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What's up with the buttload of Greyjoy POVs?

Alyn Oakenfist

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So when you think about it, the Greyjoys are the second best represented house in ASOIAF, with four POV characters (Theon, Asha, Victarion and Aeron), behind the Starks with 4 to 6 POV chapters (Ned, Sansa, Arya, Bran and maybe Catelyn and Jon Snow, depending on how you take the last two) and in front of the Lannisters with just three.

But why? Like  just don't get it. Are the Iron Islands going to be more important then the North, KL and Meereen, or is there something else at play here?

Also it doesn't help that besides Asha the Ironborn are really horrible people.

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There are some threads connecting the Starks and the Greyjoys. They are both grey houses with iron and stone themes.

The Stark colours are white and grey; their graves are guarded by iron swords. Their crown is iron&bronze; their oath from House Reed includes iron&bronze, water&earth. Bran is also the winged wolf chained to the grey stones of Winterfel; Theon plays his part on freeing Bran from those chains.


I dreamed of a winged wolf bound to earth with grey stone chains

The Greyjoys are Ironborn, descendants from the Grey King that is associated with the white "bones" of Nagga. The Ironborn kings moved to darker shades of grey with the black iron crown of the GreyIrons, followed by the black blood of House Hoare. In the present we have Theon becoming grey and white (skin and hair) again:


But under the hood, his hair was white and thin, and his flesh had an old man's greyish undertone. A Stark at last, he thought.

Meanwhile Euron is becoming really black with his black iron crown held by two black crows.

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1 hour ago, Alyn Oakenfist said:

So when you think about it, the Greyjoys are the second best represented house in ASOIAF, with four POV characters (Theon, Asha, Victarion and Aeron), behind the Starks with 4 to 6 POV chapters (Ned, Sansa, Arya, Bran and maybe Catelyn and Jon Snow, depending on how you take the last two) and in front of the Lannisters with just three.

But why? Like  just don't get it. Are the Iron Islands going to be more important then the North, KL and Meereen, or is there something else at play here?

Also it doesn't help that besides Asha the Ironborn are really horrible people.

They have a lot of POVs but not many chapters.  They have 23 chapters total.  Except Ned, who is in only one book, the Starks each have more, or close to it.  

Theon is the only Greyjoy that is a major character.   The rest are there mainly for coverage.  So don't worry, they aren't as important as you think.

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The Ironborn and the Dornish will be examples of a people who will be divided.  They will be divided according to which faction they will support.  The same thing is happening in the north, with the Dustins and Karstarks supporting the Boltons while Manderly wants the Starks.  Asha, the Harlaws, and Victarion will end up with Dany's group.  Most of the IB will back Euron. 

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My guess is that he's interested in telling a mini-game-of-thrones story within this one House, but I am hard pressed to care. It seems like POV bloat. I still can't believe he only has so few POV's who aren't high born. Like there are no other people in Aeron or Victarion's vincity who couldn't be a window into what's going on, like Davos with Stannis? 



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14 minutes ago, Rose of Red Lake said:

I still can't believe he only has so few POV's who aren't high born. Like there are no other people in Aeron or Victarion's vincity who couldn't be a window into what's going on, like Davos with Stannis? 



It would have been really cool to get the POV of one of the smallfolk in Winterfell who goes through a massive transformation. Maybe they join Robb Stark’s army and rise up in the ranks through valour or whatever reason. We get the Whispering Wood, Camps, Oxcross, Crag, Robb’s marriage, and the Red Wedding from their POV. Maybe they even survive the wedding? Who knows.

And that’s just a Stark focused POV. The smallfolk would have provided so many interesting perspectives.

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The Greyjoys are important considering what Euron is and what he is trying to bring about. They are there to set him up. Theon was our introduction to Euron. Victarion and Aerion's chapters are all about him. He is using Victarion to steal Dany's dragons in Meereen and Damphair for a blood sacrifice on crack. 

Euron is a monster. Who better to tell us about him than his brothers and nephews?

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GRRM is building up the tension of big bad Euron, so he uses Victarion and Aeron to do this job. Victarion shows more of Euron manipulative nature and Aeron shows more of his madness and violence.

Theon is his own character and has his own arc.

I just do not understand the Asha POV... everything in her chapters could be quickly explained in a few dialogue lines with other characters, she also very clueless about her surrounding and gives little to none information.


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The next Dunk and Egg book will highlight the importance of the Greyjoy story line I believe. 
Maybe then we’ll hear more about Starks, Cassels, and the extinct? GreyStark and GreyIron
Asha herself may appear fruitless to the story but her interaction with “minor “ characters is brilliant. Martin writes with three quills. What is told, what is ment,and what is left untold.

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6 minutes ago, Eliscat said:

The next Dunk and Egg book will highlight the importance of the Greyjoy story line I believe. 

I hope so! We know the Targaryens eventually defeat Dagon, and it wouldn't surprise me if Egg convinces his father to finally leave Summerhall and lead the attack. I'm also really interested in finding out what the story with Torwyn and Bittersteel is. 

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