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Would Stannis be more suited to the North?

James Steller

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It seems to me that Stannis would fare better in the North than in any other region of Westeros. He's a hard man ruled entirely by justice, he has utter disdain for courtly rules and an aversion to ladies. Up in the North, he'd be dealing with coarse and rough men who care little for southern manners and southern trivialities. 

If Stannis was born a Stark, I'd wager he'd have been more content in his surroundings.

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I am not sure that I agree with you mostly because we don't know much about Stormlands. But I believe that he might had felt better if his brothers were Ned and Benjen rather than Robert and Renly, while Brandon would had been a perfect brother for Robert and Renly.

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Possible, but I think his whole unpleasing manner could have alienated lords in the North as well. I don't think we really see how Ned treats his lords, so it's hard to compare them. But I guess since both Eddard and Jon Snow had a high opinion of Stannis, it may be likely that he fits better into the North. 

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9 hours ago, Jon's Queen Consort said:

I am not sure that I agree with you mostly because we don't know much about Stormlands. But I believe that he might had felt better if his brothers were Ned and Benjen rather than Robert and Renly, while Brandon would had been a perfect brother for Robert and Renly.

This actually makes really good sense. I can see this being possible. What a holy terror trio Brandon, Robert and Renly would have made!

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I don't think he'd do well in the North but like was said he'd do better with Brothers like Eddard and Benjen.  Stannis chopping off parts of Davos after he saves him and his entire castle is basically why I don't think he'd do well with the North.  Stannis is so inside the box thinking that's he's outside of it.


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I don't believe anyone will get along with Stannis anywhere. I only think he gets along with Davos because he's entirely devoted to him. 

This is a man that in the same sentence as offering sympathies to a grieving Catelyn Stark proceeds to start complaining that the now deceased Ned stole the position of hand from him. His social issues aren't cultural, his abilities and resolve are respected and acknowledged in the South too. 

It's just that nobody likes him. 

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I don't think Stannis would fit in the North any better than he did in the South. Like many here have  already said, the  man is unlikable, he is too much of a hard ass. I mean even Ned made a few jokes/ showed us a smile. To me Stannis seems like a man completely berthed of joy, to be honest I see him as a lesser version of Maegor, the fucker has no problems with burning people alive, is their anymore that needs to be said.


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When I see these Stannis topics I have to wonder if there was ever a point where Stannis would have become an easier person.   Upthread someone said no one likes Stannis.   True and conversely Stannis doesn't seem to like anyone.  I can enjoy Stannis in his absolute tunnel vision regarding right and wrong with no insight into his own moral greyness.  No matter where he was from I think he would like be this driven miserable person anyway.  Stannis takes the path less traveled and really seems to take no joy in anything he does.   Maybe Dorne could have curbed his sharp edges, but definitely not the north. 

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Stannis's personality seems more northern than anything else. I think he would have done better as a northerner. Northerners remember hard times (and winter). They're demeanor on average is more serious like stannis's is. They're not into flashy armor and swords, tourneys, and merry making in general. They would respect stannis's for his military success but more importantly his eating the rats and not surrendering dragon stone. Hard men respect hard men. Furthermore, the north puts more stock in honor and justice, so it's less likely a younger brother would dare try to supersede his claim. 

Everything about stannis's personality is northern.... Until he starts giving into melisandre. she corrupted him, or at least presented him the opportunity too corrupt himself. 

I think stannis's northerness fits super nicely if stannis's becomes the new nights King, which his storyline already mirrors.

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I don't think the Northerners are any more "honourable" than the Southerners. 

What examples do we have besides the mountain clans and they're looking for death in battle anyway. The only one that springs to mind that's particularly concerned with honour is Ned and he was fostered by Jon Arryn. 

Boltons - Betray and murder their king, sack winterfell and attack fellow Northern vassals. 

Karstarks - Murder the king's prisoners, abandon the king when their lord is justly executed, join Roose in the North. 

Mountain clans - The men that show the most devotion for Ned were idle until roused and were roused to war with a destructive winter in sight. 

Umbers - The Greatjon threatens to abandon his lord because of his place in the order of battle, has to be cowed with physical force. 

Manderlys - Engage in a minor war of succession for the Hornwood lands against the Boltons in the absence of their king. 

Ryswells and Dustins - Quickly declare for Bolton in the wake of the murder of their king. 

They'e no more loyal or honourable than any other retainers. It depends entirely on the lord and the situational factors that impact his loyalty. The Westerlands have remained utterly loyal to Tywin besides the Westerlings and that's not exactly clean cut, even when they suffered crushing defeats in the Riverlands and the entire Reach under Renly was marching against them they remained loyal and didn't desert him. Does that make the Westerlands a beacon of honour and loyalty? Ned was a good lord and the Starks have supposedly 8,000 years of dynastic clout in the North, that explains Northern loyalty more than the idea that Northerners are just naturally loyal... for some reason. 

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24 minutes ago, Jon's Queen Consort said:

Why terror tho? I think that you mean  the most charismatic trio. :P

Yes, that kind of charismatic terror :D. My mother used to call us kids "holy terrors" when we were little because of the rambunctious charisma we had when we were all running around together.

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