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Season 5 Casting, News and Speculation V 10 [Spoilers]


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But all of this can be achieved much more effectively if she hallucinates Jorah. She needs to come to the realisation that she's a dragon, that Meereen is not her home, and that she needs to go back to the Dothraki, all by herself.

Brienne running into Sandor and Arya was a huge stretch, but it's not the same as Jorah setting out to find Dany and actually managing to find her all by himself, after which the Dothraki capture them instantly. There's no way Jorah would be riding by himself in the Dothraki Sea. And there's no point getting Dany away from Meereen if not to give her time to reflect all by herself.

And I'm sorry to break it to you, but Dany is not at all isolated in your sequence. She needs to spend time by herself, travelling away from Drogon towards Meereen. She needs to reject Meereen all by herself before Jorah tells her "dragons plant no trees".

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Yeah, exactly! They better put some heart into marketing because so far all we got is 1 trailer which wasn't nearly as epic as the ones for previous season, 1 fugly poster, 1 underwhelming documentary and what is getting people excited is the Sansa's bath scene and that's just disturbing.

What about The Sight?

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ADanceWithCats, you are being naive.

why would the High Sparrow listen to Littlefinger who owns half of the brothels in Westeros (the same brothels the Sparrows were busy sacking and whipping patrons of when they first arrived in KL) and is generally know for sowing chaos and switching allegiance? If the Kettleblacks are willing to squeal on Cersei, why do you assume they did not squeal on LF who they have worked for for years?

LF will not be asking the HS for an annulment. It is nothing more than wishful thinking by fans without an ounce of text support.

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And another poster I threw together on the same theme of the official...



I know who whole "Balon who now?" is almost a meme but I do feel he'll exit stage left later this season. I just hope we see the fecker go through some discomfort rather than hear about it happening off screen.

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Good to know. The annulment makes sense now.

1. very true, what evidence do you think LF has on the show? Since Cersei hasn't slept with anyone but Robert Jaime and Lancel on the show.

Fabricated, probably. But useful. Also see below.

ADanceWithCats, you are being naive.

why would the High Sparrow listen to Littlefinger who owns half of the brothels in Westeros (the same brothels the Sparrows were busy sacking and whipping patrons of when they first arrived in KL) and is generally know for sowing chaos and switching allegiance?

Double answer to this one:

- the show HS might be a bit machiavellian himself. He would not be listening to LF; LF would be useful to him. Then, the calculation would be: one girl, off in the Vale, vs. the potential to bring down the rich in King's Landing (Cersei and/or the Tyrells).

- the HS would not be listening to LF (that's the rule according to the wiki). He would be listening to Sansa, a poor orphan forced into marriage of her family's killers against her will. LF would be just the messenger. The HS might just decide to help her out of the goodness of his heart. Something to appease one's conscience with.

4. I didn't say anything about season six. I think we will see Sansa as Alayne in season 5 and preparing for the "big moves" in season 6. In season 6 she will drop the "Darth Sansa" act.

Then how about thinking about it like this: she does the first "big move" in the finale of season 5?

If the Kettleblacks are willing to squeal on Cersei, why do you assume they did not squeal on LF who they have worked for for years?

Because they squealed on Cersei on LF's orders? And/or: because they don't exist on the show, and the subplot wouldn't exist in the books?

LF will not be asking the HS for an annulment. It is nothing more than wishful thinking by fans without an ounce of text support.

Oh come on. Sansa's plot has to move. Sophie and Aidan talk about taking over the House of Arryn. That's also the exact next plot points in the books. Sophie also talks about Sansa being a player. What's the next move that can the most significantly advance her - only hers, not Littlefinger's - position in the game? Becoming the Lady of the Vale. And the marriage annulment is just a plot device; we both know that, Westeros being Westeros, if the plot willed it, Sansa could remarry without getting it and no one would care. All it would provide for the show would be just a little bit of scheming fun.

Ultimately, it boils down to - what's the alternative? In the year, this forum came up with so little that Sansa in Winterfell and Sansa as Lady Stoneheart seem viable to a lot of people. Next to this, Sansa as Lady of the Vale - which requires in the show at most two moves: getting the annulment (as discussed above, practically optional) and the marriage itself - must seem, comparatively, at least reasonable.

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Yeah, this is the thing, a lot of people around Dany do have non-redundant roles. The two most exchangeable seem to me to be Barristan and Jorah. Hence, I can see Barristan dying, or Dany leaving him in Meereen as her representative with Hizdahr, effectively writing him out of the story peacefully. But Greyworm? If she's going to take at least some of the Unsullied with her, she'll need a commander. Unless she's going to leave them all in Meereen, in which case, Missandei stays as well, I think. And then, if writing them both out, might as well give the two a good ending...

See this longpost of mine. Essentially, Aidan Gillen in his interview alluded to trying to take over the House of Arryn with Sansa, so I think the show plot will be the same. I think that in King's Landing, LF will manage to get Sansa's marriage annulled, so that she's free to marry Sweetrobin. If she does, she's going to be the Lady of the Vale by the end of the season.

As for the consummation, that doesn't necessarily have to be with the guy she marries. :) I think it'll be with Littlefinger, given that he's her co-conspirator, and the one guy she can count on not to rat her out on the infidelity. I also think that she'll surprise even him on that.

(Then, hopefully, the knives will come out.)

I mentioned before that unless Dany is going to lose her unsullied army, I don't see Grey Worm dying.

Read the linked post. That is certainly possible, though hopefully it is filled in with some interesting bits, because it is pretty bland on Sansa's side until the end.

So you think Sansa will marry Robin but will have proof of the consummation in the marriage with Littlefinger? Interesting and disturbing, obviously. And of course it assumes that we get a work around with her marriage to Tyrion, whether it is through the High Septon or otherwise.

Yeah, exactly! They better put some heart into marketing because so far all we got is 1 trailer which wasn't nearly as epic as the ones for previous season, 1 fugly poster, 1 underwhelming documentary and what is getting people excited is the Sansa's bath scene and that's just disturbing.

Where are all these posts of people being excited about Sansa's nudity, which is clearly what you are implying here? My question is regarding the nudity site's claim about Sansa getting married and it being consummated. Even they said that it is unlikely that we will see any skin, and I hope we don't. There is speculation on the doors in that short clip, but that is all about where Sansa is located in an effort to figure out what her storyline will be this season. What, precisely, is disturbing about that?

None of this is a problem. From the wiki of ice and fire: "In the Faith of the Seven, a marriage that has not been consummated can be set aside by the High Septon or a Council of Faith. An annulment granted by the High Septon requires no witnesses and must be requested by at least one of the wedded pair."


1. We're going to have a High Septon with a beef against Cersei; Littlefinger is the one person who can probably provide plenty of evidence of infidelity (real or fabricated); after she's arrested, Cersei is about to have much more important, stuff and targets, on her mind.

2. Sansa won't have to reveal herself to anyone but to the people who already know who she is. The Lords Declarant may not like this first-cousin marriage, but they will already be there in case witnesses are needed.

3. "Creating an own house" may as well apply to the House Arryn takeover - cutting ties with the Starks and building up her own power base.

4. Do you really want to see Sansa spend also season 6 as Alayne Stone, Littlefinger's niece and a little no one? Because that's what's gonna happen if she doesn't advance this season. She's already spending this season as Alayne.

e: I'm not commenting on the nudity, because it's honestly the least important part of this to me.

Aidan basically confirmed in one of his interviews that he will have scenes with the HS. Getting an annulment is certainly where I think many of our thoughts will go, and I agree that I don't think it would be as hard to achieve as others say. If the story demands it, it will happen.

The creating her own house remark from Sophie does confuse me a bit. Ruling house Arryn would be taking over a house, not making her own. It sounds more similar to how Littlefinger made the mockingbird his personal sigil, but in the end it is her name that holds most of the power, as she found out in 408, being Ned Stark's daughter.

Also, this is a pet peeve of mine but...she is NOT Alayne STONE! She is just Alayne, niece of Petyr Baelish. She has never been referred to as a bastard yet in the show, and she may never be. And her name is Yara not Asha. The Greatjon was not at the Red Wedding. It is called the TV section for a reason. Keep your shit straight!

Good to know. The annulment makes sense now.

1. very true, what evidence do you think LF has on the show? Since Cersei hasn't slept with anyone but Robert Jaime and Lancel on the show.

2. Makes sense.

3. Alayne Stone could have her "own house" or Sansa will copy Littlefinger's model.

4. I didn't say anything about season six. I think we will see Sansa as Alayne in season 5 and preparing for the "big moves" in season 6. In season 6 she will drop the "Darth Sansa" act.

Damn, another Stone person!

You think the Dark Sansa thing is an act? Maybe it is. I am curious if you have any further thoughts on that.

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He who owns half the brothels in Westeros also has the power to close half the brothels in Westeros.

Now that is a cool thought. I am liking these potential Littlefinger and High Sparrow connections. Also really enjoyed your thought about Littlefinger trying to slow down Cersei's downfall to no avail. I don't think it will happen, but it would be hilarious and drive home just how incompetent she is.

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Ok cool. Did we have the official poster last year before the premiere episode title?

I'm sorry, but I have no clue why the poster is important.

I don't care about the advertising campaign...this show a a juggernaut, it gets enough press that it doesn't need to fire on all cylinders. I care about the quality of the show.

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Has anyone considered that Rattleshirt isn't at Hardhome, but the leader of the 400 wildlings Mance mentioned he sent elsewhere on the wall?

Maybe early in the season he will fight and be captured by the watch. It was the Weeper in the books, but since he isn't in the show they used The Lord of Bones instead as one of the only recognizable wildlings.

This would get us back to where we are in the books so they can do the glamour with him and Mance. Plus they have a wildlings elder, Laboda, and Varamyr for Hardhome.

Probably just wishful thinking on my part since I don't want to see Mance actually burn.

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