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Things about yourself you cannot rationally explian


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I have some compulsions, but who doesn't? (No one answer that.)

Anyway, I cannot rationally explain why I was ever, and am maybe still involved with my ex-boyfriend. Every week I discover new things about him which, explained to the casual observer, incite the reaction of "WTF???" And yet in the larger context of his life, they don't seem all that weird.

I don't know what's more alarming: That he has apparently allowed two people to drink his blood (without actually being a vampire fetishist....he's just a pushover)........or that I actually know two different people who like to drink blood. And that I know who one of them is, but not the other. And that I'm a little afraid of asking who #2 is.


Someone make my life normal, please?

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I have an irrational fear of starving when I'm in hospitals or on a plane. I always pack a LOT of carry-on food for a plane trip, and eat right before getting on the plane so I usually end up over-stuffed by the time I get where I'm going.

This is not an irrational fear. I once got on a plane for what was supposed to be a quick 50 minute flight in the middle of an afternoon. The plane pulled away from the gate and sat out on the tarmac for the next 7 hours due to weather and lack of open gates before the flight was canceled and we were allowed off. There was no food on the plane and there was only a minimal amount of beverages since it was supposed to be a quick flight.

Okay I wasn't literally starving but I was really really REALLY hungry sitting on that plane from 4PM - 11PM with no food. And ever since then I always eat before my flights and take at least one complete meal on board with me. And snacks. LOL.

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I'm afraid that I'll fall forward and knock out my front teeth. I'm very careful when going forward down relatively small heights- like steep stairs or jumping a few feet off a rock. However, I'm not afraid of higher heights, like cliffs or skyscrapers, and I'm not especially afraid of descending backwards- like rappelling, although I'd still rather go up than down.

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I'm afraid that I'll fall forward and knock out my front teeth. I'm very careful when going forward down relatively small heights- like steep stairs or jumping a few feet off a rock. However, I'm not afraid of higher heights, like cliffs or skyscrapers, and I'm not especially afraid of descending backwards- like rappelling, although I'd still rather go up than down.

Not irrational at all. I was knocked down in high school (or was it jr high?--it was a combined school) anyway, I broke 3 of my front teeth.

This meant root canals and caps...they have been redone 3 times, meaning I have had 12 root canals.

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I sometimes get anxious about whether or not I have forgotten to do something routine. Most often, this takes the form of "Did I lock the door to my house?" when I'm away, but it can also be other stuff (Did I turn off the lights? Do I have the paper I am supposed to give to someone today?). If it is not difficult to check, sometimes the anxiety wins out and I go through my backpack until I find the document or whatever. I think only once or twice in my entire life had I actually forgotten to do or bring the stuff, but this does not reassure me.

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I get nervous if I'm walking on a surface that does not feel completely and immovably solid (other than mud, I think). So every now and then, extremely overweight people can spook me just a little by walking up or down stairs next to me. And then there was the time I was sitting in the library and this guy walks past and the chair jiggled a bit.

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It is embarrasing, but I still have to look down at my hands to figure out which is right or left (ie when it comes to directions or positions). I have to really think about it. I don't know why.
At 39 I still have to think about what is right and what is left. It's not a big deal, really unless I am driving and traffic has me stress. Since the wife doesn't know directions (and I always know where north is... a right/left coping mechanism?) and me not knowing right or left, it's always a *point* "turn this way."
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I try avoid having the volume on my TV set to a prime number.

I do this, too.

I also have a huge issue with the number 666. So much so that I hate the number 333 just because it's half the evil of 666. Like when it's 3:32pm, I consciously refuse to look at the clock until it's 3:34pm, so I can skip 3:33pm.

I always have to be munching on something, even if I'm not hungry. It pisses my wife off, especially when she's dieting, but nothing I can do about it. At least I seem to have the metabolism to deal with it.

I honestly believe I have fish telepathy. Because there's nothing in life that I'm really great at, except for fishing. I can sniff out where the fish are like nobody else (except maybe my late gramps).

I'm competitive to the point of insanity when it comes to sports, physical activity, etc. I don't want to be this way, but there's nothing I can do about it. I even refuse to let my kids beat me at anything or score any gimme points off me, just to boost their ego. Sorry kids, but you're gonna have to earn it.

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When I'm driving and change into fifth I get this urge to wrench up the hand brake. Its particularly strong when I'm coming off a slip road onto a motorway. It frightens me sometimes.

One day I'm gonna do it and I'll probably kill whoever is driving behind me.

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I have many odd quirks, strange thoughts, and bizarre compulsions. Perhaps the strangest (to me anyway) is that sometimes I'll be dead broke, counting pennies and praying that I'll be able to make it until my next payday and I'll see some random person and have this deep urge to hand them some or all of whatever cash I have left. There have been a few times when it has been so strong that I almost did it (knowing that I'd end up starving in the dark for a few days if I did).

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I'd say the things I CAN rationally explain about myself is about 5%...

Utterly and completely terrified of spiders, to the point of tears and hyperventilating if I even see a picture of one. Don't get it, I know they're tiny and rarely dangerous, but they just freak me the fuck out.

Cannot orgasm except in one particular way. Nothing else works. It's ridiculous.

I actually have trouble sleeping if I know there are dirty dishes in my apartment.

I hate answering my phone. I send almost all of my calls to voicemail and hope that when and if I finally return the call, I will get their voicemail. I am guilty of the texting-in-response to a call.

Use chapstick every 20 minutes or so. Would probably die without it. DUnno how most people survive.

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It is embarrasing, but I still have to look down at my hands to figure out which is right or left (ie when it comes to directions or positions). I have to really think about it. I don't know why.

I do the same thing.

I have a lot of small compulsions that are simply irrational. One of the things I wish I could get rid of, I always have to check my purse about a million times when I'm out on the road, to make sure my wallet is still there. And when we are headed to the airport to fly out of the country, I'll probably check to see if I have my passport at least a dozen times.

Lots of other things that I can't really remember right now. I'll get back to you.

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I hate answering my phone. I send almost all of my calls to voicemail and hope that when and if I finally return the call, I will get their voicemail. I am guilty of the texting-in-response to a call.

Use chapstick every 20 minutes or so. Would probably die without it. DUnno how most people survive.

Nice to know I'm not the only person who hates answering the phone. If it weren't for take-out food, I could probably go the rest of my life quite happily without one.

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I loathe darkness (unless it's Tv, movie, or video game time), and love light.

I'm afraid of drowning, though I've never almost drowned. I also get this weird feeling in my stomach when I see large exspanses of water.

My friends say I think way to much. When one of my friends who is hanging out with someone I don't really like texts me, telling me to "go to the park (or wherever)", I automatically think "conspiracy". I always suspect betrayel (even in my best friends, and some familly), and thus never let people I know know certain things about me, therefore keeping entire sides of my personality in the dark. Occasionally, when parts of those sides slip into the light, they are completely surprised and....interesting (for lack of a better term)...things happen.

I have a strange fear of comitment (out of slight fear of betrayal and some other things) except for when it comes to certain people.

I have awkward dreams which come to pass nearly exactlly as I dreamed them the next day.

In school, I have an overwhelming desire to know everything (but not about schoolwork). All the drama and things going on behind the scenes? I'm the first to know. When (insert girls name here) had sex with (insert guys name here), I find out without first. This of course fits with numerous other situations. I hoard other people's secrets, and then I pull the strings, crafting relationships, ending them, planting the seeds that grow into inevitable betrayals, fights, and other things. All to achive to strange master plan which I'm making up as I go. And because I'm bored.

I have a strange craving for mythology, exploring their themes and concepts.

In a fight I play the weak one but win without having to throw a punch. I'm not sure exactlly WHAT I do, but my friends say I spout out "big words that make no sense" (which could mean anything), and then my worst enemy becomes my close friend.

I'm horrible to have as an enemy because I have a strange need to create some forms of chaos. Often my enimies get swept up in these chaos schemes. I have NO idea why I like creating chaos...but I always make it work for me.

I don't like it when a book/movie is only one book/movie 2. If they make sequals...it should be a trilogy or more. No idea why.

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I have an irrational fear that Kat will find out I'm the second blood drinker.

I refuse to believe I chat with people who think they're vampires. :(

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