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Disappointed! Movies That Let You Down


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(Sorry if there is an old thread on this. If my topic of interest is not in first two pages of threads I start a new one.)

So, my husband and I took our daughter to see the new Percy Jackson movie, PJ and The Sea of Monsters. I wasn't expecting to be blown away, but that said, I've read the books with my daughter and found them fairly entertaining. It's no Harry Potter series, but the premise is clever, the characters are good, the dialog is funny.

But the movie, ugghhh. Seriously, couldn't a best selling series have commanded better screenplays, better effects, better... everything??

Usually my problem with books made into movies is they are not true to the story, not deep enough, the casting seems off, but this movie (and I'm guessing the first one was no better) is just so poorly written.

So what movies have let you down?

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The Hangover II. The first I found hilarious. But they just took what worked in the first movie, repeated it a thousand times, and made it more extreme. Utter garbage.

Oh and The Hobbit. Don't get me wrong, the movie wasn't bad, and I actually found it fun, but I entered the theater with LotR expectations, and it didn't deliver. At least for the sequel my standards will be lower walking in, so I can appreciate it for what it is.

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The Bourne Legacy- Tony Gilroy is at his worst here. He completely wastes Renner in the movie and ends up trying to tell a very simple story in a fairly complicated way. Disappointing mainly because the three Bourne films ( especially the first two) were quite good. I

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Watchmen. People asked me what I thought about it later, I just said "It was long."

I had a similar reaction to The Hobbit. IMO, that should have been two movies instead of three. There's just not nine hours of material there to begin with. I can read the book in about 6-7 hours without pushing myself too hard.

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Biggest one was Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. After that a bit of me died and no movie could let me down in quite as big a way, though many did to a lesser effect:

The other Star Wars prequels.

Matrix Sequels

Spiderman 3

Man of Steel

Dark Knight Rises

Transformers movies

I'm sure there were many others, but I figure I should stop trying to recall as I'm on the verge of wanting to go to bed and weep.

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Heat. What a dull unengaging film.

The dialogue in Heat could perhaps be described as unengaging, a little "on the nose". But to assess the whole movie this way, I'm struggling to understand. Were you watching a ten-inch screen from across a large room, were you distracted, or do you have poor eyesight?

ETA: the other two movies you mentioned are actually bad. I can only assume someone talked up Heat too much (as I am tempted to do now) and it failed to meet heightened expectations. I saw Heat three times in the theater. It has the best-staged gunfight in cinema history, for one.

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Crash- It just seemed like it tried way too hard or something. I can't believe it won best picture that year(not that it means anything).

Lost in Translation- Boring and I just didn't enjoy it at all.

Ghost Rider- This was disappointing because GR was one of my favorite comics growing up and the trailer looked good. It blew.

Iron Man 3- Everything about it sucked. Weird.

* a few months ago this list would've included Blader Runner, but after a recent 2nd viewing I enjoyed it much more. I once said it was overrated on another thread and people jumped all over me. I don't know if it deserves the classic movie status it gets but I appreciate it more.

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First one that popped to mind was Prometheus...I mean it looked like five yo wrote the script...nothing made sense,chsracters were bleh everything was pointless

I agree wholeheartedly with Watchmen...let's blow the bomb up...no let's not...we gonna tell the world...no we're not...yeah we are...oh just finish the movie and burn the copy please....my eyes still hurt

Hangover III never should have happened...

Troy...they butchered it...it has little to nothing to do with the original.

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Most recently: The World's End.

It's a l-o-n-g way behind the first two in humour and creativity. It just feels so much as if they made it because they thought they should rather than actually wanting to. A terrible shame. :(

Prometheus - looks pretty but just awful storytelling and editing

The Dark Knight Rises - I left the cinema with very little to say about the film and I've barely thought about it since, which is a 180 compared to my response to the first two films

Matrix sequels - which is the one with the hilariously bad elongated sex scene? I don't know. Just awful. The third is so bad I forgot I'd even seen it and asked a friend to stick the dvd on, 40 minutes in I realised I'd seen it before and switched it off. EURGH

Star Wars prequels - they really are the quintessential answer to 'disappointing film?' aren't they.

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Anyone else thought Prometheus just was a new version of Alien? It's basically just a copy of it.

By the way, Alien did dissappoint me. It is so talked about, but it wasn't scary or had a really good story. The concept is good though. I think it is decent, but my brother even thought it was downright bad.

Deer Hunter. It has one of the best scenes in cinema history. Towards the end with Walken and DeNiro, but the rest of the movie was both boring and unengaging.

The Master. The writer/director of Boogie Nights and Magnolia made this, which I'm actually tempted to call a piece of crap.

Django Unchained. I wasn't dissappointed by the movie as a whole, because I think it's a pretty good movie. But the ending with Django facing off against 15 guys and the very ending where he blows up the house, it is just too silly and too over the top. I know it's intended, but I just find it a bit too much.

Killing Them Softly. Brad Pitt and James Gandolfini playing two hitmen, and they still managed to make the whole movie just kame and boring and completely uninteresting.

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I know that this movie has been talked about quite a bit already. But if we are going down movies that disappoint. It has to be mentioned.

The Last Air Bender.

It took rich story, places and characters. And turned it into a joke.

When I heard that it was being made into a movie I rejoiced. When I read that M. Night Shyamalan was involved. I was nervous but given I have love for a few of his other movies. Still hopeful. After all how can anyone mess up something that serves up some great material on a silver platter.

What we got was

Disappointed doesn't quite cover it.

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Bridesmaids. I know I've mentioned this on the board before, but after all the reviews I was expecting a crude and witty farce full of knob gags and a feelgood ending, which at the time I was hoping would cheer me up. Instead I got a bleak and depressing movie about one lonely woman's spiral into depression and failure (with a couple of knob gags), it was fucking awful.

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By the way, Alien did dissappoint me. It is so talked about, but it wasn't scary or had a really good story. The concept is good though. I think it is decent, but my brother even thought it was downright bad.
What? You're making no sense there.
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