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Small questions v.10080


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Mirri was a maegi; that's the connection I was aware of, I thought maybe someone had caught something I missed. Incidentally, I thought it interesting that Maggy told Cersei about a queen that would take all she holds dear and her granddaughter became a rival queen; younger, perhaps more beautiful, living during the queen's lifetime, and, still alive. Hmmm...

Anyone know where the "Wow, I never noticed that" thread went?

It's right here :) But version 4 is almost done, so Version 5 will also soon appear, I think


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There is a common belief in the forum that Braavos hates dragons and an alliance with Dany is unthinkable.

Don't those people say why they believe the Iron Bank would not side with Dany?

The Targaryens from before the Doom had slaves, so that will not have sat well with Braavos, though it seems at the time of Aegon the Dragon, there were no slaves anymore, so that can't be the problem.

The envoy visiting Stannis doesn't seem to think positive about actual dragons, but that be a more general opinion shared by many, since dragons are kind of deadly :P .

Both Aegon (with Balerion) and Braavos aided Tyrosh when Volantis tried to take the city by war.

So I don't see where the idea of the Iron Bank refusing Dany is coming from. Dany's wealth is growing (so no problem paying debts), she's freeing slaves (pro-Braavos)... I can't see it.

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Don't those people say why they believe the Iron Bank would not side with Dany?

The argument, I believe, is that Dany has shown herself to be untrustworthy when it comes to business (acquiring of the Unsullied). She sends out envoys to cities in the region but either gets no response or ,in the case of Mantarys, her envoys pickled heads get sent back to her. The argument here is that even if some cities want to make peace they have no reason to trust that Dany will abide by it. Same when it comes to the IB; would the bank loan her money knowing she could unleash her dragons on them if she decides not to repay the loan.

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The argument, I believe, is that Dany has shown herself to be untrustworthy when it comes to business (acquiring of the Unsullied). She sends out envoys to cities in the region but either gets no response or ,in the case of Mantarys, her envoys pickled heads get sent back to her. The argument here is that even if some cities want to make peace they have no reason to trust that Dany will abide by it. Same when it comes to the IB; would the bank loan her money knowing she could unleash her dragons on them if she decides not to repay the loan.

I believe the reason those cities don't respond, or respond with violence to the envoys, is because Dany has been smashing the slave trade, and those cities all prosper with slave trade. So naturally, they won't help Dany.

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I actually pointed out elsewhere that Dany herself does not need an Iron Bank loan. She has a deal of wealth from Astapor and Meereen and gets more and more from her blood tax. She is rich, but that isnt enough to stabilise the economy because therevis no industry or trade. The IB is nit really a neccessity for Dany now.

I would like to point out however that its possible they sent an envoy to her. Braavos is close to the north, so its unsurprising Nestoris has reached Stannis. Hypotherically, thwh could also have sent an envoy to this "Dragon Queen"...but then, she shows no signs of leaving Meereen yet, and so would not be required to repay the IT debts

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There is a common belief in the forum that Braavos hates dragons and an alliance with Dany is unthinkable.

Well, when the Targs were in power and had big ass dragons, there isn't much you can do about it. But when the Targs were deposed and their dragons had died long ago, and now other dragons are hatched for the first time in 100 years, I guess that would bother them.

It all boils down to whether they see Dany as an abolitionist or a dragonlord. Then again, Braavos is and has always been slave free, so I don't know how appreciative will they be about her doubtfully successful anti-slave campaign.

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Its marked in the maps as a Tower. It has to be a Tower

Those are the maps that we the readers see, but may not be on the in universe maps. Is the ToJ on maps that the characters see? Where do they get maps? Are there maps? To borrow from the show, do they just go to the map store?

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The main motive of the IB is to get their gold back. Dany desperately needs Braavos and their ships at least in the transport. Dany already has a strong army and proven victories while Stannis has little support and last time Tycho saw him, the chances for his survival was not bright. Besides, if there are still free sellsword companies, do you think they will be hired by Massey or they will flock to Dany who has dragons and leaves sacked cities in her wake, collecting a serious wealth in the process?

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IIRC, Aegon III was one of the Kings that was a younger son...My guess, and it's only a guess, would be that one or more of the Boy King's advisors went to war with each other's Houses; possibly one or more served as Regent before being set aside for another, thus they made war upon each other... :fencing:

But I have to admit I don't remember this being mentioned. :)

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In the table of known Hands of the King on http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Hand_of_the_King, under Aegon III Targaryen, there's mention of the "Regent Wars". Anyone know of what those are, or where the reference came from?

Aegon III became King in 131AC, at the age of 11. Until he would of age, a regent would rule for him/with him. Multiple Hands came to pass in those few short years, something which has been dubbed "the regent wars". One Lord Mooton was one of those Hands, IIRC. Most of the Hands were Blacks. I expect the Regent Wars to be at least discussed a little in the World Book,

But in any case, I placed it there :) I couldn't remember the source, but I can remember the discussion about it.

After the Regent Wars were done, Prince Viserys became Hand for his brother (I expect this to have happened when Aegon turned 16, or when Viserys himself turned 16, but we have no confirmation about it).

Edit: could not search through all the info, but Lord Torrhen Manderly was another Hand and Regent during the regent wars. Do keep in mind the Hands and Reagents listed at the moment count only as semi-confirmed

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It was public knowledge that Ned had defeated SoM Dayne, but nothing says anyone (not there) knew of the ToJ.

It was public knowledge that Ned & his six fought and killed 3 KG at TOJ and Lyanna died and Ned returned Dawn to Starfall where Ashara jumped into the sea.
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Is there any recorded antagonism between the Targaryens and Braavos after the Doom or after the Conquest until the death of the dragons?

Nope. As a matter of fact they fought together against the Volatines... with aid of dragons.
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Then why would the Iron Bank and Braavos not like to ally with Dany? She caused a major disruption in the slave trade. I know that there is a propoganda that Dany is a breaker of deals (and I know that there is some truth in it) but other than that, I can see no obstacle to an alliance between Dany and Braavos. That propoganda is only a matter in the negotiation and with a skilled negotiator like Tyrion, Dany might get the full support of Braavos.

Well, their backing Stannis now. Of course if Stannis gets wacked. And even if he doesn't, politics is the art of the possible.
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Is the Prince of Dorne the only Lord Paramount who can appoint wardens?

Since Dornish law always applies in Dorne, I would assume that Doran has the authority to appoint a Warden - the only warden I'm aware of in Dorne is Anders Yronwood. Outside Dorne, the king/hand/regent can appoint a Warden if there isn't anyone suitable within the ruling house. For instance, Robert was going to name Jaime Warden of the East after Jon Arryn's death. After Tywins death Cersei, as Regent, appoints Daven to the position of Warden of the West.

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I'm having trouble with the Quote options, they don't seem to be working, and it's annoying me and probably others :bang: I think this computer uses Google Chrome. Anyone aware of issues with this? Just outdated? It doesn't seem to make sense. It's simply a matter of clicking on the fricking buttons, right?

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