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Lost Season 6 Thread - The Final Countdown

Mya Stone

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wow...Ben Linus. I bet Lady Narcissa was stunned, too. She had heard that there would be no resolution to Ben/Widmore. I'd say that was some resolution. :stunned:

Well not really stunned because I read the summary of this episode when it was posted last week. LOL. It gave a little more than I had been expecting, however.

What I had read previously was an interview with Alan Dale where he said he was done filming and he still didn't know what his character was up to - if Widmore was good or bad - and that no scene resolving what had been going on between him and Ben had been filmed. So that was what I was mentally prepared for and in the end it didn't end up being as unsatisfying as I was expecting. Knowing whose stories the producers are focusing on as the series draws to a close and becoming more resigned to it I can understand why it got boiled down to what it was. But still looking back at the scenes we were given in the past with Widmore and Ben I just wanted a bit more explanation...more than that Widmore was following Jacob and Ben doesn't think Penny should be allowed to live.

eta: "I thought he had a God Complex before" might be the best line since "Jack, if you say 'ive together, die alone' I'm gonna punch you in your face" :lol:

Sawyer made me smile with that too.

I did love when Desmond got shown to his cell and Kate and Sayid were already there. I mean I knew it was coming but it still made me laugh. And then when Anna Lucia opened the back of the van and Hurley showed up. Although its almost starting to cross into the too cute territory with the way everyone is coming together.

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Juliet has to be the mysterious mother of the sideways-verse, right?

And this was a great episode. Though I can see why last week was where it was in the scheme of things, to help tonight make more sense to a degree, I still think it belonged earlier in the season...

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What an episode.

Might be one of the first episodes of Lost that I haven't been more confused after watching.

Certainly answered some stuff tonight...

Now, can we start a friendly bet/competition as to what song lil' Shepherd (I forget his first name) will be playing when this all goes down? Ha.

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Widmore said that Jacob came to him and showed him the error of his ways. I guess he was the 'bad guy' out of that duo and Ben was really doing what he felt was 'good' after all. So I suppose Widmore was the threat to the island Ben believed him to be. That is a plot resolution, I guess. Kinda unsatisfying but there you go.

So I guess Smokey/MiB/Flocke really is his brother, except an incredibly twisted version of him. I thought he might be the manifestation of the evil that the island contains but I guess I'll have to settle for the ultimate corruption of humanity or whatever the fuck he's supposed to be.

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I guess he was the 'bad guy' out of that duo and Ben was really doing what he felt was 'good' after all.

Oh you've just reminded me of the line I was trying to remember from this episode! The one that stood out that I wanted to go back and listen to again was when Ben said something about this was where he was told he could summon the monster but it turned out he was the one doing the following. I was hoping for a bit more about that because I was interpreting that as possible confirmation that Ben had been unknowingly following the Smoke Monster all along.

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Oh you've just reminded me of the line I was trying to remember from this episode! The one that stood out that I wanted to go back and listen to again was when Ben said something about this was where he was told he could summon the monster but it turned out he was the one doing the following. I was hoping for a bit more about that because I was interpreting that as possible confirmation that Ben had been unknowingly following the Smoke Monster all along.

Well it could be that they both were 'bad' in that Widmore was fighting with Ben over control over the island because he wanted it for himself until Jacob 'showed him the error of his ways' as well as Ben being deluded into thinking that he was fighting as Jacob's representative when in truth he was MiB's minion.

I'm still holding out hope that Ben is only following Flocke because he has some scheme to betray him.

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Juliet has to be the mysterious mother of the sideways-verse, right?

That hand't occured to me but it really makes sense. Jack's son has those bright blue eyes. Juliet= bright blue eyes.

I have no clue what Ben's game is. But giving Miles the radio seems to have some kind of agenda. The fan in me wants him to doublecross Locke for the island. The realist is that Ben has chosen self-preservation.

Very amusing that Widmore claimed to always be 3 steps ahead of Ben. Not quite, sir!

I also really liked the guest stars. A few in the past seemed just tacked on but tonight's seemed great. Ana Lucia always had low morals and it was a perfect fit. Danielle provides a potential happy neding for herself, Ben, and Alex.

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I took Widmore's line a little differently. He mentioned that Jacob showed up after the freighter blew up and told him what to do. I took that to mean Widmore needed to stop trying to kill / remove Ben from the island and start trying to kill MIB/Smoke Monster. Both goals could ultimately lead the protecting the Island...especially if Ben was MIB's unknowing minion...but removing Ben became irrelevant once MIB took on Flocke form.

I'm still holding out hope that Ben is only following Flocke because he has some scheme to betray him.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ben turns out to be the only one who can kill Flocke.

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Oh you've just reminded me of the line I was trying to remember from this episode! The one that stood out that I wanted to go back and listen to again was when Ben said something about this was where he was told he could summon the monster but it turned out he was the one doing the following. I was hoping for a bit more about that because I was interpreting that as possible confirmation that Ben had been unknowingly following the Smoke Monster all along.

I think you're skipping over the most important part of that scene...

The pause and brief discussion where Alex is buried.

I'm pretty sure that was the final breaking point that Ben realized he had been manipulated this entire time, hence his comment about the "secreter room."

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So....is my crush Richard dead?


Loved this episode. Loved the inside joke about Kate becoming a mother taking her off Jacob's list (because really, his experience with mothers on the Island, not so good). Loved Sawyer's God complex line, loved the reverse on the sew up moment from the Pilot, love that Desmond is the fail safe...(speaking of which, who's got $20 on Rose and Bernard helping him out of the well - Vincent could totally have been Lassie in this instance), loved the Sideways. (I miss Sayid, dammit.)

I understand people are going to think that it's getting hokey having everyone connect in the Sideways, but what I'm gathering from this is that no matter what universe, these people's lives were destined to intertwine, and I'm okay with that.

Also, I said this to Brady the other night, but I truly think that Ben has to do something good before the end, because honestly, he's living a pretty sweet life in the Sideways. (Comparatively speaking, of course.)

And lastly - ROUSSEAU IN A DRESS?!?!?!?! And CLEAN????? :o (Not in a bad way.)

ETA: Sorry, last thing - I loved Jack's Eko callback, "Don't mistake coincidence for fate." (I miss Eko, dammit.)

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ETA: Sorry, last thing - I loved Jack's Eko callback, "Don't mistake coincidence for fate." (I miss Eko, dammit.)

God I wish they had got him in the last season somehow. Absolutely my favourite character of the series and I will always like Season 2 despite it's many flaws just for him. I guess the actor was too busy reading a script for GI Joe or something :crying:

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Yep, that was just an all around fantastic episode, the best since Everybody Loves Hugo. Sure, maybe a bit too pat (I think a lot of this stuff could have profited from being spread out to the not so eventful episodes) but hey, this one was awesome, so no complaints. We got resolution to mysteries, clarification on context, and very important scenes (Jack is the new Jacob!). I also appreciated the focus on Ben and Desmond- Desmond is just kind of awesome in the flash sideways.

No way that Richard is dead or that Ben is actually following Smokey. Thanks for restoring my faith in the show, writers. I still think Across the Sea is pretty worthless and boring, but at least they're going out with a bang.

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Though once again, the Jacob appearance seems contrived. "Hey guys, I'll come to Hurley to tell you to leave the temple, and I'll come hang out with everyone now, but we sure as hell couldn't have had this conversation 3 episodes ago and saved Jin, Sun, Sayid and Frank! Nosir!" And umm, Jacob, you might want to wait till after your successor has been chosen before burning your ashes.

Still an awesome episode.

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I just read an awesome theory elsewhere that says that the reason Ben gave Miles the walkie talkie and the reason he killed Widmore so abruptly (seemingly before he told Flocke the key to it all) was because he was sending Miles back to New Otherton to get the info from dead Widmore. 2 birds, one stone.

I like it.

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Meh. I must be strange, I liked last week's episode better than this one.

So Jack woke up in the bamboo because he's a candidate and it's closer to the Pot o' Gold? WTF is that?

I didn't like the sudden killings in this episode. Richard and Zoe dying had no meaning to the story. Widmore, maybe. Compared to say Libby's and Shannon's deaths, these had zero emotional impact.

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I'm still holding out hope that Richard is alive. I mean...he pretty much can't die...right? :tantrum:(I'm with you, Mya.)

Fairly certain that Ben will kill Flocke in the end. Maybe it will be a Frodo-and-Gollum-on-Mount-Doom moment, with a struggle where Ben gets mad about being manipulated the whole time, and both of them fall into the source of the light, which annihilates Flocke and turns Ben into New Smokey. And then....something happens.

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Tbh, this was fucking awesome. It felt very.. finale-like.

Flash-sideways were great, and for once the thematic lines didnt feel forcefully shoehorned in (What if all of this happened for a reason, etc).

Desmond really looked quite insane when he turned himself in. I guess the concert he's bringing Sayid and Kate to is going to be one of the climactic events of the sideways.

Ana Lucia and Rousseau cameos were quite fun as well.

Also, Jacob actually explaining stuff? Wow.

Awesome awesome episode. Completely stoked for the finale now.

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Since I'm at work, and have nothing better to do at this hour than think about Lost, I've been putting some thought into the concert that everyone is now going to. So, what if it's the Daniel Faraday (classic music)/Driveshaft (rock and roll) FUSION concert? (Complete with Ms. Hawking I mean Mrs. Widmore.) AFAIK, it was postponed because Charlie went crazy...so who's to say it wasn't rescheduled? I think it's within reason to assume that Faraday is David's music teacher (interconnectedness and all that), and it's a FUSION concert. As in, (beat me over the head with Eko's Jesus stick with your lack of subtlety Lost writers I love you) fusing the time lines together. Here's my final guess as to the end of Lost - one or the other timeline will not have to be destroyed, but they need to be merged together - my guess is at the point when the Island sinks - and therefore, the Losties will have their original memories, and all the growth we've seen throughout 6 seasons is not for naught. Smokey will be contained at the bottom of the ocean (or killed), and the light in the cave will be out of the reach of greedy men for all of eternity...or until ABC wants to make a spinoff.

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I do hope that, concerning the whole Candidate thing, this isn't "just it". I hope that something will happen in the finale that will make it so that a protector won't be needed anymore - maybe cause there will not be an island anymore.

Something that Lindelof said about what to expect from the finale

The penultimate episode, which Lindelof screened last week at an event in Los Angeles, still leaves plenty of questions unanswered going into the 2 ½-hour finale (airing Sunday at 9/8c). Lindelof's explanation of what to expect echoes a line Jacob delivered to the Man in Black in the Season 5 finale: "It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress."

The finale is titled The End, so I think it's called that because of the "It only ends once".

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