki, terrible marriage which turns into 'oh my sun/moon/stars/whatever' in 0.3 chapters and everything but all I wanna know is who killed Jon Arryn and who tried to kill Bran". The whole Dothraki world was utterly uninteresting to me as well as the Mereen world and I don't care at all that she's the mother of dragons, it's not like she did earn it with her wit or winning a war, it just happened to be her destiny that the eggs opened for her. 

Jon is the classical hero…I mean yes fine, but boring to me.

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Tywin Lannister

Kevan Lannister

Jaime Lannister but just the rumor that A+J=J&C makes me ahte him even tho i dont believe that aerys is the father, it makes me have a strong dislike of him just on the possibility

Jon Connington

Brynden Tully

Sandor Clegane

Gregor Clegane

Davos Seaworth

Olenna Tyrell

Sansa Stark

 Brienne Tarth

Podrick Payne

Eddison Tollet

Asha Greyjoy the only tolerable greyjoy but only barely

Aurane Waters

Daemon Sand

Daven Lannister

Samwell Tarly

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My favorite magical square would be Dany, Jon, Tyrion and Arya, of those my top favorite is the Imp.

There are other important characters that are not exaclty my favorite but i like the character a lot or the way their story is going to: Bran, Stannis, Asha, Sir Barristan, Jaime, Brienne, Rickon, Davos;

But talking about secondary characters i would include as my favorite the Hound, Melisandre (most of the time because sometimes she is just too annoying), Beric Dondarrion and Thoros, Jaquen H'gar, Daario Naharis Oberyn and Doran Martell, Euron Greyjoy, Margery Tyrell, Thormund.

Other characters that i would like to see a lot more of, includes: , Sarella Sand, Marwin, Rodrik the Reader, Moqorro, Qyburn, Quaithe, "Brown" Ben Plumm, Cat as Lady Stoneheart.

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POV characters?

Jaime No other character has sucha  complex, compelling character arc. At this point I really, really want him to succeed in getting at least some redemption in the public eye of Westeros. No betting on it though :-/

Sansa A truly strong character and as a lover of medieval history I enjoy how realistic court life is portrayed in her chapters. 

Reek Like with Jaime, I enjoy a good redemption story. He's so pitiful by now that you just want to see him raise above it again.

Non-POV: The Queen of Throns, Cersei (POV Cersei was awful) Jon Connington.

i actually don't really care all that much for Jon, Tyrion and Daenerys right now: Jon sits around in the worst and most boring place in Westeros, Daenerys sits around in the most boring place in Essos and Tyrion is a miserable whiny mess since he escaped King's Landing. 

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Character I love: Arya because I like how she doesn't act like a typical princess and stands for what she thinks is right rather than giving in. She learns things without letting go of her identity and shows warrior skills equal to a man (apart from Brienne)

Character I hate: Dany! She is one spoilt brat who wants to rule the world because she has dragons and its her birth right. 

Characters whose POV I would love to see : Aegon ( if he is not fake)

Character's background I would like to see: Hodor




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Shireen-even with Selyse and Stannis as her parents, PF as her best friend, she is still normal. She also got along  and meet an  giant(not many kids not from beyond the wall see real giants).

Brienne- She is noble but she need to realized that Renly was not great of the person(she was with Renly when show disrespect to Stannis' wife and kid).

Balon Swann-unlike kettleback, Swann earned his place. He also made a joke about needing four glasses  for each of the 4 kings, he was also part of the party to send Myrcella off to Dorne. he also doesn't like his orders to harm Trystane.

Sandor Clegane- He had no illusion about what he does. He also seem to like Tommen and Myrcella more than he like Joffrey.

Shitmouth- nicest  of the Gregor's men(give extra bread when  they ask). he would be perfect working for Hot Pie as an Waiter. 

Patchface-while he is creepy, he had cause less harm than Mel has. He is Shireen's Hound(he has been described as waiting like an hound waiting for it's master to come home).I have doubt that he would harm her,

Red Viper-he is the Inigo Montoya of Westeros.



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Jaime, I love how misunderstood he is, his biggest defect is that he love his sister (who is a psychopath) and excluding the incest and the throwing of Bran (all motivated by love) he is not that eavil character, and has been ostracized and look down upon by an act that should not so harshly judged, he did kill his king (he should likely just have knocked him out but then we wouldn't have much of a character) but he did so to save all the people of KL, ultimately sacrificing his honor for the good of the real (just as BR) an act that rivals if no exceeds Eddards sacrifice of his honor for a boy.

Also Bran, such an energetic and happy kid being given such a big blow so early is so very sad. Arya also for similar reasons.

Tyrion is just hilarious, and also an interesting character.

Not POV, Oberyn, Doran, Tywin, Roose and Robb.

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Tyrion always been my favorite . I've a always enjoyed his chapters in the books the most .He is smart , calculating and capable of cruelty to his eniemies , but also he can show sympahty to those he loves. Despite the fact of being a dwarf , he goes through life bravely and with no much worries.Well , he never find love.Not from his family nor from the womens.Still , one of the biggest players of Game of thrones.

Jaime - Another favorite character .

15 hours ago, Blade of Sunlight said:

Jaime, I love how misunderstood he is, his biggest defect is that he love his sister (who is a psychopath) and excluding the incest and the throwing of Bran (all motivated by love) he is not that eavil character, and has been ostracized and look down upon by an act that should not so harshly judged, he did kill his king (he should likely just have knocked him out but then we wouldn't have much of a character) but he did so to save all the people of KL, ultimately sacrificing his honor for the good of the real (just as BR) an act that rivals if no exceeds Eddards sacrifice of his honor for a boy.

That's why i like him.

Bronn - Sarcastic , amoral ,  pragmatic - You just can't hate this guy.

Varys/Littlefinger - I can't love one of them more than the other . They are so clever and ambitious in their actions . They both fight for what they want , despite their twisted methods.

Sandor Clegane - I think he is a really damaged character . He suffered a lot in his life and now he finds joy only in one thing - Killing . 


I hope that he is still alive , and really wants to see him coming back - changed. 

Arya - An adventurer . That's what she always wanted to be . And she is - but not in the way she wanted . Still can't figure it out what is her purpose , now after she joined The faceless men.

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I have a soft spot for the children:

POV - Arya, Sansa, and Jon (14 at the start) are my favorites

Non-POV - Podrick, Meera, Wylla Manderly, and Jeyne Poole (dunno why, but I like her)

Protectors - Sandor Clegane, Brienne

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