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Lost Season 4 Part Deux


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The whole Jin/Sun thing could have been cut in half, then half again and it would have been just right. Yes, Mr. Writer, you are clever with your little trick. It wasn't clever enough for half the fscking show though.

Desmond/Sayid was interesting, but went nowhere. We'll probably have Faraday/Charlotte next week, then back to the freighter in a couple more weeks. No tension or storyline.

The mental problems on the ship are interesting. It's possible the Island is trying to destroy the Freighties, or the aggression abatement phenomena the DI was looking for backfired. The girl's death was reminiscent of Master+Commander as well.

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Yeah, I think this pretty much confirms the Oceanic 6 are:

Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sayid, Sun and <blank>.

The 2 who died after the crash are Jin and Clair.

<blank> I definately not Aaron imo. Michael is still the most likely in my mind.

Goddammit Jin, why'd you have to die. I always liked him.

Son of a bitch, stupid TV deaths. Now I'm sad.

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Although, just thinking about it, why WOULD he have to be one of the 2 survivors of the crash that died?

His date of death is listed as the same as the crash. There's no reason they couldn't be lying and saying he died in the crash with the rest of the passengers.

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SPOILER: About the two that didn't make it, according to writer podcast:
The O6 probably don't come back lugging two bodies. The two that die in the story are just window dressing.

Hoping Jin survives, but I was hoping the same for Charlie.
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Although, just thinking about it, why WOULD he have to be one of the 2 survivors of the crash that died?

His date of death is listed as the same as the crash. There's no reason they couldn't be lying and saying he died in the crash with the rest of the passengers.

Plot says otherwise. Jin would never have left Sun and their daughter. Well, willingly. I'd rather have him alive because I think he may have an interesting father. Connected anyway.

Is it a tombstone over a burial plot or is it just a memorial?

The Captain accuses Benjamin Linus of faking the 815 plane crash with another 815 plane and 320 bodies? 320, 3.2 million. 10,000 per person so it's the probable reason for Miles' blackmail. Ben's either the owner of Oceanic Airlines or the whole thing is just nonsense.

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Desmond/Sayid was interesting, but went nowhere. We'll probably have Faraday/Charlotte next week, then back to the freighter in a couple more weeks. No tension or storyline.

What episode in a couple of weeks? Next week's episode is the last one for five weeks.

Check out the previews for next week's episode. I really don't think we're in for any more quiet episodes. Next week's is the one that really had the entire cast reeling (and had Holloway and Garcia saying it was a pretty heinous thing to do to the fans if it had been the season finale if the strike had gone on any longer).

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Sometimes I regret this thread doesn't have the intellectual cut-and-thrust of the Fuselage forums when it comes to Lost discussion:

I would have punched the black dude at the end in the face

that guy killed 2 women.

yea i didnt know his name but i remember he shot like 2 chicks right? yea it would have totally blowed the cover but maybe not, if you could punch him in the face and play it off. it wouldnt necessarily mean you know each other to the crew, just that you punched the janitor in the face. blame it on the crazyness.

yea desmond probably didnt remember him so the iraqi dude would have to do it and hes shooting people all the time.


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Although, just thinking about it, why WOULD he have to be one of the 2 survivors of the crash that died?

His date of death is listed as the same as the crash. There's no reason they couldn't be lying and saying he died in the crash with the rest of the passengers.

Yeah, I thought about that...but Sun's grief at the cemetery seems a little more than "he's just back on the island waiting for us".

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The producers did say that one of the Oceanic Six would die in the future. More to the point, they said that one of them would die in a flash-forwards.

That rules Jin out since the cover story is that he died in the crash, which means he 'really' dies on the Island, maybe in the Season 4 finale?

Although the previews for next week suggest there is fatality much sooner than that.

To me that means one of the established Oceanix Six or the one-to-be-confirmed dies in a forthcoming flashforward before the end of the season and is probably the person in the coffin in LA, since that's clearly not Jin. Of the Oceanix Six already established, I doubt Jack or Kate will die before the end of the series (and it's clearly not them if it's the person in the coffin) and the producers have already said they won't kill Hurley. Which pretty much boils it down to Sayid, Sun or whoever the sixth memeber is.

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If Jin dies soon their not going to carry his Fresh Corpse back to Korea and then bury him with the death date 60 days or more before.

Cause you know bodies rot, especially 60 days after the fact.

22/9/2004 means he doesn't leave the island in any form.

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I'd like to think that Jin's just hanging out on The Island and is not really dead (wishful thinking). Maybe Sun is so genuinely full of grief not because he is dead but because he is as "good as dead" as she never expects to see him again. I wish I could remember what she said at his memorial. I think she says something like "I wish he were here." It's unlikely that Jin wouldn't leave with Sun but maybe something prevents him from doing so (more wishful thinking). Jin Lives!

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I finally saw the episode (in the UK, had to get it off itunes) and thought it was kind of meh. The whole Jin/Sun flashback/forward thing was too clever for its own good. My dad and I were just frustrated when we realized that Jin wasn't going to see Sun (and also postulating wild WILD theories about his phone being run over on purpose by this vast organization of people, etc. etc.).

My dad was quite annoyed with Juliet this episode, but I like her. I respect what she did. It would be easier for her to just conform to what the Losties want, to let them do their own thing and focus on getting herself off the island. But she doesn't. She tries to help them, and she is honest enough that they distrust her in a paradoxical sort of way. Anyway, I really like Juliet, and think her and Jack make a great couple.

Going by the dialogue and the date on the tombstone, I'm inclined to think Jin is back on the island. It's pretty easy to imagine a scenario where there is only room for one of them or something and obviously Sun has to go, so Jin stays behind. And no one seems to think it's possible to go back to the island. Dunno. Torn about this one.

I'm very curious as to how Aaron and Hurley end up getting rescued. They're the only two that appear in flashbacks who are with Locke atm, right? And I still don't see why Hurley was sorry he went with Locke...ahhh must just wait, I suppose.

The hiatus is going to kill me, especially if next week is as good as it's supposed to be.

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The only hole in the whole "Jin got left behind" theory is this:

Why in the hell would Sun be visiting a sham tombstone?

I would imagine it's easier for her to express herself when she has a point of reference. I mean, does it really make much of a difference if she's talking to a piece of stone that represents her husband thousands of miles away and lost to her forever or if she's talking to a piece of stone that represents a rotting corpse beneath it? Either way, it's not really Jin, it's just easier for mourning/grieving.

But like I said, I'm torn on this. Could go either way, it's just the date that bothers me. Maybe he did die on the Island and they thought it would just be easier to say it happened right away in the crash so that they didn't have to build him into whatever story they were constructing.

Well, if the 6th is not Jin and not Aaron either, that leaves a problem. We got the initial five and then Michael and Walt. Does this mean Walt dies?

Which raises the question, where is Walt anyway? On the freighter? What would they do with a little kid?

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They say he died in the crash because, under their story, EVERYONE died in the crash except 9 people. The Marshall + Oceanic 6 + 2 others who die later.

Which means that his body isn't there anyway, so it still makes as much sense for Sun to go to the tombstone. And that Jin has to die very soon.

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Jin did say that he'd do anything to protect Sun and the baby. That really tells me that he'll be dead at some point in defending his wife, thus her scene at the marker makes more of an impact.

No one else has commented on the apparent sighting of Naomi by Sayid...

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Sun was 2 months pregnant, so wouldn't that mean that Jin would have been dead for about a month before he could even father their child? Granted some children are born a month early or late but wouldn't a Doctor be able to tell how far along she is when they get off the island?

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