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U.S. Politics: You Didn't Think It Would Be So Easy, Did You?

Jace, Extat

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The Department of Energy Is Now Calling Fossil Fuels “Molecules of Freedom” and “Freedom Gas”




That’s right. Hydrocarbons shall henceforth be known as “molecules of U.S. freedom.” Proud Americans are fracking compounds of liberty from the glorious shale beds of Texas and shipping it ‘round the world.

Anyway, it gets better. The actual news here is that the Department of Energy gave Houston-based Freeport LNG approval to export gas processed at a new liquefaction plant that the company is set to build at a facility off the coast of Texas. Elsewhere in the government’s press release, U.S. Undersecretary of Energy Mark W. Menezes explains, “Increasing export capacity from the Freeport LNG project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving America’s allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy.” (Bolds are mine.)

Freedom gas. It appears that turn of phrase originated earlier this month, when Secretary of Energy Rick Perry signed an order aimed at doubling U.S. liquefied natural gas shipments to Europe. At a press briefing in Brussels, he explained that the move would help European nations diversify their energy supply away from Russia, the region’s major supplier of gas. “The United States is again delivering a form of freedom to the European continent,” he said. “And rather than in the form of young American soldiers, it’s in the form of liquefied natural gas.” Afterward, a cheeky reporter from EURACTIV asked whether “freedom gas” would be a correct way to describe the new fuel shipments. “I think you may be correct in your observation,” an apparently inspired Perry responded.



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Lol, I just saw on CNN that while Trump was in Japan, one of the US ships in port was the John McCain, and the navy actually covered up the name on the side of the ship so that poor Donald would not get upset at seeing a ship with THAT name on it.

You can't make this shit up.

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45 minutes ago, Fragile Bird said:

Lol, I just saw on CNN that while Trump was in Japan, one of the US ships in port was the John McCain, and the navy actually covered up the name on the side of the ship so that poor Donald would not get upset at seeing a ship with THAT name on it.

You can't make this shit up.

The poor little snowflake had his safe space invaded.

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11 hours ago, Martell Spy said:

The Department of Energy Is Now Calling Fossil Fuels “Molecules of Freedom” and “Freedom Gas”

Gas being what stuff turns into when it evaporates? That seems strangely appropriate given the administration's authoritarian leanings.

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Impeachment proceedings are the ONLY way to ensure Trump's reelection, short of running Clinton against him again.

The DNC and the Democratic Party is STILL a joke. 

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The twitter in chief admits Russia won the election for him. But! so what? Then! he deletes that and says just the opposite. Come on buddy -- even you admit you cheat and you lie and you commit criminal acts.  Get out of there and into a prison cell.

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1 hour ago, Stego said:

Impeachment proceedings are the ONLY way to ensure Trump's reelection, short of running Clinton against him again.

The DNC and the Democratic Party is STILL a joke. 

This is a silly take. The worst case scenario is that impeachment brings all Republicans home, and that’s not enough to win. Trump’s only path to victory is depressing the vote, and impeachment will light a fire under all voters who hate Trump (which is a majority of the country).

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5 minutes ago, Tywin et al. said:

Let’s play “I spy with my little eye.” Find the key part of this tweet:



Wait, wait! I'm good at this kind of stuff; let me guess.

Is it...that he sounds like Jan Brady at the beginning of the tweet?

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9 minutes ago, The Great Unwashed said:

Wait, wait! I'm good at this kind of stuff; let me guess.

Is it...that he sounds like Jan Brady at the beginning of the tweet?

Part of me wants to Google people failing badly at solving Wheel of Fortune, but that’s a YouTube rabbit hole I dare not go down.

(cues DMC for the obvious South Park link)

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21 minutes ago, Tywin et al. said:

Let’s play “I spy with my little eye.” Find the key part of this tweet:



At least he acknowledges that he got help, so that's at least showing some self-awareness.

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7 minutes ago, Tywin et al. said:

(cues DMC for the obvious South Park link)

Um, if it's the episode I think you're referring to, I'm definitely not posting that link.  That's just asking for it.

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So many seem to believe that impeachment proceedings cannot succeed due to the rethug senators, and that impeachment proceedings will ensure re-election.  Yet, even those who believe this, thus insist we have to just bend over and let him get away with breaking every frackin' law of god and human beings, are putting the concept and the word into constant circulation in the media -- all the media, of whatever partisan stance. 

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“As long as we let him tie us up in courts for another year and a half while we carry out toothless stonewalled investigations which the Republicans ignore, we will surely have a true and fair election without foreign interference, and without Trump and Barr tying his opponents up in frivolous investigations and accusations. We must let the GodKing ascend beyond all mortal constraints, it is the only way to beat him. “

While it is nice that we have all these Doctors Strange who can see that the only way to victory in 2020 is for the country to lose utterly and horribly in the present, I remain unconvinced that letting things continue to get worse is actually the best course of action. 

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47 minutes ago, Jez Bell said:

At least he acknowledges that he got help, so that's at least showing some self-awareness.

Winner, winner, microwave chicken dinner!   

41 minutes ago, DMC said:

Um, if it's the episode I think you're referring to, I'm definitely not posting that link.  That's just asking for it.

Randy should have bought an “A” instead of an “O.”   

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One of the decrepit republican scumfuckers in charge of disenfranchisement and gerrymandering died in August of 2018.

his estranged daughter, looking for family photos on backup hard drives came across a lot of his work on gerrymandering. Months later, trying to get help sorting out, settling up loose ends of the estate, she mentioned the drives in passing. This resulted in the drives being subpoenaed and the discovery of drafts saying that the purpose of adding a citizenship question to the census would be to hurt democrats, disenfranchise minorities and enable much more severe gerrymanders than are currently possible, and the strategy to legally enable all this criminal behavior would be to use the 1965 Voting Rights Act as a cover rationalizations.

the creation dates of his drafts precede the trump administration embrace of this, and much of his rationalizations were copied and pasted word for word with the naughty bits removed.

ar least two people are now proven by this new evidence to have perjured themselves regarding the census issue.

none of this matters because the Supreme Court probably will issue a partisan decision and ignore this evidence, since the evidence interferes with their political goals and is counter to their worldview.

we are so fucked.


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6 hours ago, Stego said:

Impeachment proceedings are the ONLY way to ensure Trump's reelection, short of running Clinton against him again.

The DNC and the Democratic Party is STILL a joke. 

I don't believe this. And I don't see anything that supports this. It didn't hurt the Republicans in 1998 and I have a hard time understanding how public hearings around Trump's corruption will benefit him, especially when you have shit like the below. His base won't move and they'll be motivated regardless but it will affect independents and suburban women.


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The economy ....






...  Donald Trump may be a historically unpopular president, but a healthy majority of voters can’t help but approve of his economic management.

But like a dour wallflower who brought his copy of The Uninhabitable Earthto a party, the typical bond investor can’t join in the sheeple’s good cheer — for he knows too much about where all this is headed.

Or so two recent trends in global bond markets would suggest. The first is that the prices of ten-year government bonds are rising across the developed world. When investors see trouble on the horizon, they move their capital out of equities and into such bonds since the governments of wealthy nations tend to pay back their debts, irrespective of medium-term economic conditions. Thus, the fact that investors have been bidding up the price of government bonds suggests that they’re feeling a bit spooked.



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7 minutes ago, Mexal said:

I don't believe this. And I don't see anything that supports this. It didn't hurt the Republicans in 1998 and I have a hard time understanding how public hearings around Trump's corruption will benefit him, especially when you have shit like the below. His base won't move and they'll be motivated regardless but it will affect independents and suburban women.


I've actually come 'round on the Don't Impeach strategy. What Pelosi is doing seems like a good strategy for the nonce.

It's horrifically frustrating, I know. Like, the dude actually deserves to get impeached. Even William Henry Harrison didn't deserve to get impeached by pneumonia.

But what does impeachment of Donald Trump achieve? It allows him to once again start banging the WitchHUNT, FOLKS! drum and not just be blowing 100% Pure Distillation bullshit. Because there's no chance of a conviction by the Senate, no real chance of impeachment itself in the House, and that fat orange fuck will keep vomiting lies that now have a tinge of truth to them because Democrats kinda are starting impeachment just to do it.

Doesn't matter that they have cause, evidence, a fucking DUTY. None of that is relevant. Starting impeachment proceedings immediately turns all the Fox and Friend raving about a coup into a story with juuuuust enough reality trapped between the cushions of madness that CNN, MSNBC, CBS, etc... will all mysteriously start covering the segments of Fox News you may have missed due to insufficient levels of self-loathing. Because, IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY STAGING AN "unlawful coup"? I'm Wolf Blitzer, and we'll have our panel of Ben Shapiro, Anna Navarro, and Rick Santorum debate next!

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