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The Rad King: An Aerys II Appreciation Thread

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Frequently vilified throughout the series, King Aerys II was nothing if not a good king.

-Aerys allowed the realm to recover from the WOT9PK, bringing peace and stability

-Aerys left a budgetary surplus, a feat none of his successors could copy

-Aerys was beloved by the smallfolk, ("This would never have been allowed under the old king." "King Robert?" "King Aerys.")

-Though his burnings were notorious, most everyone had it coming

-A true King to the end, Aerys stayed focused on the end game, even as he was being stabbed by one his trusted seven.

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-Aerys allowed the realm to recover from the WOT9PK, bringing peace and stability

-Aerys left a budgetary surplus, a feat none of his successors could copy

-Aerys was beloved by the smallfolk, ("This would never have been allowed under the old king." "King Robert?" "King Aerys.")

Poor Tywin never gets credit for all the things he does. :crying:

Aerys is certainly one of the most entertaining Targaryen kings to read about.

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- he's the only one who gave Pyromancer's Guild proper recognition they deserve

- he wanted to save citizens of KL from monster such as Robert Baratheon

- he's one of very few kings who realized error of his ways and repented for his philandering

- he couldn't stand ass-kisser such as Lord Merryweather for long and replaced him soon.

- he inspired loyalty in his followers. Just look at how all of KG readily died (or were prepared to die) for him.

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Aerys was ambitious. "Aerys II did not lack for ambition. Upon his coronation, he declared that it was his wish to be the greatest king in the history of the Seven Kingdoms, a conceit certain of his friends encouraged by suggesting that one day he might be remembered as Aerys the Wise or even Aerys the Great."

Also: "In 264 AC, a visit to King's Landing by Lord Rickard Stark of Winterfell awakened his interest in the North, and he hatched a plan to build a new Wall a hundred leagues north of the existing one and claim all the lands between." Oh, if only he had done that. The realm might be that much safer from the Others. :dunno:

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Aerys was almost over the top disturbing. The things he did to women in particular. Grrm could have been more subtle.

I must admit "Fire is the Targaryen champion" was pretty funneh tho.

One thing to understand here is that at least some of what we are told about Aerys is political propaganda. How much is open to debate, but it is best not to swallow too much of what is said until we hear the other side of the story.

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One thing to understand here is that at least some of what we are told about Aerys is political propaganda. How much is open to debate, but it is best not to swallow too much of what is said until we hear the other side of the story.

I agree

In the begging we learned two propaganda events right off the bat, specifically Aerys was mad and Rheagar was a rapist.

Who believes Lyanna was raped? So why belive in Aerys' madness?

He was hideous, growing his fingernails and hair exponentially like a German nursery rhyme, from fear of being stabbed. Turns out his paranoia was justified.

Jaime is aware of the propaganda yet his pride and possible admiration for Rheagar clouds that issue. Selmy is pompous and self righteous, through his shame of Roberts pardon, he's convinced himself that the propaganda is true, so he can wear a cloak and sword with honor.

Aerys has a worse rep then grumkins and snarks. A worse rep then the unworthy. After all, Aegon just represented 1/2 the targaryens where Aerys represents all.

Aerys was cruel and stupid, but mad?

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Frequently vilified throughout the series, King Aerys II was nothing if not a good king.

-Aerys allowed the realm to recover from the WOT9PK, bringing peace and stability

-Aerys left a budgetary surplus, a feat none of his successors could copy

-Aerys was beloved by the smallfolk, ("This would never have been allowed under the old king." "King Robert?" "King Aerys.")

-Though his burnings were notorious, most everyone had it coming

-A true King to the end, Aerys stayed focused on the end game, even as he was being stabbed by one his trusted seven.

Well said OP! Jon Arryn and his dogs usurped a truly great king and replaced him with a drunken puppet.
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He was a horrible person all around but I appreciate him so much for not condemning Rhaegar to a marriage to that hellbeast Cersei the best thing he ever did IMO was not have the Lannisters marry into his family.

And his Kingsguard excluding Jaime were badass!!!!

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The book convinced us that Rhaegar was the most handsome and intelligent man in all of Westeros

he is desribed as a gentle and noble.

Now, could such a noble Young prince really have such terrible human beeing as a Father.

I highly doubt that. History is written by the winners (and their shady maesters) and Robert won, no wonder

that Aerys Reputation went down the gutter. How did it came by that when the Vale, the North and the stormlands rebelled.

Dorne and the Reach stayed loyal to the Crown. If Aerys had been really so terrible they could have easily sided with Robert,

then The Rock would have rallied around them as well. Aerys would have been alone and all would be over in heartbeat. But no,

they stayed loyal to him because the must have seen something in him ;) an inspiring green flame maybe ;)

Till this day i cant really comprehend why Stannis the Mannis put his blood over his allegience to his King

quite shameful i dare say

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He had a keen interest in scientific pursuits, making large contributions to aspiring chemical researchers, showing a fondness for advanced mechanical devices, and combining the fields of engineering and chemistry in his development of unprecedented public works.

One can only wonder at westeros' technological advancement had it been ruled by more rulers as studious as he.

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