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Once Upon a Time (It's very own thread)


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I am of the opinion that the portal Bae went through opened in a different time as well as place. There is no reason it has to be linear, right? I would think the writers would have more interesting things to do with a younger Bae than a 90 year old and that's what I am basing my opinion on.


I thought Cora would turn up in Storybrooke somehow. I am interested in why she is in Fairy Tale land instead of ... somewhere else? Is their haven a pocket world attached to the main world? I trust in them to explain it, but I have no good theories for this one. I got the impression that Snow's attempted escape was triggered when she saw where they were brought or who the people were. Otherwise, how stupid was it of her to try it at just that moment? Mary Margaret might have tried that, but Snow is a bit more savvy.

That could be the case, but, from what I understood from this episode, when the curse was broken they regained heir previous personality but they didn't completely lose what defined them for nearly 30 years. So maybe it was Mary Margaret acting after all. Or just a manifestation of that foolish bravery regular heroes get from time to time. As to Cora, I think her presence there was either a counter-effect from the curse, or somehow part of whatever Rumples had planned for her.

Why are people annoyed with Aurora?

Well, she's a brat, don't you think? Kind of spoiled, extremely selfish, not that her prince is any better, but still. Anyway, I never really liked Aurora, not even her well-behaved version, so it was highly unlikely I would think differently on this one :cool4:

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We don't have Aurora's full story. The woman who plays Aurora looks like Allison Hannigan.

It's been bugging me who plays her. She was Mary Tudor in Showtime's The Tudors.

I know it's probably the material so far, but she was much more compelling as Mary. Hopefully she be able to develop Aurora more.

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Well, I guess that it wasn't August who sent the note to the mystery guy in episode one after all.

I loved this episode, especially the parts in our world - except for Charming's outbursts of foolish bravery, of course, but that's to be expected. It was interesting to see that they're still stuck in that town, particularly where Gold is concerned. Btw, my own pet theory on his reaction is that

it really is because of Bae that he was so frustrated. From his conversation with Regina it seems that he knew her since she was a baby and was just waiting for her to grow up and do something for him - my impression is that all along, maybe since giving Cora her powers, he planned on using her daughter as a way to apply that curse that wold, in the end, be the only way for him to get to our world and go find Bae. I know it's tortuous and Occam probably wouldn't like this idea that much, but Rumples seem to always choose the most complicated, but perfect, course of action, and maybe the kind of magic that would be necessary to achieve his goal demanded it.

Btw, if he first met Cora when she was young, possibly in her twenties, and he was already like that, that would mean that he was that corrupted by magic at least 50 years before the curse was cast. Adding the 28 years it lasted to that count, well... if time in our world and theirs worked side by side or whatever, Bae would be at least 90 now, considering he was probably 12 the last time Rumples saw him. So I guess that completely discredits the notion that mystery man from episode one can't be Bae because he's too young.

Could it have been the Dark One that knew Cora and Regina as a baby, not necessarily Rumple? I am very curious how they are going to do Bae. I think the man at the beginning was the white rabbit.

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I am of the opinion that the portal Bae went through opened in a different time as well as place. There is no reason it has to be linear, right? I would think the writers would have more interesting things to do with a younger Bae than a 90 year old and that's what I am basing my opinion on.

That could be right as well. There is so much more they could do with a younger Bae and it makes sense that jumping from one world to another would not always lead to one specific timeline or destination. If the man in the beginning is not Bae(him being the white rabbit is as likely) then I am sure Bae will be making an appearance some point later this season. I'm very curious to see what role is in store for both of these possible characters.

I'm also exctied to see what Cora is going to bring. I was surprised to see her in the end. Surely. Snow is going to recognize her.

I love the first meeting between Rumple and Regina. Rumple was truly creepy in that scene, Robert Carlyle is amazing. I love the contrast between their first meeting as he tries to seduce her to the dark side of magic and now how she has become one of his more threatening rivals. Lana Parrilla and Robert Carlyle play off each other so well that the Regina and Rumple scenes remain to be my favorite moments of the show. It was nice to see Jefferson again.

Lol at Dr. Whale asking if the nuns can date now! Dr. Whale, don't ever change. :rofl:

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I really like this show, IMO is getting better every episode, and I loved last week's episode,

and I can't wait to see episode 6 which will show us where Emma was 10 years ago and who is Henry's father

I think that Cora is the miller's daughter from the original Rumpelstiltskin tale, the one that made a deal to turn straw into gold and promised him her first child if she became queen, but in this case Cora asked for powers and she became a rich man's wife instead of queen. In the popular story the miller's daughter kept the baby, as Cora did, probably by tricking Rumpel, which is why he told Regina they belonged together and why he was so willing to help her get rid of Cora. We've already seen he likes to take babies away from their parents (maybe because he lost his own son): Charming's twin brother, Cinderella's baby, Henry...

Of course if this theory is right is going to be twisted and way more complicated than the original fairytale, and I can't wait

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On the topic of Bae, there kinda has to be time travel involved, as apparently Carlyle answered a fan's question of how long Rumple has been the Dark One with the answer "Centuries." No reason to think he didn't figure out a way to tweak the curse so that it took him when he wanted as well as where.

I'm oddly happy that we get more of Cora. She's such a terrible person yet such a great character that it's going to be such fun to see her interact with Emma, Snow and the rest of the Fairy Tale refugees. Next week I also think we get to see this world's version of Lancelot (do the other Aurthurian characters exist as well, I wonder) played by Sinqua Walls, who I've been curious to see in another role since Teen Wolf sidelined him in season 2.

Plus - ogres! The look on Emma's face in the preview was priceless, poor thing, she really is out of her comfort zone.

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Agree with the speculations about Cora being the miller's daughter, that makes total sense.

Also, what if the Storybrooke boundry also applies to portal jumping, Emma and Snow are technically outside Storybrooke (unless the magic of the land also has an effect) so Snow could be reset to only Mary Margaret again and won't remember Cora, though Emma should eventually be able to jog those memories back with her talent, now that she believes, but it might take an episode or two.

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That's an interesting idea, I hadn't thought about it. But I already imagined Mary Margaret might have lost her memory, but from the blow on the head she received from Mulan, which would make things more interesting, not to mention it might be convenient for her not to recognize Cora too soon.

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Here's my problem with Snow again losing her memories. Emma is the focal point of the curse. Somehow she broke it when she kissed Henry. Shouldn't her presence with Snow and frequent contact help protect Snow from the renewed affects of the curse?

Unless Emma's unique effect on the curse only works in Storybrooke. Either that or she can't control her ability and it takes a while for her to help Snow get her memories back.

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The sneak peeks are out:

1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CUZxm68_5c0

2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=AB0y0MksEZw

3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=TLxUB29V4Mk

4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=4Z8SVJtC4jQ

Seems the episode will focus on Fairy Tale Land and how out of place Emma is. I love how Snow tries to protect Emma, which is good if she talks to Cora

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Gotta love Lana Parrilla and the way she plays Regina. I totally felt bad for her this episode and had a strong - Wanting to kick Henry's butt - moment.

I'm enjoying Emma being out of her element and Snow stepping up. I'm sorry Lancelot doesn't have a permanent place. Or at least it doesn't look like he will. I really liked him.

And it looks like more drama will be happening in Storybrooke. I'm actually pretty interested in that aspect of the story now as well as FT land.

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Any one else think Henry's choice to lie ro Regina to get acess to her vault will have serious consequences? Also, King George is back and less than thrilled to see Charming wih a Grandson.

That was my first thought as well. I could very well see Regina giving up hope and resorting to her old bag of tricks again.

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Any one else think Henry's choice to lie ro Regina to get acess to her vault will have serious consequences? Also, King George is back and less than thrilled to see Charming wih a Grandson.

Yes. I Also wondered if there was another reason Regina didn't go down to the vault. Like perhaps she was too angry and didn't trust herself.

Perhaps that's reaching. I can't see the result of Henry's actions going well.

I was thinking. Charming "Making sure no one else will find the vault." Will have a serious draw back. How did he do it. is it permanently sealed now?

The hearts were beating again. I'm guessing the items are re-animated with magic now. Could be a resource he needs to get back to FT land... Maybe.

I'm dreading what King George might have in store. But he so didn't look happy.

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This wasn't as a good an episode as the first 2 this season and no wonder, no Rumple, barely any Regina. But Snow did step up a bit but then there was the part where King George poisoned her -- Snow stop taking food and drink from people! Be suspicious at least! How many times have you ingested shit you didn't know woild hurt/kill/change you somehow? FFS!

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