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Aussies LXII: ICAC, Budgets and Beer


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Im from melb originally but live an hr and half away now in castlemaine. If any melbournites ever did get togethers I would try to make it to one but I haven't seen one discussed yet.

If they say the dates soon of the GoT exhibhition I will come up to sydney. I just needa find a girlfriend to come with coz hubby doesnn't want me alone. Lol. But if I do end up coming I'd love to meet some of you all for a drink or something.

Hmm the Melbourne BwB does exist but it's a bit of an underground movement. If you ever see Ser Camaris, Luce Magoose or Jebus on the board then it might be worth shooting one of them a PM (they're the Melbourne crew).

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Good to hear that Malcolm Turnbull took a few shots at Alan Jones on breakfast radio. It's about time that Jones got a taste of his own medicine, the complete nutter.

For what it's worth, while I don't think there are any leadership issues with the Liberals at the moment, for a large amount of the electorate Turnbull would be a more palatable option than Abbott. While he might have an air of arrogance, he is more polished PR-wise and more importantly it seems that his policies are more moderate than the current leadership.

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I'd love to see either of the major parties (or a third party develop) offering moderate and centrist policies but Turnbull isn't going to do that.

Turnbull would win over a lot of moderates, and alienate a lot of the base (who have nowhere else to go so I'm not convinced that's a major issue) but I think that would only last until it became clear that he's not going to present any radically different policies. He's charming and intelligent and absolutely knows how to play the media and the public but he's not going to do a damn thing to drag the liberal party to the left on anything except the most surface of issues (Sure he'll open up a free vote on gay marriage and nix already doomed changes to the racial discrimination act but I would expect the libs to continue delivering the rest of the IPA wishlist on schedule)

I have issues with Abbott, but he's not the reason I'm not likely to be voting liberal anytime soon, I've voted for parties with leaders I didn't like before, my problem with the coalition is my (at best) mistrust and (at worst) contempt for the majority of senior coalition figures who are going to be influential in shaping policy.

I can't picture myself voting for the coalition even if Turnbull took the leadership and announced he was going to support every single item in my social policy wishlist, partially because I wouldn't trust it and secondly because economically he's just as conservative as the rest of them and just as I can't ever see myself voting greens because I don't trust their economic policies (as much as they exist) I'm not likely to vote for a liberal party that I cannot trust not to screw over the poor (just for self-interest if nothing else, I'm in a pretty privileged position compared to a whole lot of other people like me but I'm well aware that all it would take for me to be just as screwed as a lot of my friends are right now would be an ex who decides he doesn't really want to pay child support anymore)

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Okay, BeeTrix is out for the movie but will be there for dinner. Screaming Turkey seems still keen on movies. Stormborne didn't reply.

So far, for movies:



Screaming Turkey

Brook (maybe!)

A fairly small group, are you folks still up for it? Or take pax on his offer of early boozing?

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I'm good either way, I'll drag Brook to see it either later in the weekend (if she has time...ha, unlikely) or a later weekend, and not going to Broadway does save effort :p But also happy to still see it.

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Hope you all had a wonderful time!

It was a good night. Hope you can make it to the next one, we haven't seen you in a while! Paxter in particular missed you, specially when West Indies discussion came up and no one backed him :P

Pretty good night. Brook crashed out around 10:30 and I had to take her home, but things seemed close to wrapping up anyway.

Paxter, Horza, Turkey and I hit another pub after so Pax could get his kebab/dinner. He seemed mighty satisfied, wouldn't shut up about it!

I do believe for our next meet we talked about throwing Paxter a bone and hold the next meet at Oxford Street. Some place where he can ogle some pretties. I am sure Screaming Turkey will also be thrilled. :P

I think we wanted something WC related, but considering the time these games are on, it seems kind of unlikely we can watch a live game, but it would be good to get together later in the WC as Australia hops (just shoot me now!) its way out of the group stage! Horza seemed to believe its possible, so you know it must be right!

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(just shoot me now!)

With the greatest of pleasures.

Horza was on fire on Sat night, good stuff. And Niloy, stop pretending that I am agitating for an Oxford St meet-up - it's you who seems keenest on that idea.

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And Niloy, stop pretending that I am agitating for an Oxford St meet-up - it's you who seems keenest on that idea.

Actually I was the one who brought it up :P Although I was more imagining relocating there after dinner somewhere else.

This. Karaddin was feeling bad for dragging you into the lesbian central :P

It doesn't matter to me, I have fun doesn't matter where I am ;)

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This. Karaddin was feeling bad for dragging you into the lesbian central :P

It doesn't matter to me, I have fun doesn't matter where I am ;)

Exactly this! Next time we can go to the Newtown or Bank if no one else cares :p

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Ok guy, I just read the last 5 pages to see what comments you were making about your glorious leader visiting Canadia, but I see this thread is actually the social conveners thread. :P

Shhh! we're all hoping if we ignore him he will go away.

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