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Rant and Rave Without Repercussion: The North Misremembers (Book Spoilers)


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Too sleepy to rant properly, but i'll mention this.

On what account is Alliser Thorne an "improved" character from the books? Because he (more or less) took Donal Noye's role? That's no merit from the show.

An improvement by the show would be the first few Varys-Baelish dialogues (before they got a bit tiresome and uninspired), something that D&D added to the characters that didn't deprive other ones (from existence or from anything). Not this case.

Thorne seemed like less of a 1 dimensional dick for a while then they ruined it like they always do

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You also kinda touched upon what has been bothering me too. Stannis is the first guy in GOT to do something horrible and then immediately pay for it! Think about burn Shireen next episode dead no one else has this happened too. Joffery kills Ned dies 3 season later, LF who helped kill Ned still alive, Roose and Ramsey and their list of crimes still alive, Walder Frey still alive.

Well Sataniss is THE villain, so I guess it's allright then.

And they have to gave something to Brienne or she would get a dead leg from standing and watching the tower, for how long? Half a year?

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I feel the show's dedication to shock factor over decent storytelling is most aptly represented in the northern story and I would argue mostly in the Satannis story this season. Obviously the Sansa Winterhell runs it close but I'd give the award to Satannis.

To actually begin developing the humanity that exists in Stannis with that sweet scene with Shireen and his dealings with Jon only to have him burn Shireen in completely OOC circumstances that were (barely) achieved with carelessly conceived ninja-Ramsay nonsense was a serious condemnation of their 'artistic' intentions.

It has served no thematic purpose to the story other than "yeah, we never liked Stannis, but Ramsay's awesome!"

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Yup LF is pretty much assured to be the one who takes down the Boltons. Super underwhelming

LF will single-handedly take down the Boltons, take the Iron Throne, and defeat the Others by riding all three of Dany's dragons. At the same time.

Wait, no. LF will ride one dragon, Ramsay another and Cersei the third one. Or Tyrion.

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LF will single-handedly take down the Boltons, take the Iron Throne, and defeat the Others by riding all three of Dany's dragons. At the same time.

Wait, no. LF will ride one dragon, Ramsay another and Cersei the third one. Or Tyrion.

And LF will warg Ghost, Summer, Nymeria and Shaggydog on Skagos. Simultaneously, of course.

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It served their "ambitious and religious nutjob strawman" theme pretty well.

It's quite obsessive isn't it, and it's going to continue next season with this terrorising religious outlaw band they're casting.

I love how balanced GRRM's handling is of religious groups. That's just been torn apart by D&D at almost every opportunity.

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Thorne seemed like less of a 1 dimensional dick for a while then they ruined it like they always do

Hardly one-dimensional in the books. Remember, he was a Targaryen loyalist and went to the Wall because of that, hence the bitterness. He only got another "dimension" because D&D gave him (sort of) the role of Donal in the Battle for the Wall. Forgivable change from the books i guess, but hardly any merit by the showrunners in terms of characterization.

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Hardly one-dimensional in the books. Remember, he was a Targaryen loyalist and went to the Wall because of that, hence the bitterness. He only got another "dimension" because D&D gave him (sort of) the role of Donal in the Battle for the Wall. Forgivable change from the books i guess, but hardly any merit by the showrunners in terms of characterization.

In fairness, people have been praising Thorne's expanded development on the show since season 1. He gets that speech about how useless Jon and Sam would be out in the wilderness and you see into his psyche a bit more. I think along with Shireen he's probably one of the few characters with more development on the show.

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I think that after Brienne abandons her candle-watching mere seconds before Sansa lights it in the tower, they missed a golden opportunity to play Elton Johns' 'Candle in the Wind' as the music for the scene...

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