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You have two cows


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*curtsey* Not sure if I should be offended (I am not!), but glad you are amusing yourself. ;)

No offense intended. It was fun re-reading the older two cow posts.

Martin: ASOIAF: There are two cows. One that is present and one that is promised. Neither one is your bitch, apparently.

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David Mitchell, Cloud Atlas

Saturday 15th June 1850: I set sail on the morning tide with two cows, one of them stowed away but I persuaded the

Dear Sixsmith, I got hooked on reading a journal from 1850 about two cows on a Pacific voyage but I only have the first half of the book,

Luisa is doing an investigative story but two cows are chasing after her

I have two bulls chasing me for money they think I owe them, I'm laying low in a country hotel but it seems to be some sort of home for retired cows.

I had two cows, they both worked in a burger restaurant, but they both wanted to see the wider world. They were told they were mad to leave,

I hav too coos, one of 'em came from farway, wans to clime big hill tho evryun nos Old Bull livs up there an' he don' lyke coos

if they'd just been patient after seven years they could have retired and the burger company would let them live happily.

I'm trying to convince two of them to escape with me, we should all want to be free, we're not sheep after all.

one of them wants to kill her, but the other used to know her father when they were both calves.

it is maddening not having the second half of the story. On the bright side the local farmer has two cows and I think one of them really likes me.

Captain not to make him into steak. I think the other is my friend but sometimes I catch him looking at me oddly with his bovine eyes.

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The Bakker things write themselves, his work seems to lend itself easily to bovine deepitudes.


For the first time, you realise that you have two cows.


You have two cows. You fall to your knees, milking. Milk comes swirling down.


You think you have two cows, but you are deceiving yourself


You have two cows

You have two

You have


(Gets sprayed with milk)

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Harry Potter: You have two cows. Not as fancy as Voldemort's Horcruxes, but you got to start somewhere.

You have two cows. They were something else before, but you're not sure since you never really paid attention in Transfiguration class.

The Hunger Games: You have two cows. You're in the wrong district.

You have two cows. Story title no longer applies.

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