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Has this forum changed your opinion on any of the characters?

Winter's Ghost

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I hadn't the slightest notion that Catelyn Stark was a target of so much hatred among the fandom. I personally loved the character, and I still do. It really didn't have any effect on my opinion of her, though it was a real eye opener. Even with the benefit of hindsight, I don't believe her actions were rash or stupid; I always thought of her as someone who made the best decisions she could with the information at hand.


Again, it was a kind of a shock to me to see so many people hate Dany as a character. I was one of those people who saw Astapor as a fist-pumping moment and I guess I never bothered to go back and think about the grey shades of the act. I don't hate Dany even now, but I do believe she is more interesting with her shades of grey.


I don't really know when I started rooting for Stannis (I started reading the books after watching S1, so Stephen Dillane in the news for S2 may have helped :D), but I do, but it was surprising to see that there were so many other people who were hardcore Stannis fans. Though I started rooting for him as the underdog (with his hawk story, and his consistent bad luck), it appears that he is considered badass among the StanStans - I'll take it.

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Stannis- I was apathetic towards him, but all his fanboys on the forum annoyed me so much that my apathy turned to full on hatred and now I wish he dies just so I can see thrm shut up about him ruling everything In the end.

Didn't take much notice of Stannis in either the books or on the show but his fanboys here have made me actively hope for a disappointing, low key end for him. Very soon.

THANK YOU. You guys somewhat restore my faith in humanity. Stannis love is one of the most bizarre things on this forum, and the competition in this category is tough.

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I have to respectfully disagree. I don't see much difference between overzealous stans and overzealous haters. We're all fans here -- if someone wants to express their undying love for a character through the appropriate avenues that's all well and good. But interjecting into a legitimate conversation with blind, tyrannical adoration for a character is no better than interjecting into a legitimate conversation with blind, tyrannical hatred for a character. I've seen at least as many groundless, ridiculous fans as I have haters.

But we digress... people love, people hate, people bicker, life goes on as it always has... Ain't never gonna change.

My comment was a blanket statement about all characters, sorry, had to say that because it wasn't a Stannis post. Now onto the Stanstan post;

Every character has overzealous fans, though. I find the Targ, Stark and Jon Snow love borderline sickening at times, yet I maintain a healthy respect for Daenerys and think very highly of Jon Snow and Eddard is my second favourite character, every criticism that can be levelled at Stanstans I consider worse for them, "rightfull King" "badass" "hero of the story" you name it, if Stanstans have said it about Stannis once, other fans match them and even go beyond.

Its the character, for whatever reason people don't like him, they bash him in a thread and then expect to get left alone for it, and when we don't agree with their criticisms or god forbid, we provide some context for the mans actions without outright justifying them (killing Renly, potentially burning Edric) they don't like it and attack the fans, as though we are somehow in the wrong for liking a character that is currently on the "good" side and seeing his positive points. We love the character, we like to shout his praises the way people charge into thread typing "the King in the North!"

What I described happens with every character, yet, and I don't know what it is, maybe because Stannis wasn't introduced in the first book so people don't think he's important (first mistake) or because he's inderictly responsible for deaths of popular characters, or because he's not a charming goody-goody, or because he lost on the Blackwater, people can't seem to hack the fact that this man inspires a following, Stannis fans bear the brunt of the accusations. We have our lunatics, same as any other fanbase, but most of us are normal, rational people, that commit the crime of defending or praising a character we like. Stanstans are made worse by the haters, I am fairly calm and level headed 99.999% but some of the things I read regarding him make me want to throw my computer out of the window. They make me genuinely question if people have read the books or just skimmed his chapters. And yes, that happens with most characters, and those people get shut down by their fans as well. But when we do it, its a bad thing.

I guess my point is that we are all idiots, so why Stanstans get repeatedly singled out is beyond me.

I guess there may be a us vs the world thing with Stanstans, but you've got to remember, he's not well liked and gets bashed from all side, and he's grown on most of us very organically, like fungus, instead of being presented as the protagonist, such people will inspire fierce defenders.

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I guess I would like Sansa better without these forums, but the fan infatuation with her character is hard to understand for me and makes her character more annoying to me than it would be if I had never found these forums.

No, even the hatred Dany or Tyrion get here did not change the fact that I am hugely interested in their characters. I do not know why this forum is so different from fandom in general - maybe it's only human when some people start nitpicking after having discussed the obvious: Dany and Tyrion are simply great literary inventions.

And many readers, sad to say, have no patience with story arcs. Tyrion is not funny anymore, Dany is wasting her time in Mereen: delete them emotionally! Fairweather fans, sorry.

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Tyrion is not funny anymore, [...] delete him emotionally! Fairweather fans, sorry.

If the wit was the only thing that made them like the character, then I have to point that the anomaly was them liking him in the first place.
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If the wit was the only thing that made them like the character, then I have to point that the anomaly was them liking him in the first place.


I think some are not able or willing to grasp that character in his complexity. They miss something, too bad for them.

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I appreciate Stannis much more.

That this grim sadsack inspires devotion and even some humor in legions of fans make me kind of love him.


-Cat: I never liked her, but now I kind of hate her.

-fAegon: I didn't even think he may not be a Targ.

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My comment was a blanket statement about all characters, sorry, had to say that because it wasn't a Stannis post. Now onto the Stanstan post;

Every character has overzealous fans, though. I find the Targ, Stark and Jon Snow love borderline sickening at times, yet I maintain a healthy respect for Daenerys and think very highly of Jon Snow and Eddard is my second favourite character, every criticism that can be levelled at Stanstans I consider worse for them, "rightfull King" "badass" "hero of the story" you name it, if Stanstans have said it about Stannis once, other fans match them and even go beyond.

Its the character, for whatever reason people don't like him, they bash him in a thread and then expect to get left alone for it, and when we don't agree with their criticisms or god forbid, we provide some context for the mans actions without outright justifying them (killing Renly, potentially burning Edric) they don't like it and attack the fans, as though we are somehow in the wrong for liking a character that is currently on the "good" side and seeing his positive points. We love the character, we like to shout his praises the way people charge into thread typing "the King in the North!"

What I described happens with every character, yet, and I don't know what it is, maybe because Stannis wasn't introduced in the first book so people don't think he's important (first mistake) or because he's inderictly responsible for deaths of popular characters, or because he's not a charming goody-goody, or because he lost on the Blackwater, people can't seem to hack the fact that this man inspires a following, Stannis fans bear the brunt of the accusations. We have our lunatics, same as any other fanbase, but most of us are normal, rational people, that commit the crime of defending or praising a character we like. Stanstans are made worse by the haters, I am fairly calm and level headed 99.999% but some of the things I read regarding him make me want to throw my computer out of the window. They make me genuinely question if people have read the books or just skimmed his chapters. And yes, that happens with most characters, and those people get shut down by their fans as well. But when we do it, its a bad thing.

I guess my point is that we are all idiots, so why Stanstans get repeatedly singled out is beyond me.

I guess there may be a us vs the world thing with Stanstans, but you've got to remember, he's not well liked and gets bashed from all side, and he's grown on most of us very organically, like fungus, instead of being presented as the protagonist, such people will inspire fierce defenders.

My post wasn't about Stannis either. "Stans" is just a term for crazy fans of any persuasion (from the Eminem song). True, I have my problems with the Stannis stans, but there was nothing in my post about that.

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My post wasn't about Stannis either. "Stans" is just a term for crazy fans of any persuasion (from the Eminem song). True, I have my problems with the Stannis stans, but there was nothing in my post about that.

Oh, sorry, I've only heard of Stanstans lol, colour me suitably embaressed. I may be 25 but things like internet slang are totally beyond me, for the most part.

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Oh, sorry, I've only heard of Stanstans lol, colour me suitably embaressed. I may be 25 but things like internet slang are totally beyond me, for the most part.

Nothing to be embarrassed about, I'm 25 as well and my 38 year old boss consistently drops Tumblr/Instagram/etc. slang on me that I have never heard before in my life. x] Cheers! :cheers:

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When I started reading these books I was blown away by GRRM's willingness to kill off characters that he had invested a lot of time and apparent fondness in. I was so shocked when he killed Ned and I was also impressed. I have learned that no character is safe from the author and it makes for exciting reading. Some of the posts on this forum taught me a deeper appreciation for the notion that the characters are not so much "black and white", but rather "grey". It is a notion I knew intuitively, but reading posts here really solidified that concept for me. Unfortunately, it is these complexities of character that feed some of the fanaticism that can make this forum challenging to read some days. One poster may highlight a legitimate criticism of a character only to be attacked by a fan of that character for not appreciating them enough. Another poster might praise a character's strengths only to be attacked by a detractor. I go from gaining insights into the motivations and strengths of a character like Stannis only to be put off by the righteous support of his fans. Then I go from liking a character such as Sansa only to learn how much vitriol is hurled her way by those who despise her character. I guess I learned here on this forum that many of the characters in the books are even greyer than I realized, with a long list of positive and negative qualities and in learning that I have discovered that there are readers whose opinions I need to filter because they are only able to relate to one or the other aspect of grey and paint characters too black or too white.

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Re: All of the posts that have made meta-complaints about various fandoms (and have, invariably, represented those fandoms disingenuously).

Instead of pinning the fault on broad of groups of posters, why not try to take a more honest account of what constitutes "legitimate criticism," and really ask yourselves if these fan groups truly get up in arms over "legitimate criticism," rather than broad, inaccurate, purposely inflammatory and completely unproductive and unanalytical bashing. I mean, really think this through.

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Cersei - Until I came on the forums, she was just a villain. Reading analyses of her made me realize how complicated she really is. Her POV chapters are some of my favorite in the series.

Sansa Stark - Hands down, Sansa is the character that went from 0 to 10 in my book. I used to think of her as a Mary Sue type of character, but she is seriously a kickass girl and I know she will make a serious comeback.

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Re: All of the posts that have made meta-complaints about various fandoms (and have, invariably, represented those fandoms disingenuously).

Instead of pinning the fault on broad of groups of posters, why not try to take a more honest account of what constitutes "legitimate criticism," and really ask yourselves if these fan groups truly get up in arms over "legitimate criticism," rather than broad, inaccurate, purposely inflammatory and completely unproductive and unanalytical bashing. I mean, really think this through.

Nah its totally fair. See that topic about why people dislike Sansa. The smugness of some posters and the sexism aaccusations were there. In fact, even you were very condescending in that topic
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