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[SPOILERS!!!]The audience want black and white characters. [SPOILERS!!!]


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Am I the only one who have noticed this? They want heroes and villains. This is very annoying. Most of the people look up to and idolize the Starks and Daenerys Targaryen. 

And they all hate The Lannisters, Ramsay, Theon and Joffrey and  the best character in the TV-show Tywin Lannister. 

I myself love ALL the characters in the show. Yes, I cheered when Jon took over Winterfell and saw the Stark banner hanging down the wall. But I didn't cheer when Ramsay died. I will miss Iwan Rheon's sadistic smile and facial expressions when he commits sadistic acts like the one when he murdered Rickon and was intimidating Jon.

What about all the recent hate with Jamie Lannister because he fucks his sister? Yeah, it sucks that his only ambition in life is to stay in the kingsguard in order to be close to his sister. But in season 3 when he got all the love from us, people failed to realize that he always was a sister fucker even when we saw some good parts from him. When he came back to King's Landing it was a chock for everyone and people couldn't have him as his favourite any longer. 

I feel like I'm the only one that likes Walder Frey (because his actor is awesome) and Roose Bolton and understood why they did what they did. But I believe I am the one who has a screw loose considering I had a smile when The Red Wedding happened.

Even though Daenerys is beautiful and the dragons are awesome I believe her popularity will decrease in the next season. Why? She thinks Westeros belongs to her like all evil conquerors and her fanboys defended her because she was slaughtering slave owners in Essos. What happens when she actually arrives in Westeros and decides to ''Dracarys'' the shit out of Jon Snow because he's defending The North from her.

Sorry, for my English.

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I don't know. The audience loved Tywin, loved season 3 Jaime, love Margaery, and they're as grey as they come. They even loved Roose Bolton, who was more toned down compared to the book version and his motives were somewhat understandable (there are so many times a guy can be interrupted by Talisa). 

In fact I think the audience loses interest in a character when they start to veer off too much into the black or white spectrum. Current Tyrion for example is grating on a lot of people, and Jaime lost many fans when he raped Cersei and lost the momentum he had picked up with Brienne. I don't think Ellaria and Ramsay have a lot of fans either. 

Ultimately it comes down to personal preference but I think the showrunners vastly underestimate the audience when they think they can't appreciate grey characters. We're still in the age of the antihero, the age of the Walter Whites and Don Drapers, so the show should ride that wave. 

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5 hours ago, frisken said:


Even though Daenerys is beautiful and the dragons are awesome I believe her popularity will decrease in the next season. Why? She thinks Westeros belongs to her like all evil conquerors and her fanboys defended her because she was slaughtering slave owners in Essos. What happens when she actually arrives in Westeros and decides to ''Dracarys'' the shit out of Jon Snow because he's defending The North from her.

Sorry, for my English.


Personally I would be cheering and jumping up and down for joy if this happened.  

(of course it won't though as Dany's destiny is to fight the WW)


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On 23/6/2016 at 11:26 PM, Lord_Ravenstone said:

in America at least, the audience loves the Lannisters more than the Starks


someone made a poll on this 

It's frustrating but that's why their is so much focus on the Lannisters on the show 


Now I understand Jaime+Cersei's obsession!

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On 23 June 2016 at 0:32 PM, frisken said:

Am I the only one who have noticed this? They want heroes and villains. This is very annoying. Most of the people look up to and idolize the Starks and Daenerys Targaryen. 

And they all hate The Lannisters, Ramsay, Theon and Joffrey and  the best character in the TV-show Tywin Lannister. 

I myself love ALL the characters in the show. Yes, I cheered when Jon took over Winterfell and saw the Stark banner hanging down the wall. But I didn't cheer when Ramsay died. I will miss Iwan Rheon's sadistic smile and facial expressions when he commits sadistic acts like the one when he murdered Rickon and was intimidating Jon.

What about all the recent hate with Jamie Lannister because he fucks his sister? Yeah, it sucks that his only ambition in life is to stay in the kingsguard in order to be close to his sister. But in season 3 when he got all the love from us, people failed to realize that he always was a sister fucker even when we saw some good parts from him. When he came back to King's Landing it was a chock for everyone and people couldn't have him as his favourite any longer. 

I feel like I'm the only one that likes Walder Frey (because his actor is awesome) and Roose Bolton and understood why they did what they did. But I believe I am the one who has a screw loose considering I had a smile when The Red Wedding happened.

Even though Daenerys is beautiful and the dragons are awesome I believe her popularity will decrease in the next season. Why? She thinks Westeros belongs to her like all evil conquerors and her fanboys defended her because she was slaughtering slave owners in Essos. What happens when she actually arrives in Westeros and decides to ''Dracarys'' the shit out of Jon Snow because he's defending The North from her.

Sorry, for my English.

I don't agree at all. If anything it's the opposite since they tend to make most characters less black and white than the books.

Cercei for instance is given a reasonably sympathetic reason for being a crazy bitch.

Ramsey is still a villain but at least has daddy issues and is give a bit more motivation than his paper thin book counterpart.

you even contradict yourself by mentioning Dany who started off being very heroic and is slowly turning into the sort of person who burns people to death at the drop of a hat.

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16 minutes ago, Channel4s-JonSnow said:

you even contradict yourself by mentioning Dany who started off being very heroic and is slowly turning into the sort of person who burns people to death at the drop of a hat.

Yeah, I know she is turning ''mad''. Daenerys' fans still believes she is good and even justifies her actions with most of her victims being former slave masters.

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On ‎6‎/‎23‎/‎2016 at 2:26 PM, Lord_Ravenstone said:

in America at least, the audience loves the Lannisters more than the Starks


someone made a poll on this 

It's frustrating but that's why their is so much focus on the Lannisters on the show 

That's not all that surprising though. Lannister's are various shades of grey but they make smart efficient decisions that coincide with their interests. Cersie being the exception as she gets unhinged, but she's the most disliked character of the bunch.

The Stark's are characters that make poor decisions out of duty and honor and emotion.

If Jamie was a Stark, KL would be burned down right now. Oh and his family would be destroyed once he let Bran climb out of that tower. If Tywin was a Stark, we'd still be reading about the War of the Five King's.


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6 minutes ago, lancerman said:

That's not all that surprising though. Lannister's are various shades of grey but they make smart efficient decisions that coincide with their interests. Cersie being the exception as she gets unhinged, but she's the most disliked character of the bunch.

The Stark's are characters that make poor decisions out of duty and honor and emotion.

If Jamie was a Stark, KL would be burned down right now. Oh and his family would be destroyed once he let Bran climb out of that tower. If Tywin was a Stark, we'd still be reading about the War of the Five King's.


Well, it's obvious the showrunners prefer the Lannisters to the Starks and that the Show Starks are much much stupider than their book counterparts.  And that the showrunners have a very negative view of duty and honor.  

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On 23 June 2016 at 6:26 PM, Lord_Ravenstone said:

in America at least, the audience loves the Lannisters more than the Starks


someone made a poll on this 

It's frustrating but that's why their is so much focus on the Lannisters on the show 

That's just because show Lannisters are just so awesome (except Jaime). 

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1 minute ago, Cas Stark said:

Well, it's obvious the showrunners prefer the Lannisters to the Starks and that the Show Starks are much much stupider than their book counterparts.  And that the showrunners have a very negative view of duty and honor.  

Actually it's the same in the books.


Ned- dies because of honor and duty and making an emotional decision when LF presented far better options.

Catelyn- released the most valuable hostage the North had to save her daughter who even she knew had nowhere near as much value as Jamie, with no assurances she would ever get them back, and severed ties with one of the Stark's most powerful allies as a result.

Robb- married a person when he was already betrothed, thus severing ties with one of his greatest allies and essentially losing the war for himself (Red Wedding or not, he lost without the Frey's, and they weren't coming back no matter what).

Jon- got himself stabbed because the Pink letter rattled his cage so much.

Sansa- Told Cersie about Ned's plans because she was in love with her King.

Those were all book things (some book only things).

That's the point. It's harder and often times against your own interests to do the honorable thing. But as part of an audience, when you are clearly intended to root for the Stark's it's frustrating.


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9 hours ago, lancerman said:

That's not all that surprising though. Lannister's are various shades of grey but they make smart efficient decisions that coincide with their interests. Cersie being the exception as she gets unhinged, but she's the most disliked character of the bunch.

The Stark's are characters that make poor decisions out of duty and honor and emotion.

If Jamie was a Stark, KL would be burned down right now. Oh and his family would be destroyed once he let Bran climb out of that tower. If Tywin was a Stark, we'd still be reading about the War of the Five King's.


Jaime and Tyrion are dark gray 


and Cersei and Tywin are light black 

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Agreed, I\m a bit worried about the way some of the characters are taking, especially the female characters. Sansa and Arya are basically becoming vengefull, hatefull (excuse my french) bitches, as mad as cercie or Dany (and they ARE mad), but people seem ro cheer for them. The sansa scene with Ramsay and Arya killing Frey was just riduculus, and served no other reason than the appease the sansa and arya fans.

Said it before and I`m saying it again, they store archs on the show are the weakes and the ones I carea bout the least.

heck, arya even manage to ruin or Manderly frey pie moment!

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8 hours ago, lancerman said:

Tywin isn't. He's just a guy that makes the smartest decisions whether they seem ruthless or not. 

No he's not. 


What was smart about making Tyrion rape his wife or having 100 guys rape his wife?

That's not ruthless that's plain evil despite whatever justifications that Tywin gives 


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10 hours ago, DreadedNorwegian said:

Agreed, I\m a bit worried about the way some of the characters are taking, especially the female characters. Sansa and Arya are basically becoming vengefull, hatefull (excuse my french) bitches, as mad as cercie or Dany (and they ARE mad), but people seem ro cheer for them. The sansa scene with Ramsay and Arya killing Frey was just riduculus, and served no other reason than the appease the sansa and arya fans

I disagree, Sansa deserved revenge on Ramsay other than that she hasn't really done anything menacing.

Arya though is practically a lunatic in this show, she slaughters Trant... she slaughters the Freys.  We should get an arc about her coming to grips with the fact she's grown up 50 ways messed up........but will we... probably not.

When Arya does it, its "cool" and a big moment of "finally...revenge" for most watchers... I find her moments honestly disturbing.  A disturbed child who will be traumatic later on with the blood on her hands.

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