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(Book spoilers) Why did Lena Headey do that?

Panos Targaryen

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Having her meet the Hound was a good way to cut useless characters, while making sure that Brienne believes the Hound is dead without having to include the Quiet Isle. I think it was a good move.




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It´s understandable.

I know LS shows at the end of ASOS. But then there is a long time with nothing.

Better to reveal her in the first episode of a season with Jaime going to the Riverlands. And with Blackfish at Riverrun hopefully. There was hardly anything going on in the Riverlands this season. Next season we´ll have Freys v.s. Manderlys and so on, good to combine that.

I can already imagine a pretty good 1st episode. LS revealed, JS becomes LC, Tywin´s funeral.

Well don't mean ruin your hopes but it is likely the whole Riverlands subplot has been and will be cut : Jaime is going to Dorne next season (apparently) and who knows where theyre going with it.

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I agree. I wasn't crazy about the idea in the first place, and I'll need to watch it again, but it was pretty clever. Didn't flow out perfectly, but still a good scene.

Also, is it reading too much into it if I say this might foreshadow a Brienne/Jaime/Sandor team up in TWoW ? (Shh don't answer, let me live in fantasy land).

I think there is a whole KG worth of unlikely heroes who are slowly gathering by circuitous routes.

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Lena Headey (actress who plays Cersei) posted a funny picture on Instagram with her fake-gouging Pedro Pascal's (Oberyn) eyes out, before the 9th episode came out, obviously foreshadowing Oberyn's death. Then, some days before the finale, she posted a picture of a heart made of stones, referencing Lady Stoneheart. Yet there was no LSH reveal. Why would she do that? Was she misinformed by the producers/writers? Trolling?

I've said many times before, she's just trolling us. There was zero build up to Lady Stoneheart, so whoever expected to see her this episode wasn't really thinking straight.

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Why are you shouting? I don't understand. Just like in the books, the Hound was specifically left by Arya NOT dead. Having a Sparrow with healing talent come along and save him (as he hinted) is not excluded. It was just cleverly avoided to have to cast a bunch of monks for this season. And I suspect the show will avoid casting a bunch of monks regardless. Meribald will heal Sandor then show up in KL to be elected HS or something - no Quiet Isle.
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What?!? Dorne. To replace Arys?

No, it will be original show stuff, not linked to the books. At most it will be loosely related to the role of Balon Swann.

He gets smuggled in apparently. He might bring "Gregor's" head. That will probably trigger the Myrcella plot. From there it is anyone's guess how his story will reconnect with Brienne, but I am thinking if there is a Darkstar, he will be the one to go after him, which might take him on an interesting journey.

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I don't hate her and I feel that personal attacks against her are unwarranted but it was still really mean.

To the people saying that Lena didn't actually hint towards anything I call shenanigans. She captioned the picture "My Stone heart" It was intentional but, oh well.

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I've said many times before, she's just trolling us. There was zero build up to Lady Stoneheart, so whoever expected to see her this episode wasn't really thinking straight.

There was certainly build up, 2 seasons worth of it.

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There might have been no Brotherhood but come on, the number of times Catelyn has been mentioned this season was indeed suspicious. Also, that creepy vision Bran had of his mother in season 3, just to mention another hint.

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No, it will be original show stuff, not linked to the books. At most it will be loosely related to the role of Balon Swann.

He gets smuggled in apparently. He might bring "Gregor's" head. That will probably trigger the Myrcella plot. From there it is anyone's guess how his story will reconnect with Brienne, but I am thinking if there is a Darkstar, he will be the one to go after him, which might take him on an interesting journey.

Man, I just can't wait to see where they're going with Darkstar (assuming he makes the cut) : the running joke in the fandom has conditionned me to giggle like an idiot everytime his name is mentioned.

There was certainly build up, 2 seasons worth of it.

Yeah it's not like Catelyn was mentioned a gazillion times in ten épisodes.

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Fuck's sake, what is wrong with some people? Lena doesn't owe you anything - it's your own damn fault for reading too much into a bloody Instagram picture! It's not as though it were an official image released by HBO, was it? Maybe people should cut back on their internet stalking.

I always thought Tolkien fanatics were the most whiny, pretentious and entitled fan base I've come across; but after tonight's episode (and honestly, the entirety of this season) I've come to the realisation that ASoIaF's really does take the cake.

Hate her now. I have many bad words for her as well as ill wishes

Get off the internet before you hurt yourself.

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Fuck's sake, what is wrong with some people? Lena doesn't owe you anything - it's your own damn fault for reading too much into a bloody Instagram picture! It's not as though it were an official image released by HBO, was it? Maybe people should cut back on their internet stalking.

I always thought Tolkien fanatics were the most whiny, pretentious and entitled fan base I've come across; but after tonight's episode (and honestly, the entirety of this season) I've come to the realisation that ASoIaF's really does take the cake.

Get off the internet before you hurt yourself.


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