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TTTNE 431 : For The Losers ...


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Here is a linky to Obi's photobucket

The Lady in the show pictures is his breeder, and the pretty girl in his puppy pictures is her daughter.

There are some other dogs in there from his bloodlines,

There are also some pics of his park friends, Sammy the daschund and George the Cairn terrier

Obi makes me laugh with the chewing his Santa hat :lol: what a cutie!

Hi, L_T! :cheers to your team, omg, stunning performance.

How do you know potato returned apart from his scandalous race win from yesterday evening?

Looks scary

That's awesome, lol. How do you get notifications? I have mine checked but never ever get them. So I have to randomly check if I've PM's but never know if anyone has quoted me. Except Koba. For some reason it always tells me if Koba quoted me (I guess it's more evidence if her awesomeness! Where is that gorgeous gal anyway?

Here is my princess

Had her since I was 8. She's a 14 year old puppy D

She is so darned adorable and cute. :wub:

Yes ma'am! :commie Though I'm a pacific northwestern at heart.

Me too! I am a native Portlander but now I'm in the L.A. area. Lily and Qat are both from oregon as well :)

I so badly wish it would rain here. California is in a severe drought, no rain in so many months.

It's so hot :bawl: we have no AC or breeze :bawl: my garden isn't doing so well either :bawl:

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That's awesome, lol. How do you get notifications? I have mine checked but never ever get them. So I have to randomly check if I've PM's but never know if anyone has quoted me. Except Koba. For some reason it always tells me if Koba quoted me (I guess it's more evidence if her awesomeness! Where is that gorgeous gal anyway?

No idea :lol: I automatically get notifications of quotes. PMs are weird because sometimes I don't get notifications of them. Depends on the mood of the board I guess? :lol:

Dunno about Koba, I'm guessing she's traveling home to Serbia now.

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Boring news of the day: repairman said the motor in my dryer is blown. Which is exactly what I thought. Estimate is $409.

The question is whether to replace the motor or just buy a new one for around the same price?

Sometimes owning a home sucks. But most of the time it doesn't. :)


FER - I live in the "outer" part of LA in a bigger beach city. But yah, it pretty much sucks. We are hoping to move in 2-3 years. It's getting more and more crowded and unaffordable.

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$409? How old is the dryer? I'm thinking that is too much for a repair unless it is a recent, extra-sized dryer with advanced features like automatic steam drying.

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LA beach city? I've got family in the Marina Del Rey/Venice Beach area. Not sure if those are considered the Santa Monica area. Beautiful house, but a really crazily expensive place to live.

For that cost of repair, you might as well invest in a new one. Bummer.

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$409? How old is the dryer? I'm thinking that is too much for a repair unless it is a recent, extra-sized dryer with advanced features like automatic steam drying.

It's only 3 years old and it's a fancy one :(

Sometimes I think the old fashioned kind are the best.

LA beach city? I've got family in the Marina Del Rey/Venice Beach area. Not sure if those are considered the Santa Monica area. Beautiful house, but a really crazily expensive place to live.

For that cost of repair, you might as well invest in a new one. Bummer.

I'm a bit more South. LB area. And I read recently that most people in Southern California spend 50% of their monthly income on housing. That's nuts.

I think we are going to have to get a new one. Ugh.

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Come ooooon. I'll do it! I tower over everyone else 9 times out of 10.

Good! Battling little spurts of anxiety the last few days, which sucks, but I'm managing it. I think I'm just extra stressed right now because my summer class just started and it's extremely difficult and takes up a lot of my free time. So I'm just trying to be kind to myself during periods of downtime and trying not to focus on worrying about things so much, because worrying doesn't serve a helpful purpose.

nah, i don't do things on demand :P but if it'd make you feel better , i tower over everyone , i might have met like 5 people taller than me and one of them is my father (i'm taller now tho !) also you're not that tall , all 3 of my sisters are taller than you... we're a tall family :lol:

hope you feel better :grouphug:

horrible match , went and watched an operation instead :P

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Come ooooon. I'll do it! I tower over everyone else 9 times out of 10.

Good! Battling little spurts of anxiety the last few days, which sucks, but I'm managing it. I think I'm just extra stressed right now because my summer class just started and it's extremely difficult and takes up a lot of my free time. So I'm just trying to be kind to myself during periods of downtime and trying not to focus on worrying about things so much, because worrying doesn't serve a helpful purpose.

Aw I'm sorry to hear that :grouphug:

At least its a shorter time.... do you have a set schedule? I'm clueless on online classes

Yeah you are taller than me :D

I like your sig btw

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Hey spammers!

The dogs of TTTNE are all adorable! :wub: Tomorrow is Katie's 9th Birthday (as arbitrarily decided by the vet - she was a stray so we don't really know).

Latest news from my doctor: I'm getting another Epidural on July 22nd. I desperately hope this will enable me to get back to work. :fingers crossed: Thanks for all of the kind words and thoughts, folks. :kiss: Oh and PT is OK - I'm still going 3x a week.

Re: cthundas - it was me who proclaimed LL the Father of Cthundas although I am fuzzy on the circumstances.

Re: LonCon - yes I am going! I've already paid for my flights. I have cut down my sightseeing short list as I'm not sure how fit I'll be for walking, but I will be there come Hell or high water!

Sending healing vibes for Qat.

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Alex has been promoted to blue belt! I am very proud of him, he has worked really hard.

so for the next 4 months (at least) we are the same :D

Hey spammers!

The dogs of TTTNE are all adorable! :wub: Tomorrow is Katie's 9th Birthday (as arbitrarily decided by the vet - she was a stray so we don't really know).

Latest news from my doctor: I'm getting another Epidural on July 22nd. I desperately hope this will enable me to get back to work. :fingers crossed: Thanks for all of the kind words and thoughts, folks. :kiss: Oh and PT is OK - I'm still going 3x a week.

Re: cthundas - it was me who proclaimed LL the Father of Cthundas although I am fuzzy on the circumstances.

Re: LonCon - yes I am going! I've already paid for my flights. I have cut down my sightseeing short list as I'm not sure how fit I'll be for walking, but I will be there come Hell or high water!

Sending healing vibes for Qat.

I hope this epidural helps some more.

I am so glad you are still going to London!

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Massive die off of emoticons - possible extinction of the poor critters?


Here is a linky to Obi's photobucket

The Lady in the show pictures is his breeder, and the pretty girl in his puppy pictures is her daughter.

There are some other dogs in there from his bloodlines,

There are also some pics of his park friends, Sammy the daschund and George the Cairn terrier

Thanks for the Obi pictures. He has a classic look. Do you enter him in shows often?

You northeners woth your low humidity tolerance.


What are you talking about?? The Sahara is not north.

Bloody Brienne and The Hound arrived today. :smug:

I'm looking forward to the Sansa Pop.

Congratulations on your new Funkos.

Well ... but it is funny!

I do not follow sports much, and football really bores me. Exceedingly weird scores are entertaining though!

And yes, poor Brazilians ... I usually sympathise with losers, but now I just cannot for some reason.

I thought someone would give me stink-eye for the Germlish, but nobody rose to the bait.


Hey HC, I'm great :) (How could I not be, it's summer vacation!) I hope you're well too?

Not very, to be honest. I hope the Dutch will win, but I'm not that big of a soccer fan. I can't be bothered to watch games that aren't part of the World Cup/European Cup. (In fact I skipped Holland-Costa Rica entirely because my sister wanted to watch GOT with me :D)

(Btw, when I say summer vacation, I mean summer in loose sense; it's been raining for two days straight :ack: ). I can't wait to go to Italy!

Enjoy Italy!

"Summer vacation". I vaguely remember hearing of such a thing . . . long ago in another life . . .

Sorry about the Dutch loss, even if you weren't that into it. (KiD was ).

The name of the stadium :P It's half me!


You are just too dang clever for me! I totally missed that. But then again when you did "king :leer: " it took me forever to get that too (I'm embarrassed to say).

Yes ma'am! Though I'm a pacific northwestern at heart.

I wish I enjoyed soccer so I knew what everyone was talking about/what's going on. But I just...don't.

I lived in the Pacific Northwest for 7 years and wanted to settle down in Eugene, OR. But then I met Mrs.Chicken and that was the end of that! :P

Rhae...some times an uneventful evening is good for the soul.

Work rant follows:

Work...schmirk. The whole weekend sucked, everyone yelled at me, new employees accused me of favoritism because the loud bullies didn't like their assignments so I threw up my hands and told them to redo it if they didn't like it. The military nurses got mad because I called in a military nurse and then management got mad at me because I offered a civilian to extend her shift so I wouldn't have to call a military nurse and deal with that crap for the second day in row. We were grossly understaffed with too many chiefs that did not want to be there on a holiday weekend and not enough people willing to compromise to make sure all the clients were receiving appropriate care. People weren't reporting off like they should because they wanted to leave and go home and it created chaos.

L_T...you know that way that only a nurse can be pissed off by other nurses? I was totally in that zone. Maybe I need a clinic position because inpatient is starting to drain me spiritually. And it isn't the clients...its the damned staff.

Sorry to hear about the BS at your work. One of my most important functions around here is listening to Mrs.C vent about the jerks she works for. When you are stuck in a bad situation at work there's nothing worse.

I can imagine navigating between military & civilian staff must be especially tough. You're civilian, right?

Bex, that really does suck

For the SNACKCOUNTER OF REQUIREMENT: Jalapenos stuffed with spicy chicken and cheese and wrapped in bacon (yes, weekend snacks on Midwok)

Oooo Lany, YUM!

LadyQat is on the mend. She's been a very, very sick girl. :(

Thanks for getting hold of her and letting us know.

Really sorry to hear she's been so sick. Please let her know we're thinking of her next time you speak.

i'm the integration of cos x

as far as i recall yes, she spoke of this upcoming holiday, i hope she's having a great time

i made lasagna *sexy food* maybe it isn't the best looking lasagna but damn did it taste beautiful !

You are a funny Potato! Thanks for the Helena update.

Lasagne . . food of the gods. How is "Russian" lasagne different from Italian or American-Italian I wonder? Any Jordanian touches? In mine I replace ricotta & mozzarella with cheddar, which is blasphemous, but tough. I like it that way. I also like it sloppy. Wet. Dry lasagne is ok, but nothing special. It's all about the sauce. The sauce has to be good and there has to be plenty of it. Imho.

Who did you learn from?

There's a crazy storm by me. Lightning just hit the building. Waiting to see if the office is going to close for the day.

Are you OK?


Sorry about your Dutch squad. I confess I was slightly rooting for the Argentines, but I liked the Dutch too. Sounds like there were a bunch of non-calls on tackles of Robben. Maybe a make up for the pk he got against Mexico that he didn't deserve.


congrats to Alex on the blue belt!

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Are you OK?

Sorry about your Dutch squad. I confess I was slightly rooting for the Argentines, but I liked the Dutch too. Sounds like there were a bunch of non-calls on tackles of Robben. Maybe a make up for the pk he got against Mexico that he didn't deserve.

Yeah I'm good. Office didn't end up needing close after all.

As for the Mexico game, he deserved the first two that he didn't get IMO. I'd call that even :dunno: But of course I'm biased :P

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