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[BOOK SPOILERS] Rant and Rave Without Repercussion


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So Cersei's hair was orange, much like Tyrion's and Mel's hair was nearly black as was her attire. Did it look this way to everyone else?

Wish that was my only complaint but wow, they have really butchered so much. But poor Varys and Loras. Even Lancel is not right.

If they are cutting Varys and the Blackfyre story who will kill Kevin? And why is he backing Dany - he wanted her killed in season 1 right?

What a mess. Looks like the reviews of the leaked episodes aren't good either. I dunno. I'm usually pretty forgiving of the show but this first episode was more than I can overlook.

Jaime and Lancel have both turned from blond to brown-haired; yes, Cersei's and Tyrion's hair have changed color from season 1, I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's the show's way of telling us that ALL the Lannisters were sired by Starks or Baratheons?

I did find the episode somewhat entertaining, but not outstanding.

The bathroom humor-bantering between Tyrion and Varys went on too long.

Daenerys' looked odd in the bed scene, her face/hair was off, something wrong, not just the wig; she looked tired, as if she were using makeup to cover circles under her eyes.

SweetRobin's certainly grown up fast? And he's not only using a sword, if not very well, he's not crying or fainting or fitting while he's sparring. (which is an improvement, but couldn't there have been an in-between scene showing a change in his character?)

The only scene I found memorable was the one where Jon tries to convince Manse to kneel and thus save his life. We finally saw Mance Rayder (I think it's the only time where the character had more than 4 lines in the series, though we did see a glimpse when he told Stannis "we do not kneel" last season) and Hinds knocked the scene out of the park, the pride, determination, and horror of learning he was to be burned alive all coming through...Though, as others have mentioned, why the burning alive was suddenly made a punishment for treason against Stannis instead of the punishment for desertion from the Watch, I'm not sure. (to absolve the TV-Night's Watch from any responsibility and pin Mances's horrible death on Stannis and Mel?)

I think they only showed a part of what the total Young Cersei flashback will be; which I think is a mistake. They should have done the entire flashback (and omitted the Loras scene and the Brienne scenes entirely).

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I believe he did not tell her because he wanted to protect the intimacy of his and his soldiers. Maybe because they're ashamed of it. Maybe because it would look like a weakness. Or just because he has feelings for Missandei and did not want her to know he know whats going on in the brothels.

I do agree that the show was going for Grey Worm NOT wanting to explain the need and desire to be jugged to Miss, I just think it was silly....it made the whole scene almost a waste of time. I don't have a problem with the Missy and Grey Worm angle the show does,moreso I have problems with the manner and timing they seem to use in showing this to us. Yeah, we get it, he was NOT telling the true answer but considering the topics they've already addressed together over the years, I'm not really getting exactly WHY he shouldn't tell her anyway. It was the show trying to get that extra tug on the heart strings. It seems wasted, if the show is going to give Missy and Grey Worm the time, then LET THEM DO SOMETHING...........with it.

ETA: OMG!! :lmao: that should read.........explain the need and desire to be HUGGED, HUGGED.....not JUGGED. Freudian slip? :lmao:

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The flashback scene was quite disappointing. Considering it's the first ever flashback scene, it just felt flat.

Maggy the Frog casting was lazy. Almost as bad as the old-bloke-dressed-like-Gandalf approach to Bloodraven's appearance last season.

Maggy is described as squat and warty, with crusty yellow eyes, no teeth, and pale green jowls. She was around to witness the tragedy at Summerhall, so what does that make her — over 100yrs old? I was physically repulsed when reading how the woods witch suckled hungrily on Cersei's finger with her gums.

What do we get, an Osha lookalike who could easily have been a tavern wench or Mole's Town extra (probably was tbh).

You have to wonder if it becomes a budgetary reason when scenes like this (and Bloodraven's throne) lack a certain magic.

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It's like they turned Jaime into Joffrey Jr. with a lobotomy.

Yeah, wth?? He was in full panic mode. Was he being possessed by the uncast spirit of Emmon Frey or something?

And I’m increasingly having trouble seeing what it is about this show that the critics and the Unsullied like so much. Maybe it’s because I’m a horrible snob, I acknowledge that possibility, but, like, plot holes the size of a dwarf planet, sloppy world building, inconsistent characterizations, dropped hot potato threads everywhere, naked female flesh used as set decorations, playing into every problematic stereotype.... is it really just me?

I'll say it.

This show was, once... long ago... labelled as "inclusive", whatever that means. And, of course, many people felt like it was a positive thing (hey! it was!). How many fantasy works portray realistic characters like GoT (also the book) did? I suppose that gives the show a pass. But then, they fucked up. It's incredibly to watch how the one show that was once called realistic and inclusive, and even feminist (I don't agree with that but whatever...) now

- needs to include teats (and now butts) in every other scene to maintain "their reputation".

- portrays prostitutes as treacherous people (the scene with WR, Shae)

- has reduced a character who happens to be gay as "the gay character", with non stop jokes about his sexuality, even by people who is meant to love him and protect him.

- cast the old ugly lady as a relative hot young woman for not reason at ell either.

- has replaced a male capable young man who was once a prostitute with some kid (Olly/Satin) for not given reason except that they maybe don't want people to think Jon is gay.

- don't make me start with Jon Connington... because it hurts.

- made the sweet kind-natured virginal girl a cunning seductress who is all about the sex even if you don't want to have such sex with a dwarf. "Hey! you might even enjoy it!!".

- fucked up a scene that was all about sexual domination and role playing into plainly rape because fuck subtly.

- reduced Dorne into Porne, with birthmarks on guy's asses included!

- move Oberyn and Ellaria's residence to "the brothel" and made their sexuality so obvious and over the top that Capitan Obvious killed himself.

- cast the Sand Snakes that are legally allowed to be undressed for not given reason either and make them into Ninja Turtles because Fuck Yeah, Strong Women need Phallic Symbols in their Hands to be Strong!

And I am, personally, getting quite fed up with this, tbh. Last night, I realised it was THAT what is making me want to drop the show, not the changes or the deviations. And I'm not at all a sensitive person. Fuck, I'm from a third world country, por Dios Santo... many things that many of you see as "offensive", I don't see them as such and I have to simply shut my mouth up and say nothing out of respect. So, when I see something as sexist is because IT REALLY stinks of sexism... :dunno:

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Was that even the same actor who originally played Lancel?

And yeah, I have to say I found I was more compelled by the second episode of Wolf Hall, though that brings it's own controversies.

In terms of the reviews vs. fan opinion, yeah the industry will always support and reinforce each other.

I work with business, and anytime you have a critism or concern about the direction the business is going in, they will shut you down and call you "negative," and not a "team player."

Of course when those ideas fall flat, they scramble to play the blame game.

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Yeah, wth?? He was in full panic mode. Was he being possessed by the uncast spirit of Emmon Frey or something?

I'll say it.

This show was, once... long ago... labelled as "inclusive", whatever that means. And, of course, many people felt like it was a positive thing (hey! it was!). How many fantasy works portray realistic characters like GoT (also the book) did? I suppose that gives the show a pass. But then, they fucked up. It's incredibly to watch how the one show that was once called realistic and inclusive, and even feminist (I don't agree with that but whatever...) now

- needs to include teats (and now butts) in every other scene to maintain "their reputation".

- portrays prostitutes as treacherous people (the scene with WR, Shae)

- has reduced a character who happens to be gay as "the gay character", with non stop jokes about his sexuality, even by people who is meant to love him and protect him.

- cast the old ugly lady as a relative hot young woman for not reason at ell either.

- has replaced a male capable young man who was once a prostitute with some kid (Olly/Satin) for not given reason except that they maybe don't want people to think Jon is gay.

- don't make me start with Jon Connington... because it hurts.

- made the sweet kind-natured virginal girl a cunning seductress who is all about the sex even if you don't want to have such sex with a dwarf. "Hey! you might even enjoy it!!".

- fucked up a scene that was all about sexual domination and role playing into plainly rape because fuck subtly.

- reduced Dorne into Porne, with birthmarks on guy's asses included!

- move Oberyn and Ellaria's residence to "the brothel" and made their sexuality so obvious and over the top that Capitan Obvious killed himself.

- cast the Sand Snakes that are legally allowed to be undressed for not given reason either and make them into Ninja Turtles because Fuck Yeah, Strong Women need Phallic Symbols in their Hands to be Strong!

And I am, personally, getting quite fed up with this, tbh. Last night, I realised it was THAT what is making me want to drop the show, not the changes or the deviations. And I'm not at all a sensitive person. Fuck, I'm from a third world country, por Dios Santo... many things that many of you see as "offensive", I don't see them as such and I have to simply shut my mouth up and say nothing out of respect. So, when I see something as sexist is because IT REALLY stinks of sexism... :dunno:

Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl :grouphug:

The poster @JuliaMartell is absolutely correct about the show seeming to use Nekked Flesh as scenery, it is becoming so boring, so lazy, and they seem to be getting this way with death and execution as well. Mandatory Flesh.......check.........Mandatory Death Toll Rise........check. It is an example of what I call ADD TV........attention deficit disorder televison. It's been going on for years here in the US, grab the minute of notice, neglect a continuity of three dimensions, and MOVE ALONG to the next. I wish I could be super angry and surprised, I've become accustomed to THE INDUSTRY doing it to all forms of entertainment in this country that is visual, and I just thank the gods real and imaginary that there is still written entertainment of any kind. I feel the need to apologize for this shallow form of entertainment escaping my supposed First World Country and contaminating your supposed Third World one. I am so used to it, have seen it happen to so many mediums. That's why I hardly watch anything anymore, HA. Maybe you could recommend third world, but three dimensional........entertainment for all of us. I'd appreciate it. :cheers:

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I also thought I recognized the actress who played Maggie, she played Alice in Last of the Mohicans.

Jodhi May


AH HA!! Thank you, it was starting to get to me a lil bit........wondering why she seemed familiar? That would be it, thank you. :cheers:

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As great as that young actress pegged Lena as Cersei, I think the reason that Maggy's appearance slightly annoyed me (although, didn't really anger me in and of itself) is that I am getting a bit too tired of the BORED Ice Queen Cersei, LOL That may be why it bugged me, I want something to TOUCH that Ice Queen, even if it's her younger version. :devil:

I do agree on the prophecy not being all that, yet, showverse, especially lacking the valanquar and lacking Melara's death (give us one of them at least), but part of me wonders if we will get a furthering of this prophecy as we did in the books. But, a bigger part of me is sure that D&D won't bother, so we'll see.

As mentioned above, it's the fact I'm getting annoyed at ICE CERSEI a bit much and that is one reason I wanted Maggy the Frog to terrify her and snap her the EFF out of her bored routine.

I don't know if I can see them doing a multi episode flashback, so I'm inclined to think that was it, despite how underwhelming it was, almost pointless really, I'd be interested what show only watchers thought of it. But then, why cast Melara? But, they already rant out of the tent didnt' they, so Melara isn't getting a reading, so she probably isn't going to die. I guess we'll find out. Once I would have assumed they'd do more, now I simply assume more randomness, the form of the thing is in the show but it doesn't have any impact now that it was 'tweaked'.

I didn't get the last grey worm scene. Are they building to something or not? How the fuck long are they going to take with this sideline romance that is not pertinent to any main story line?

She wasn't always ice cersei though. Season 1 and Season 2 cersei was very close to the books, if still much nicer, she was recognizable. This Cersei we have now? The one who threatened her father, who treats her brother like crap for NO REASON, all he does in the show is suck up to her....she's getting almost dull. And while Lena is constantly drinking, we don't really get the same glimpse of drunk Cersei we had in Blackwater.

I have a bad feeling we're not going to see Cersei go "off the rails" as much as Cersea And Marg Compete For Power type of a thing.

Eh, it was okay, since I thought last seasons opener was fantastic and then the rest of the season went downhill...I hope this is starting slow for season 5, if it's a high point like last year, oh boy...

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The flashback scene was quite disappointing. Considering it's the first ever flashback scene, it just felt flat.

Maggy the Frog casting was lazy. Almost as bad as the old-bloke-dressed-like-Gandalf approach to Bloodraven's appearance last season.

Maggy is described as squat and warty, with crusty yellow eyes, no teeth, and pale green jowls. She was around to witness the tragedy at Summerhall, so what does that make her — over 100yrs old? I was physically repulsed when reading how the woods witch suckled hungrily on Cersei's finger with her gums.

What do we get, an Osha lookalike who could easily have been a tavern wench or Mole's Town extra (probably was tbh).

You have to wonder if it becomes a budgetary reason when scenes like this (and Bloodraven's throne) lack a certain magic.

Scrape that unnecessary CGI of the Harpy statue falling down- and there you go, makeup budget for Maggie.

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Maggy wasn't hideous enough. Where they that desperate for a bit more cleavage?

For a second it looked as though they had recast Grey Worm. My Mum thought so.

Speaking of Grey Worm - this Missandei/Grey Worm romance has to stop.

I find it hard to care about Brienne and Podrick any more now that they've been cut entirely loose from their book storyline.

The portrayal of Loras was pretty offensive.

It annoyed me that they couldn't manage to bring Illyrio back.

I hope they're still going the glamour route with Mance but they probably aren't.

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I hope they're still going the glamour route with Mance but they probably aren't.

I agree with everything else you said, as to the remaining point above, is there any way they can still go with the glamour Mance bit? Because I've been thinking about that, and I can't see a way for them to do it, and it'll be a real shame not to have any of that.

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I'll say it.

This show was, once... long ago... labelled as "inclusive", whatever that means. And, of course, many people felt like it was a positive thing (hey! it was!). How many fantasy works portray realistic characters like GoT (also the book) did? I suppose that gives the show a pass. But then, they fucked up. It's incredibly to watch how the one show that was once called realistic and inclusive, and even feminist (I don't agree with that but whatever...) now

- needs to include teats (and now butts) in every other scene to maintain "their reputation".

- portrays prostitutes as treacherous people (the scene with WR, Shae)

- has reduced a character who happens to be gay as "the gay character", with non stop jokes about his sexuality, even by people who is meant to love him and protect him.

- cast the old ugly lady as a relative hot young woman for not reason at ell either.

- has replaced a male capable young man who was once a prostitute with some kid (Olly/Satin) for not given reason except that they maybe don't want people to think Jon is gay.

- don't make me start with Jon Connington... because it hurts.

- made the sweet kind-natured virginal girl a cunning seductress who is all about the sex even if you don't want to have such sex with a dwarf. "Hey! you might even enjoy it!!".

- fucked up a scene that was all about sexual domination and role playing into plainly rape because fuck subtly.

- reduced Dorne into Porne, with birthmarks on guy's asses included!

- move Oberyn and Ellaria's residence to "the brothel" and made their sexuality so obvious and over the top that Capitan Obvious killed himself.

- cast the Sand Snakes that are legally allowed to be undressed for not given reason either and make them into Ninja Turtles because Fuck Yeah, Strong Women need Phallic Symbols in their Hands to be Strong!

And I am, personally, getting quite fed up with this, tbh. Last night, I realised it was THAT what is making me want to drop the show, not the changes or the deviations. And I'm not at all a sensitive person. Fuck, I'm from a third world country, por Dios Santo... many things that many of you see as "offensive", I don't see them as such and I have to simply shut my mouth up and say nothing out of respect. So, when I see something as sexist is because IT REALLY stinks of sexism... :dunno:

All. Of. This. That was perfect. Just when you think it's beyond too much, they top it.

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Ok, I'm going to come clean and say this.

I am one of the people who watched the 4 leaked episodes.I already watch the show through morally dubious means so I decided to not wait and just binge-watch.I am one of those unfortunate folk who has no legal way to watch HBO where I live.But I try to support HBO as much as I can by buying official HBO licensed Game of Thrones products etc.(Not that it entirely makes things right ,but I digress...).

I will neither encourage anyone to do the same, nor I will be the disrespectful asshat who won't abide by this forum's rules by well...spoiling stuff.I just wanted to get that off my chest because it's hard for me to read certain things on the forums while having certain knowledge on how some things go next and it's certainly hard to be unbiased.I will try

Now let's move on.

On topic, I'd like to call myself a mild book purist.Means that, I don't really like when the film or TV adaptation stray too far from source material but I often welcome clever and useful changes.

As far as GOT is concerned, everything after season 2 has diverged too much and at first I would get really mad but now I've grown apathetic.I can still complain, but I always saw the show as a "side dish" to the books so I don't mind that much anymore.I can have fun with it, I can enjoy it but I just...don't know about it anymore.it's a mess.An entertaining mess,however.

I have my nitpicks for episode 1 and you people have pretty much said it all:

-Cersei flashback overall

-Cersei and her non-existent 4rth child?

-Loras ( you know why)

-Brienne (her attitude)

-The whole deal with Mance ( Was it really Mance ?)

-Jaime (what the hell is wrong with him since season 4?)

-No Illyrio?

-Varys and his motives

-Melisandre being totally casual about how she wants to be banged by Jon Snow

...and more

Without of course spoiling anything, I can confirm the "without repercussions" thread will explode the next few weeks.Of that, I am sure.I won't say more as I don't want to be banned.

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