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(Spoilers ALL)Jon's eyes shifted in color.


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People, he will be coming back, rest assured, if not the next season, surely in the 7th.

All those hints that he's a Targaryen thrown out in this season, the WW attack, Davos and Mel being at the Wall, those are all plots which lead to Jon not being dead forever.

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If Jon isn't in season 6, why wouldn't he come back as a wight if they don't raise him again right away? Why wouldn't they burn his body? I'm wondering how they are going to get around that. My guess is that he will indeed be back next season. Unless someone can explain to me how they could just hang on to his frozen body until season 7.

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His hair isn't that short- he could grow it back by the time Season 6 starts filming especially if we don't see his fate until mid/end of Season 6.

My son has longer hair similar to Kit's texture and thickness and he can grow it back pretty quickly. Or even if his hair is shorter maybe Jon is sick after being stabbed violently so cutting his hair wouldn't be a giveaway?

Who fucking knows though? It's not like D&D give a shit about spoiling book plots and they love trolling book readers by omission and commision of errors. Maybe Batfinger's whole Rhaegar Lyanna speech was a troll. The Bejen shit was a troll- HARDCORE trolling- we even saw a guy who was all cloaked up getting in a boat at HH and some people speculated it was Benjen.

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Well, if he is really dead, then my theory of him taking Stannis' part is shot. What the hell they going to do with Mel and Davos? Why would Davos even have anything to do with Mel after this? He could go after Rickon but, he doesn't where he is. I don't know.

Orell wasn't able to. Varamyr wasn't able to. If they body is dead then there's nothing to warg back into. I mean, if they plan on having him come back, why not do it the Beric way instead of the more complicated warging way? Jon warg's, someone saves the body, he wargs back. Kiss of fire is quicker.

But neither Varamyr nor Orell's bodies were turned into wights. We don't know what kind of magic is involved there and which rules apply

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Well, if he is really dead, then my theory of him taking Stannis' part is shot. What the hell they going to do with Mel and Davos? Why would Davos even have anything to do with Mel after this? He could go after Rickon but, he doesn't where he is. I don't know.

Remember, Davos doesn't know what really went down. All he knows is that the Baratheons are now dead. When Davos left camp, there was no food, etc. The Boltons could have come and killed them all or whatever.

Unless and until Davos runs across a witness to Shireen's burning, he's not going to know about it because do you really think Melisandre will tell him the truth of what happened?

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I think Melisandre is having a faith doubt, from what i've saw when she came back to the night's watch.

In my opinion, she cames back to go to her room and try to see in fire what's next, if it still working, she might ask herself " why? why is this happening?" talking to her god, and be pissed of to have been fooled..;then she realizes she wasn't paying attention to the real signs, when she will know about Jon's death, she will take the body in her room and as she will remember Beric who has ressurected Thoros many times she will try as a challenge for her and a last action to see if her god is still there, as she start to believe that jon snow is the key...

But jon snow is dead, Kit is right, and it's a fact he is bleeding too much, vital organs are touched, the body is dead...but the soul...well...it's just opening new questions. Azor Ahai? Can you ressurect a body whitout a soul if the soul is in Ghost? did Jon really warged himself? And what about Bran and the 3 eyed crow who observe everyone all over the world, following people who can change everything like Bran? like the 3 eyed crow said to Bran " i've been watching you" or something like that...did Bran saved Jon's soul? Anyway, it's just ideas, after the shock of the season and D&D did well by making even book readers in doubt, summer is coming...

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Odds are he's not dead. Ding and Dong didn't spend time with all their ham fisted foreshadowing and Mel's bizzare side trip to hang out w/ the Brotherhood just because we want to think they lack subtlety. They actually do.

I'm most curious to see how the hell they're going to hide Kit Harrington for a year, if he is coming back, since they can't even manage keeping their show from being leaked all over the place every five seconds. They going to film his scenes on Mars?

Possible they already filmed his resurrection scene during season 5 filming so that it would not be spoiled for season 6?

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There is no reason for Jon to be dead. When Ned died it furthered the plot and started the war of the five Kings. When Robb and Cat died it basically ended the WOTFK. Jon dying furthers what? The white walkers advancing, the end of humans? I hate that Mellisandre is going to give him the kiss of life because I just hate it, but why else would she have learned it's possible? People were saying she would use it to save Stannis, but clearly that didn't happen.

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Bloodologists determining the exact way blood would flow on ground they have no idea the slope and contour of.

Not sure what your beef is.

My point is that the flow did not look natural. It looked as if it was being directed at something.

Did it mean anything? Probably not, but then again who knows.

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Kit signed on for seasons 6 and 7. I think his EW interview is nothing more than D&D trying to make viewers really believe Jon Snow is dead before bringing him back next year. They want the extra buzz. If everyone knew already that he doesn't really die for good, then that scene doesn't have the same kind of impact. Jon is most definitely coming back. In the show, it will likely just be Melesandre doing it. Or else, why have her come back to the wall right before the end? In the book, I could see Jon first being in Ghost before Melesandre restores his body. This will likely be a way for Jon's soul to continue on without ever truly dying. So when his body is restored, he won't have lost any of who he is.

If the show does make Jon dead for good, or GRRM for that matter, I honestly think I'd be done. He's the one character with power that doesn't ask for it or seek it. He's just trying to fulfill his duty to protect the realms of man and even in the books where he was planning on going south to stop Ramsey, he still never tried to force others to follow him.

Ned had power and didnt ask for it or seek it. He lasted 1 season.

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He will be different, but he will be back. The show has made it clear you don't come back from resurrection and not lose something of yourself.

The question is really only how long he will be gone. Could Kit's answer that he's not in season 6 be true?

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Not sure what your beef is.

My point is that the flow did not look natural. It looked as if it was being directed at something.

Did it mean anything? Probably not, but then again who knows.

Seems more likely they needed the blood to flow that way to get it in the close up face shot of Kit. They wanted to do a tight shot of his "death face" , and still let us know the life (blood) is seriously leaking out of him.

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