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Season 5 Casting, News and Speculation V 5


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Re: that Tyrion pic... Someone on twitter has tried to pass that off as having been shot in Spain but they haven't begun shooting there yet. It makes more sense that that's from a Belfast set since according to wotw they shot the scene with that brothel guard guy (the bald fellow with the elaborate beard) in N.I. earlier this week. That's the same costume he had on in the set pics from Antrim when he and Jorah were a-boating off the coast and it's nice to see him here with both a beard and wineskin. I look forward to seeing how Peter handles the darker material.

On the Cat/Mercy business I don't care what they have her name herself but it would be awesome if we got the Bloody Hand as well as the Cart of Cockles which we already know she's lugging around from those set pics. That, to my mind, would be the best of both worlds.

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I linked this on wotw but Charles Dance said in an interview today (I think with MTV for Dracula Untold) that he'll be back in some capacity in s5. Though he could just mean he played his corpse for the funeral, mayhaps we'll get a younger version (with a blonde wig hopefully) in the Maggy flashback.

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The 6 million number presumably comes from Littlefinger, who was creative in his accounting and not known for scrupulous honesty. And the tens of millions figure comes from an exasperated Tyrion, looking at the books after an expensive war while trying to figure out what the heck Littlefinger did and who is making a point of being imprecise about his numbers. It would make no sense for those numbers to be the same.

It would be poor narrativium if they were.

The programme sometimes keeps to Martin's reality (the unknown POV info we are given) and sometimes they explicitly state what the books hint at, or are unable to tell us. Working pretty well so far.

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I linked this on wotw but Charles Dance said in an interview today (I think with MTV for Dracula Untold) that he'll be back in some capacity in s5. Though he could just mean he played his corpse for the funeral, mayhaps we'll get a younger version (with a blonde wig hopefully) in the Maggy flashback.

I'm hoping they're bringing him back to be more than a stinky corpse. I mean if they [Alex Graves] felt a "murderous zombie" was beneath Michelle Fairley, then I hope Charles Dance gets something vaguely juicy.

Also Tyrion has his depression beard, a la Stannis S3. Love it.

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I linked this on wotw but Charles Dance said in an interview today (I think with MTV for Dracula Untold) that he'll be back in some capacity in s5. Though he could just mean he played his corpse for the funeral, mayhaps we'll get a younger version (with a blonde wig hopefully) in the Maggy flashback.

The tinfoil in me makes me believe this is evidence that Ser Robert Strong's head is, in fact, Tywin's head.

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Him showing up in the (unconfirmed but very probable) Maggy the Frog cold open could work pretty well. Someone on wotw suggested that he show up at the end of it to reveal that it is a flashback and this is indeed Cersei, not just a random blonde girl. Then, fittingly, Cersei would be woken from her flashback dream to find he's dead. Cut to the opening credits.

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Him showing up in the (unconfirmed but very probable) Maggy the Frog cold open could work pretty well. Someone on wotw suggested that he show up at the end of it to reveal that it is a flashback and this is indeed Cersei, not just a random blonde girl. Then, fittingly, Cersei would be woken from her flashback dream to find he's dead. Cut to the opening credits.

No way, they are going to allow a flashback? My first thought is maybe we get to see Jaime's dream finally. And you know what that means... He can say "I dreamed of you." Come to think of it, Tywin is in that dream... Not like it's going to happen, just thought I'd throw that out there.

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When it comes to the Robert's Rebellion stuff I'd rather HBO just do a show of that in five years or so instead of getting pieces of it in flashbacks. I'd hate for them to tear down all those great sets once productions over, so they might as well put them to some use. There'd be a demand for it too and it would only be a miniseries so it wouldn't be a prolonged commitment for actors and whoever they'd get as showrunner.

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That is something that Bran could see through the Weirwood I guess but he'd probably see it in quick snippets rather than as a long flashback since his weirwood vision in 402 was a lot of flashes of different moments without showing anything for very long. It is encouraging for those who want flashbacks that almost everything he saw in that vision was from the past. What isn't encouraging is that that was all archive footage, so it was cheaper to put together than paying actors to play Rhaegar and Lyanna for just a seconds-long vignette.

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The real shame is they are breaking the no flashback rule for Cersi and Maggie when they should have broke it last year for Tyrion. A tysha flashback would have shown the audience what she meant to him allowing the truth to still be part of the show.

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What isn't encouraging is that that was all archive footage, so it was cheaper to put together than paying actors to play Rhaegar and Lyanna for just a seconds-long vignette.

They have money and R+L=J is a pretty important part of the series. Also it doesn't have to be seconds long.

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The IB will back Stannis full next season because Tywin is dead. The whole point of the bank scene was to remind us that Stannis is a proven battle commander who will not stop unless he breaks. With Tywin(the real power in KL) out of the way relations will start to go sour between the crown and the IB. They mentioned in S2 a few times that the Iron bank will have their due or they will support their enemies.

As much as I don't want to the show to go ahead of the books I would love to know what the Iron Bank do in TWOW and how it affects the Wall/North .

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Sigh, Cersei's prophecy was actually always something I hoped the show would skip/cut (and I expected it, too, considering their usual handling of the other prophecies). I'm just not fond of it, it always seemed "too much" to me, AFFC-Cersei is already absolute paranoid, and crazy, and evil and so on, she didn't need also something like that. And I don't like all that "Younger And More Beautiful Queen theories" or the "Valonquar theories", the "real reason" for her hate on Tyrion... But that's just me. To each his/her own, I guess...

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